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1import numpy as np 

2from matplotlib import pyplot as plt 

3from pylab import rcParams 



6def plot_buoyancy(cwd=''): 

7 """ 

8 Plotting routine for the cross section of the buoyancy 


10 Args: 

11 cwd (string): current working directory 

12 """ 


14 xx = np.load(cwd + 'data/xaxis.npy') 

15 uend = np.load(cwd + 'data/sdc.npy') 

16 udirk = np.load(cwd + 'data/dirk.npy') 

17 uimex = np.load(cwd + 'data/rkimex.npy') 

18 uref = np.load(cwd + 'data/uref.npy') 

19 usplit = np.load(cwd + 'data/split.npy') 


21 err_split = np.linalg.norm(usplit.flatten() - uref.flatten(), np.inf) / np.linalg.norm(uref.flatten(), np.inf) 

22 err_dirk = np.linalg.norm(udirk.flatten() - uref.flatten(), np.inf) / np.linalg.norm(uref.flatten(), np.inf) 

23 err_imex = np.linalg.norm(uimex.flatten() - uref.flatten(), np.inf) / np.linalg.norm(uref.flatten(), np.inf) 

24 err_sdc = np.linalg.norm(uend.flatten() - uref.flatten(), np.inf) / np.linalg.norm(uref.flatten(), np.inf) 


26 assert err_split < 4.821e-02, 'ERROR: split error is too high, got %s' % err_split 

27 assert err_dirk < 1.495e-01, 'ERROR: dirk error is too high, got %s' % err_dirk 

28 assert err_imex < 1.305e-01, 'ERROR: imex error is too high, got %s' % err_imex 

29 assert err_sdc < 9.548e-02, 'ERROR: sdc error is too high, got %s' % err_sdc 


31 print("Estimated discretisation error split explicit: %5.3e" % err_split) 

32 print("Estimated discretisation error of DIRK: %5.3e" % err_dirk) 

33 print("Estimated discretisation error of RK-IMEX: %5.3e" % err_imex) 

34 print("Estimated discretisation error of SDC: %5.3e" % err_sdc) 


36 fs = 8 

37 rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 5.0, 2.5 

38 plt.figure() 

39 plt.plot(xx[:, 5], udirk[2, :, 5], '--', color='g', markersize=fs - 2, label='DIRK(4)', dashes=(3, 3)) 

40 plt.plot(xx[:, 5], uend[2, :, 5], '-', color='b', label='SDC(4)') 

41 plt.plot(xx[:, 5], uimex[2, :, 5], '--', color='r', markersize=fs - 2, label='IMEX(4)', dashes=(3, 3)) 

42 plt.legend(loc='lower left', fontsize=fs, prop={'size': fs}) 

43 plt.yticks(fontsize=fs) 

44 plt.xticks(fontsize=fs) 

45 plt.xlabel('x [km]', fontsize=fs, labelpad=0) 

46 plt.ylabel('Bouyancy', fontsize=fs, labelpad=1) 

47 filename = 'data/boussinesq.png' 

48 plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight') 



51if __name__ == "__main__": 

52 plot_buoyancy()