Bylaws of the Parallel-in-Time Integration Workshop Series

Duties of the scientific committee

  1. The scientific committee of the Parallel-in-Time Integration Workshops series (“PinT” workshops) is a non-profit organization. It is responsible for the organization of the workshop series in order to promote the topic of parallel-in-time integration.
  2. The scientific committee shall strive to organize workshops annually. It is responsible for deciding where the workshops will be held and shall assist the local organizing committee. The committee is free in deciding the procedure in which it solicits applications. Upcoming workshop shall be announced on in due time.
  3. The structure, schedule and specific organization of a workshop is decided by the local organizers in close consultation with the scientific committee.
  4. The scientific committee decides matters by simple majority.
  5. The scientific committee shall keep proper documentation of its decisions.

Structure and election of the scientific committee

  1. The scientific committee consists of 7 members.
  2. Each member serves for a period of four workshops, that is roughly for four years (see point 2 in Duties of the scientific committee).
  3. Each member can be re-elected once. After this, he or she has to wait for a period of at least two workshops before becoming eligible for election again.
  4. After a workshop, the positions of committee members that have completed their four workshop term (see point 2) become open for election. Therefore, three or four positions will be open for election after every second workshop (see one-time addendum). In addition, positions opening by early resignation of committee members also become open for election.
  5. The electorate consists of all participants of the previous three workshops: It is the local organizer’s responsibility to create and keep safely a list of participants and to provide this list to the scientific committee on request.
  6. Every member of the electorate is eligible to vote and eligible to be a candidate in the election.
  7. Before or at each workshop, the scientific committee has to check if positions will become open (see point 4). If so, the committee has to select two members from the electorate to form the voting committee. These members are neither allowed to be candidates in this election nor current members of the scientific committee. It is the responsibility of the voting committee to organize the vote within four weeks after the workshop through an appropriate online voting system of their choice (see point 9). In particular, the responsibility of the voting committee includes guaranteeing that only members of the electorate can cast votes.
  8. Members of the electorate can become candidates by a simple announcement to the scientific committee or the voting committee. It is the responsibility of the candidate to provide further information about him- or herself to the electorate if so desired. Candidacy for the post-workshop election has to be announced to the voting committee before the closing of the workshop.
  9. Each member of the electorate has as many votes as there are open positions in the scientific committee to fill. Each member can assign a maximum of one vote for each candidate. The voting committee informs the electorate in detail about the outcome of the election.
  10. Elections shall be held within four weeks after a workshop through an online voting system chosen by the voting committee. An appropriate example is The voting systems must satisfy these conditions: a. privacy - each vote shall be anonymized b. uniqueness - members of the electorate shall have exactly one vote per open position c. free-of-charge - the voting system shall be free of charge for the electorate

One-time addendum for election of first SC

In order to assure continuity in the work of the scientific committee, from the initially appointed members three shall resign already after two workshops (approximately two years) and their positions are to be reassigned to new members. This will result in a staggered reelection where in every year three or four committee member will be replaced. In case the scientific committee cannot decide on these three members, three members are to be chosen by lot.