What is the fastest SDC variant?

In this project, we test different variants of SDC for a particular problem to see which one is the fastest. More precisely, we run SDC for the 1D Fisher equation and the 2D Gray-Scott problem with PETSc data types and solvers, using fully implicit, semi-implicit and multi-implicit time-stepping. We also test exact spatial solves vs. inexact ones (aka inexact SDC, ISDC)

Fisher and Gray-Scott equations

The two run scripts simply test all variants of SDC after the other, each of them exact and then inexact. The results are gathered, stored and shown in comparison. Note that on standard machines the inexact semi-implicit variant wins each time (may be different for the CI testing).

Full code: pySDC/projects/SDC_showdown/SDC_timing_Fisher.py

import os
import pickle

import numpy as np

import pySDC.helpers.plot_helper as plt_helper
from pySDC.helpers.stats_helper import get_sorted

from pySDC.implementations.controller_classes.controller_nonMPI import controller_nonMPI
from pySDC.implementations.problem_classes.GeneralizedFisher_1D_PETSc import (
from pySDC.implementations.sweeper_classes.generic_implicit import generic_implicit
from pySDC.implementations.sweeper_classes.imex_1st_order import imex_1st_order
from pySDC.implementations.sweeper_classes.multi_implicit import multi_implicit

def setup_parameters():
    Helper routine to fill in all relevant parameters

    Note that this file will be used for all versions of SDC, containing more than necessary for each individual run

        description (dict)
        controller_params (dict)

    # initialize level parameters
    level_params = dict()
    level_params['restol'] = 1e-06
    level_params['dt'] = 0.25
    level_params['nsweeps'] = [1]

    # initialize sweeper parameters
    sweeper_params = dict()
    sweeper_params['quad_type'] = 'RADAU-RIGHT'
    sweeper_params['num_nodes'] = [3]
    sweeper_params['Q1'] = ['LU']
    sweeper_params['Q2'] = ['LU']
    sweeper_params['QI'] = ['LU']
    sweeper_params['initial_guess'] = 'zero'

    # initialize problem parameters
    problem_params = dict()
    problem_params['nu'] = 1
    problem_params['nvars'] = 2049
    problem_params['lambda0'] = 2.0
    problem_params['interval'] = (-50, 50)
    problem_params['nlsol_tol'] = 1e-10
    problem_params['nlsol_maxiter'] = 100
    problem_params['lsol_tol'] = 1e-10
    problem_params['lsol_maxiter'] = 100

    # initialize step parameters
    step_params = dict()
    step_params['maxiter'] = 50

    # initialize space transfer parameters
    # space_transfer_params = dict()
    # space_transfer_params['finter'] = True

    # initialize controller parameters
    controller_params = dict()
    controller_params['logger_level'] = 30

    # fill description dictionary for easy step instantiation
    description = dict()
    description['problem_class'] = None  # pass problem class
    description['problem_params'] = problem_params  # pass problem parameters
    description['sweeper_class'] = None  # pass sweeper (see part B)
    description['sweeper_params'] = sweeper_params  # pass sweeper parameters
    description['level_params'] = level_params  # pass level parameters
    description['step_params'] = step_params  # pass step parameters
    # description['space_transfer_class'] = mesh_to_mesh_petsc_dmda  # pass spatial transfer class
    # description['space_transfer_params'] = space_transfer_params  # pass paramters for spatial transfer

    return description, controller_params

def run_SDC_variant(variant=None, inexact=False):
    Routine to run particular SDC variant

        variant (str): string describing the variant
        inexact (bool): flag to use inexact nonlinear solve (or nor)

        timing (float)
        niter (float)

    # load (incomplete) default parameters
    description, controller_params = setup_parameters()

    # add stuff based on variant
    if variant == 'fully-implicit':
        description['problem_class'] = petsc_fisher_fullyimplicit
        description['sweeper_class'] = generic_implicit
    elif variant == 'semi-implicit':
        description['problem_class'] = petsc_fisher_semiimplicit
        description['sweeper_class'] = imex_1st_order
    elif variant == 'multi-implicit':
        description['problem_class'] = petsc_fisher_multiimplicit
        description['sweeper_class'] = multi_implicit
        raise NotImplementedError('Wrong variant specified, got %s' % variant)

    if inexact:
        description['problem_params']['nlsol_maxiter'] = 1
        out = 'Working on inexact %s variant...' % variant
        out = 'Working on exact %s variant...' % variant

    # set time parameters
    t0 = 0.0
    Tend = 1.0

    # instantiate controller
    controller = controller_nonMPI(num_procs=1, controller_params=controller_params, description=description)

    # get initial values on finest level
    P = controller.MS[0].levels[0].prob
    uinit = P.u_exact(t0)

    # call main function to get things done...
    uend, stats = controller.run(u0=uinit, t0=t0, Tend=Tend)

    # compute exact solution and compare
    uex = P.u_exact(Tend)
    err = abs(uex - uend)

    # filter statistics by variant (number of iterations)
    iter_counts = get_sorted(stats, type='niter', sortby='time')

    # compute and print statistics
    niters = np.array([item[1] for item in iter_counts])
    out = '   Mean number of iterations: %4.2f' % np.mean(niters)
    out = '   Range of values for number of iterations: %2i ' % np.ptp(niters)
    out = '   Position of max/min number of iterations: %2i -- %2i' % (int(np.argmax(niters)), int(np.argmin(niters)))
    out = '   Std and var for number of iterations: %4.2f -- %4.2f' % (float(np.std(niters)), float(np.var(niters)))

    print('Iteration count (nonlinear/linear): %i / %i' % (P.snes_itercount, P.ksp_itercount))
        'Mean Iteration count per call: %4.2f / %4.2f'
        % (P.snes_itercount / max(P.snes_ncalls, 1), P.ksp_itercount / max(P.ksp_ncalls, 1))

    timing = get_sorted(stats, type='timing_run', sortby='time')

    print('Time to solution: %6.4f sec.' % timing[0][1])
    print('Error vs. PDE solution: %6.4e' % err)

    assert err < 9.2e-05, 'ERROR: variant %s did not match error tolerance, got %s' % (variant, err)
    assert np.mean(niters) <= 10, 'ERROR: number of iterations is too high, got %s' % np.mean(niters)

    return timing[0][1], np.mean(niters)

def show_results(fname):
    Plotting routine

        fname: file name to read in and name plots

    file = open(fname + '.pkl', 'rb')
    results = pickle.load(file)


    plt_helper.newfig(textwidth=238.96, scale=1.0)

    xcoords = list(range(len(results)))
    sorted_data = sorted([(key, results[key][0]) for key in results], reverse=True, key=lambda tup: tup[1])
    heights = [item[1] for item in sorted_data]
    keys = [(item[0][1] + ' ' + item[0][0]).replace('-', '\n') for item in sorted_data]

    plt_helper.plt.bar(xcoords, heights, align='center')

    plt_helper.plt.xticks(xcoords, keys, rotation=90)
    plt_helper.plt.ylabel('time (sec)')

    # save plot, beautify

    assert os.path.isfile(fname + '.pdf'), 'ERROR: plotting did not create PDF file'
    # assert os.path.isfile(fname + '.pgf'), 'ERROR: plotting did not create PGF file'
    assert os.path.isfile(fname + '.png'), 'ERROR: plotting did not create PNG file'

    return None

def main(cwd=''):
    Main driver

        cwd (str): current working directory (need this for testing)

    # Loop over variants, exact and inexact solves
    results = {}
    for variant in ['fully-implicit', 'multi-implicit', 'semi-implicit']:
        results[(variant, 'exact')] = run_SDC_variant(variant=variant, inexact=False)
        results[(variant, 'inexact')] = run_SDC_variant(variant=variant, inexact=True)

    # dump result
    fname = cwd + 'data/timings_SDC_variants_Fisher'
    file = open(fname + '.pkl', 'wb')
    pickle.dump(results, file)
    assert os.path.isfile(fname + '.pkl'), 'ERROR: pickle did not create file'

    # visualize

if __name__ == "__main__":



Full code: pySDC/projects/SDC_showdown/SDC_timing_GrayScott.py

import os
import pickle

import numpy as np
from petsc4py import PETSc

import pySDC.helpers.plot_helper as plt_helper
from pySDC.helpers.stats_helper import get_sorted

from pySDC.implementations.controller_classes.controller_nonMPI import controller_nonMPI
from pySDC.implementations.problem_classes.GrayScott_2D_PETSc_periodic import (
from pySDC.implementations.sweeper_classes.generic_implicit import generic_implicit
from pySDC.implementations.sweeper_classes.imex_1st_order import imex_1st_order
from pySDC.implementations.sweeper_classes.multi_implicit import multi_implicit

def setup_parameters():
    Helper routine to fill in all relevant parameters

    Note that this file will be used for all versions of SDC, containing more than necessary for each individual run

        description (dict)
        controller_params (dict)

    # initialize level parameters
    level_params = dict()
    level_params['restol'] = 1e-08
    level_params['dt'] = 1.0
    level_params['nsweeps'] = [1]

    # initialize sweeper parameters
    sweeper_params = dict()
    sweeper_params['quad_type'] = 'RADAU-RIGHT'
    sweeper_params['num_nodes'] = [3]
    sweeper_params['Q1'] = ['LU']
    sweeper_params['Q2'] = ['LU']
    sweeper_params['QI'] = ['LU']
    sweeper_params['initial_guess'] = 'zero'

    # initialize problem parameters
    problem_params = dict()
    problem_params['Du'] = 1.0
    problem_params['Dv'] = 0.01
    problem_params['A'] = 0.09
    problem_params['B'] = 0.086
    problem_params['nvars'] = [(128, 128)]
    problem_params['nlsol_tol'] = 1e-10
    problem_params['nlsol_maxiter'] = 100
    problem_params['lsol_tol'] = 1e-10
    problem_params['lsol_maxiter'] = 100

    # initialize step parameters
    step_params = dict()
    step_params['maxiter'] = 50

    # initialize space transfer parameters
    # space_transfer_params = dict()
    # space_transfer_params['finter'] = True

    # initialize controller parameters
    controller_params = dict()
    controller_params['logger_level'] = 30

    # fill description dictionary for easy step instantiation
    description = dict()
    description['problem_class'] = None  # pass problem class
    description['problem_params'] = problem_params  # pass problem parameters
    description['sweeper_class'] = None  # pass sweeper (see part B)
    description['sweeper_params'] = sweeper_params  # pass sweeper parameters
    description['level_params'] = level_params  # pass level parameters
    description['step_params'] = step_params  # pass step parameters
    # description['space_transfer_class'] = mesh_to_mesh_petsc_dmda  # pass spatial transfer class
    # description['space_transfer_params'] = space_transfer_params  # pass paramters for spatial transfer

    return description, controller_params

def run_SDC_variant(variant=None, inexact=False, cwd=''):
    Routine to run particular SDC variant

        variant (str): string describing the variant
        inexact (bool): flag to use inexact nonlinear solve (or nor)
        cwd (str): current working directory

        timing (float)
        niter (float)

    # load (incomplete) default parameters
    description, controller_params = setup_parameters()

    # add stuff based on variant
    if variant == 'fully-implicit':
        description['problem_class'] = petsc_grayscott_fullyimplicit
        description['sweeper_class'] = generic_implicit
    elif variant == 'semi-implicit':
        description['problem_class'] = petsc_grayscott_semiimplicit
        description['sweeper_class'] = imex_1st_order
    elif variant == 'multi-implicit':
        description['problem_class'] = petsc_grayscott_multiimplicit
        description['sweeper_class'] = multi_implicit
        raise NotImplementedError('Wrong variant specified, got %s' % variant)

    if inexact:
        description['problem_params']['lsol_maxiter'] = 2
        description['problem_params']['nlsol_maxiter'] = 1
        out = 'Working on inexact %s variant...' % variant
        out = 'Working on exact %s variant...' % variant

    # set time parameters
    t0 = 0.0
    Tend = 1.0

    # instantiate controller
    controller = controller_nonMPI(num_procs=1, controller_params=controller_params, description=description)

    # get initial values on finest level
    P = controller.MS[0].levels[0].prob
    uinit = P.u_exact(t0)

    # call main function to get things done...
    uend, stats = controller.run(u0=uinit, t0=t0, Tend=Tend)

    # load reference solution to compare with
    fname = cwd + 'data/GS_reference.dat'
    viewer = PETSc.Viewer().createBinary(fname, 'r')
    uex = P.u_exact(t0)
    uex[:] = PETSc.Vec().load(viewer)
    err = abs(uex - uend)

    # filter statistics by variant (number of iterations)
    iter_counts = get_sorted(stats, type='niter', sortby='time')

    # compute and print statistics
    niters = np.array([item[1] for item in iter_counts])
    out = '   Mean number of iterations: %4.2f' % np.mean(niters)
    out = '   Range of values for number of iterations: %2i ' % np.ptp(niters)
    out = '   Position of max/min number of iterations: %2i -- %2i' % (int(np.argmax(niters)), int(np.argmin(niters)))
    out = '   Std and var for number of iterations: %4.2f -- %4.2f' % (float(np.std(niters)), float(np.var(niters)))

    print('Iteration count (nonlinear/linear): %i / %i' % (P.snes_itercount, P.ksp_itercount))
        'Mean Iteration count per call: %4.2f / %4.2f'
        % (P.snes_itercount / max(P.snes_ncalls, 1), P.ksp_itercount / max(P.ksp_ncalls, 1))

    timing = get_sorted(stats, type='timing_run', sortby='time')

    print('Time to solution: %6.4f sec.' % timing[0][1])
    print('Error vs. reference solution: %6.4e' % err)

    assert err < 3e-06, 'ERROR: variant %s did not match error tolerance, got %s' % (variant, err)
    assert np.mean(niters) <= 10, 'ERROR: number of iterations is too high, got %s' % np.mean(niters)

    return timing[0][1], np.mean(niters)

def show_results(fname):
    Plotting routine

        fname: file name to read in and name plots

    file = open(fname + '.pkl', 'rb')
    results = pickle.load(file)


    plt_helper.newfig(textwidth=238.96, scale=1.0)

    xcoords = list(range(len(results)))
    sorted_data = sorted([(key, results[key][0]) for key in results], reverse=True, key=lambda tup: tup[1])
    heights = [item[1] for item in sorted_data]
    keys = [(item[0][1] + ' ' + item[0][0]).replace('-', '\n') for item in sorted_data]

    plt_helper.plt.bar(xcoords, heights, align='center')

    plt_helper.plt.xticks(xcoords, keys, rotation=90)
    plt_helper.plt.ylabel('time (sec)')

    # save plot, beautify

    assert os.path.isfile(fname + '.pdf'), 'ERROR: plotting did not create PDF file'
    # assert os.path.isfile(fname + '.pgf'), 'ERROR: plotting did not create PGF file'
    assert os.path.isfile(fname + '.png'), 'ERROR: plotting did not create PNG file'

    return None

def run_reference():
    Helper routine to create a reference solution using very high order SDC and small time-steps

    description, controller_params = setup_parameters()

    description['problem_class'] = petsc_grayscott_semiimplicit
    description['sweeper_class'] = imex_1st_order
    description['sweeper_params']['num_nodes'] = 9
    description['level_params']['dt'] = 0.01

    # set time parameters
    t0 = 0.0
    Tend = 1.0

    # instantiate controller
    controller = controller_nonMPI(num_procs=1, controller_params=controller_params, description=description)

    # get initial values on finest level
    P = controller.MS[0].levels[0].prob
    uinit = P.u_exact(t0)

    # call main function to get things done...
    uend, stats = controller.run(u0=uinit, t0=t0, Tend=Tend)

    # filter statistics by variant (number of iterations)
    iter_counts = get_sorted(stats, type='niter', sortby='time')

    # compute and print statistics
    niters = np.array([item[1] for item in iter_counts])
    out = '   Mean number of iterations: %4.2f' % np.mean(niters)
    out = '   Range of values for number of iterations: %2i ' % np.ptp(niters)
    out = '   Position of max/min number of iterations: %2i -- %2i' % (int(np.argmax(niters)), int(np.argmin(niters)))
    out = '   Std and var for number of iterations: %4.2f -- %4.2f' % (float(np.std(niters)), float(np.var(niters)))

    print('Iteration count (nonlinear/linear): %i / %i' % (P.snes_itercount, P.ksp_itercount))
        'Mean Iteration count per call: %4.2f / %4.2f'
        % (P.snes_itercount / max(P.snes_ncalls, 1), P.ksp_itercount / max(P.ksp_ncalls, 1))

    timing = get_sorted(stats, type='timing_run', sortby='time')

    print('Time to solution: %6.4f sec.' % timing[0][1])

    fname = 'data/GS_reference.dat'
    viewer = PETSc.Viewer().createBinary(fname, 'w')

    assert os.path.isfile(fname), 'ERROR: PETSc did not create file'

    return None

def main(cwd=''):
    Main driver

        cwd (str): current working directory (need this for testing)

    # Loop over variants, exact and inexact solves
    results = {}
    for variant in ['fully-implicit', 'multi-implicit', 'semi-implicit']:
        results[(variant, 'exact')] = run_SDC_variant(variant=variant, inexact=False, cwd=cwd)
        results[(variant, 'inexact')] = run_SDC_variant(variant=variant, inexact=True, cwd=cwd)

    # dump result
    fname = 'data/timings_SDC_variants_GrayScott'
    file = open(fname + '.pkl', 'wb')
    pickle.dump(results, file)
    assert os.path.isfile(fname + '.pkl'), 'ERROR: pickle did not create file'

    # visualize

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # run_reference()

