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1import numpy as np
2from mpi4py import MPI
4from pySDC.implementations.problem_classes.generic_spectral import GenericSpectralLinear
5from pySDC.implementations.datatype_classes.mesh import mesh, imex_mesh
6from pySDC.core.convergence_controller import ConvergenceController
7from pySDC.core.hooks import Hooks
8from pySDC.implementations.convergence_controller_classes.check_convergence import CheckConvergence
11class RayleighBenard(GenericSpectralLinear):
12 """
13 Rayleigh-Benard Convection is a variation of incompressible Navier-Stokes.
15 The equations we solve are
17 u_x + v_z = 0
18 T_t - kappa (T_xx + T_zz) = -uT_x - vT_z
19 u_t - nu (u_xx + u_zz) + p_x = -uu_x - vu_z
20 v_t - nu (v_xx + v_zz) + p_z - T = -uv_x - vv_z
22 with u the horizontal velocity, v the vertical velocity (in z-direction), T the temperature, p the pressure, indices
23 denoting derivatives, kappa=(Rayleigh * Prandl)**(-1/2) and nu = (Rayleigh / Prandl)**(-1/2). Everything on the left
24 hand side, that is the viscous part, the pressure gradient and the buoyancy due to temperature are treated
25 implicitly, while the non-linear convection part on the right hand side is integrated explicitly.
27 The domain, vertical boundary conditions and pressure gauge are
29 Omega = [0, 8) x (-1, 1)
30 T(z=+1) = 0
31 T(z=-1) = 2
32 u(z=+-1) = v(z=+-1) = 0
33 integral over p = 0
35 The spectral discretization uses FFT horizontally, implying periodic BCs, and an ultraspherical method vertically to
36 facilitate the Dirichlet BCs.
38 Parameters:
39 Prandl (float): Prandl number
40 Rayleigh (float): Rayleigh number
41 nx (int): Horizontal resolution
42 nz (int): Vertical resolution
43 BCs (dict): Can specify boundary conditions here
44 dealiasing (float): Dealiasing factor for evaluating the non-linear part
45 comm (mpi4py.Intracomm): Space communicator
46 """
48 dtype_u = mesh
49 dtype_f = imex_mesh
51 def __init__(
52 self,
53 Prandl=1,
54 Rayleigh=2e6,
55 nx=256,
56 nz=64,
57 BCs=None,
58 dealiasing=3 / 2,
59 comm=None,
60 **kwargs,
61 ):
62 """
63 Constructor. `kwargs` are forwarded to parent class constructor.
65 Args:
66 Prandl (float): Prandtl number
67 Rayleigh (float): Rayleigh number
68 nx (int): Resolution in x-direction
69 nz (int): Resolution in z direction
70 BCs (dict): Vertical boundary conditions
71 dealiasing (float): Dealiasing for evaluating the non-linear part in real space
72 comm (mpi4py.Intracomm): Space communicator
73 """
74 BCs = {} if BCs is None else BCs
75 BCs = {
76 'T_top': 0,
77 'T_bottom': 2,
78 'v_top': 0,
79 'v_bottom': 0,
80 'u_top': 0,
81 'u_bottom': 0,
82 'p_integral': 0,
83 **BCs,
84 }
85 if comm is None:
86 try:
87 from mpi4py import MPI
89 comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
90 except ModuleNotFoundError:
91 pass
92 self._makeAttributeAndRegister(
93 'Prandl',
94 'Rayleigh',
95 'nx',
96 'nz',
97 'BCs',
98 'dealiasing',
99 'comm',
100 localVars=locals(),
101 readOnly=True,
102 )
104 bases = [{'base': 'fft', 'N': nx, 'x0': 0, 'x1': 8}, {'base': 'ultraspherical', 'N': nz}]
105 components = ['u', 'v', 'T', 'p']
106 super().__init__(bases, components, comm=comm, **kwargs)
108 self.Z, self.X = self.get_grid()
109 self.Kz, self.Kx = self.get_wavenumbers()
111 # construct 2D matrices
112 Dzz = self.get_differentiation_matrix(axes=(1,), p=2)
113 Dz = self.get_differentiation_matrix(axes=(1,))
114 Dx = self.get_differentiation_matrix(axes=(0,))
115 Dxx = self.get_differentiation_matrix(axes=(0,), p=2)
116 Id = self.get_Id()
118 S1 = self.get_basis_change_matrix(p_out=0, p_in=1)
119 S2 = self.get_basis_change_matrix(p_out=0, p_in=2)
121 U01 = self.get_basis_change_matrix(p_in=0, p_out=1)
122 U12 = self.get_basis_change_matrix(p_in=1, p_out=2)
123 U02 = self.get_basis_change_matrix(p_in=0, p_out=2)
125 self.Dx = Dx
126 self.Dxx = Dxx
127 self.Dz = S1 @ Dz
128 self.Dzz = S2 @ Dzz
130 kappa = (Rayleigh * Prandl) ** (-1 / 2.0)
131 nu = (Rayleigh / Prandl) ** (-1 / 2.0)
133 # construct operators
134 L_lhs = {
135 'p': {'u': U01 @ Dx, 'v': Dz}, # divergence free constraint
136 'u': {'p': U02 @ Dx, 'u': -nu * (U02 @ Dxx + Dzz)},
137 'v': {'p': U12 @ Dz, 'v': -nu * (U02 @ Dxx + Dzz), 'T': -U02 @ Id},
138 'T': {'T': -kappa * (U02 @ Dxx + Dzz)},
139 }
140 self.setup_L(L_lhs)
142 # mass matrix
143 M_lhs = {i: {i: U02 @ Id} for i in ['u', 'v', 'T']}
144 self.setup_M(M_lhs)
146 # Prepare going from second (first for divergence free equation) derivative basis back to Chebychov-T
147 self.base_change = self._setup_operator({**{comp: {comp: S2} for comp in ['u', 'v', 'T']}, 'p': {'p': S1}})
149 # BCs
150 self.add_BC(
151 component='p', equation='p', axis=1, v=self.BCs['p_integral'], kind='integral', line=-1, scalar=True
152 )
153 self.add_BC(component='T', equation='T', axis=1, x=-1, v=self.BCs['T_bottom'], kind='Dirichlet', line=-1)
154 self.add_BC(component='T', equation='T', axis=1, x=1, v=self.BCs['T_top'], kind='Dirichlet', line=-2)
155 self.add_BC(component='v', equation='v', axis=1, x=1, v=self.BCs['v_top'], kind='Dirichlet', line=-1)
156 self.add_BC(component='v', equation='v', axis=1, x=-1, v=self.BCs['v_bottom'], kind='Dirichlet', line=-2)
157 self.remove_BC(component='v', equation='v', axis=1, x=-1, kind='Dirichlet', line=-2, scalar=True)
158 self.add_BC(component='u', equation='u', axis=1, v=self.BCs['u_top'], x=1, kind='Dirichlet', line=-2)
159 self.add_BC(
160 component='u',
161 equation='u',
162 axis=1,
163 v=self.BCs['u_bottom'],
164 x=-1,
165 kind='Dirichlet',
166 line=-1,
167 )
169 # eliminate Nyquist mode if needed
170 if nx % 2 == 0:
171 Nyquist_mode_index = self.axes[0].get_Nyquist_mode_index()
172 for component in self.components:
173 self.add_BC(
174 component=component, equation=component, axis=0, kind='Nyquist', line=int(Nyquist_mode_index), v=0
175 )
176 self.setup_BCs()
178 def eval_f(self, u, *args, **kwargs):
179 f = self.f_init
181 if self.spectral_space:
182 u_hat = u.copy()
183 else:
184 u_hat = self.transform(u)
186 f_impl_hat = self.u_init_forward
188 Dz = self.Dz
189 Dx = self.Dx
191 iu, iv, iT, ip = self.index(['u', 'v', 'T', 'p'])
193 # evaluate implicit terms
194 if not hasattr(self, '_L_T_base'):
195 self._L_T_base = self.base_change @ self.L
196 f_impl_hat = -(self._L_T_base @ u_hat.flatten()).reshape(u_hat.shape)
198 if self.spectral_space:
199 f.impl[:] = f_impl_hat
200 else:
201 f.impl[:] = self.itransform(f_impl_hat).real
203 # -------------------------------------------
204 # treat convection explicitly with dealiasing
206 # start by computing derivatives
207 if not hasattr(self, '_Dx_expanded') or not hasattr(self, '_Dz_expanded'):
208 self._Dx_expanded = self._setup_operator({'u': {'u': Dx}, 'v': {'v': Dx}, 'T': {'T': Dx}, 'p': {}})
209 self._Dz_expanded = self._setup_operator({'u': {'u': Dz}, 'v': {'v': Dz}, 'T': {'T': Dz}, 'p': {}})
210 Dx_u_hat = (self._Dx_expanded @ u_hat.flatten()).reshape(u_hat.shape)
211 Dz_u_hat = (self._Dz_expanded @ u_hat.flatten()).reshape(u_hat.shape)
213 padding = [self.dealiasing, self.dealiasing]
214 Dx_u_pad = self.itransform(Dx_u_hat, padding=padding).real
215 Dz_u_pad = self.itransform(Dz_u_hat, padding=padding).real
216 u_pad = self.itransform(u_hat, padding=padding).real
218 fexpl_pad = self.xp.zeros_like(u_pad)
219 fexpl_pad[iu][:] = -(u_pad[iu] * Dx_u_pad[iu] + u_pad[iv] * Dz_u_pad[iu])
220 fexpl_pad[iv][:] = -(u_pad[iu] * Dx_u_pad[iv] + u_pad[iv] * Dz_u_pad[iv])
221 fexpl_pad[iT][:] = -(u_pad[iu] * Dx_u_pad[iT] + u_pad[iv] * Dz_u_pad[iT])
223 if self.spectral_space:
224 f.expl[:] = self.transform(fexpl_pad, padding=padding)
225 else:
226 f.expl[:] = self.itransform(self.transform(fexpl_pad, padding=padding)).real
228 return f
230 def u_exact(self, t=0, noise_level=1e-3, seed=99):
231 assert t == 0
232 assert (
233 self.BCs['v_top'] == self.BCs['v_bottom']
234 ), 'Initial conditions are only implemented for zero velocity gradient'
236 me = self.spectral.u_init
237 iu, iv, iT, ip = self.index(['u', 'v', 'T', 'p'])
239 # linear temperature gradient
240 for comp in ['T', 'v', 'u']:
241 a = (self.BCs[f'{comp}_top'] - self.BCs[f'{comp}_bottom']) / 2
242 b = (self.BCs[f'{comp}_top'] + self.BCs[f'{comp}_bottom']) / 2
243 me[self.index(comp)] = a * self.Z + b
245 # perturb slightly
246 rng = self.xp.random.default_rng(seed=seed)
248 noise = self.spectral.u_init
249 noise[iT] = rng.random(size=me[iT].shape)
251 me[iT] += noise[iT].real * noise_level * (self.Z - 1) * (self.Z + 1)
253 if self.spectral_space:
254 me_hat = self.spectral.u_init_forward
255 me_hat[:] = self.transform(me)
256 return me_hat
257 else:
258 return me
260 def apply_BCs(self, sol):
261 """
262 Enforce the Dirichlet BCs at the top and bottom for arbitrary solution.
263 The function modifies the last two modes of u, v, and T in order to achieve this.
264 Note that the pressure is not modified here and the Nyquist mode is not altered either.
266 Args:
267 sol: Some solution that does not need to enforce boundary conditions
269 Returns:
270 Modified version of the solution that satisfies Dirichlet BCs.
271 """
272 ultraspherical = self.spectral.axes[-1]
274 if self.spectral_space:
275 sol_half_hat = self.itransform(sol, axes=(-2,))
276 else:
277 sol_half_hat = self.transform(sol, axes=(-1,))
279 BC_bottom = ultraspherical.get_BC(x=-1, kind='dirichlet')
280 BC_top = ultraspherical.get_BC(x=1, kind='dirichlet')
282 M = np.array([BC_top[-2:], BC_bottom[-2:]])
283 M_I = np.linalg.inv(M)
284 rhs = np.empty((2, self.nx), dtype=complex)
285 for component in ['u', 'v', 'T']:
286 i = self.index(component)
287 rhs[0] = self.BCs[f'{component}_top'] - self.xp.sum(sol_half_hat[i, :, :-2] * BC_top[:-2], axis=1)
288 rhs[1] = self.BCs[f'{component}_bottom'] - self.xp.sum(sol_half_hat[i, :, :-2] * BC_bottom[:-2], axis=1)
290 BC_vals = M_I @ rhs
292 sol_half_hat[i, :, -2:] = BC_vals.T
294 if self.spectral_space:
295 return self.transform(sol_half_hat, axes=(-2,))
296 else:
297 return self.itransform(sol_half_hat, axes=(-1,))
299 def get_fig(self): # pragma: no cover
300 """
301 Get a figure suitable to plot the solution of this problem
303 Returns
304 -------
305 self.fig : matplotlib.pyplot.figure.Figure
306 """
307 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
308 from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
310 plt.rcParams['figure.constrained_layout.use'] = True
311 self.fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=((10, 5)))
312 self.cax = []
313 divider = make_axes_locatable(axs[0])
314 self.cax += [divider.append_axes('right', size='3%', pad=0.03)]
315 divider2 = make_axes_locatable(axs[1])
316 self.cax += [divider2.append_axes('right', size='3%', pad=0.03)]
317 return self.fig
319 def plot(self, u, t=None, fig=None, quantity='T'): # pragma: no cover
320 r"""
321 Plot the solution.
323 Parameters
324 ----------
325 u : dtype_u
326 Solution to be plotted
327 t : float
328 Time to display at the top of the figure
329 fig : matplotlib.pyplot.figure.Figure
330 Figure with the same structure as a figure generated by `self.get_fig`. If none is supplied, a new figure will be generated.
331 quantity : (str)
332 quantity you want to plot
334 Returns
335 -------
336 None
337 """
338 fig = self.get_fig() if fig is None else fig
339 axs = fig.axes
341 imV = axs[1].pcolormesh(self.X, self.Z, self.compute_vorticity(u).real)
343 if self.spectral_space:
344 u = self.itransform(u)
346 imT = axs[0].pcolormesh(self.X, self.Z, u[self.index(quantity)].real)
348 for i, label in zip([0, 1], [rf'${quantity}$', 'vorticity']):
349 axs[i].set_aspect(1)
350 axs[i].set_title(label)
352 if t is not None:
353 fig.suptitle(f't = {t:.2f}')
354 axs[1].set_xlabel(r'$x$')
355 axs[1].set_ylabel(r'$z$')
356 fig.colorbar(imT, self.cax[0])
357 fig.colorbar(imV, self.cax[1])
359 def compute_vorticity(self, u):
360 if self.spectral_space:
361 u_hat = u.copy()
362 else:
363 u_hat = self.transform(u)
364 Dz = self.Dz
365 Dx = self.Dx
366 iu, iv = self.index(['u', 'v'])
368 vorticity_hat = self.spectral.u_init_forward
369 vorticity_hat[0] = (Dx * u_hat[iv].flatten() + Dz @ u_hat[iu].flatten()).reshape(u[iu].shape)
370 return self.itransform(vorticity_hat)[0].real
372 def compute_Nusselt_numbers(self, u):
373 """
374 Compute the various versions of the Nusselt number. This reflects the type of heat transport.
375 If the Nusselt number is equal to one, it indicates heat transport due to conduction. If it is larger,
376 advection is present.
377 Computing the Nusselt number at various places can be used to check the code.
379 Args:
380 u: The solution you want to compute the Nusselt numbers of
382 Returns:
383 dict: Nusselt number averaged over the entire volume and horizontally averaged at the top and bottom.
384 """
385 iv, iT = self.index(['v', 'T'])
387 DzT_hat = self.spectral.u_init_forward
389 if self.spectral_space:
390 u_hat = u.copy()
391 else:
392 u_hat = self.transform(u)
394 DzT_hat[iT] = (self.Dz @ u_hat[iT].flatten()).reshape(DzT_hat[iT].shape)
396 # compute vT with dealiasing
397 padding = [self.dealiasing, self.dealiasing]
398 u_pad = self.itransform(u_hat, padding=padding).real
399 _me = self.xp.zeros_like(u_pad)
400 _me[0] = u_pad[iv] * u_pad[iT]
401 vT_hat = self.transform(_me, padding=padding)
403 nusselt_hat = (vT_hat[0] - DzT_hat[iT]) / self.nx
404 nusselt_no_v_hat = (-DzT_hat[iT]) / self.nx
406 integral_z = self.xp.sum(nusselt_hat * self.spectral.axes[1].get_BC(kind='integral'), axis=-1).real
407 integral_V = (
408 integral_z[0] * self.axes[0].L
409 ) # only the first Fourier mode has non-zero integral with periodic BCs
410 Nusselt_V = self.comm.bcast(integral_V / self.spectral.V, root=0)
412 Nusselt_t = self.comm.bcast(
413 self.xp.sum(nusselt_hat * self.spectral.axes[1].get_BC(kind='Dirichlet', x=1), axis=-1).real[0], root=0
414 )
415 Nusselt_b = self.comm.bcast(
416 self.xp.sum(nusselt_hat * self.spectral.axes[1].get_BC(kind='Dirichlet', x=-1), axis=-1).real[0], root=0
417 )
418 Nusselt_no_v_t = self.comm.bcast(
419 self.xp.sum(nusselt_no_v_hat * self.spectral.axes[1].get_BC(kind='Dirichlet', x=1), axis=-1).real[0], root=0
420 )
421 Nusselt_no_v_b = self.comm.bcast(
422 self.xp.sum(nusselt_no_v_hat * self.spectral.axes[1].get_BC(kind='Dirichlet', x=-1), axis=-1).real[0],
423 root=0,
424 )
426 return {
427 'V': Nusselt_V,
428 't': Nusselt_t,
429 'b': Nusselt_b,
430 't_no_v': Nusselt_no_v_t,
431 'b_no_v': Nusselt_no_v_b,
432 }
434 def compute_viscous_dissipation(self, u):
435 iu, iv = self.index(['u', 'v'])
437 Lap_u_hat = self.spectral.u_init_forward
439 if self.spectral_space:
440 u_hat = u.copy()
441 else:
442 u_hat = self.transform(u)
443 Lap_u_hat[iu] = ((self.Dzz + self.Dxx) @ u_hat[iu].flatten()).reshape(u_hat[iu].shape)
444 Lap_u_hat[iv] = ((self.Dzz + self.Dxx) @ u_hat[iv].flatten()).reshape(u_hat[iu].shape)
445 Lap_u = self.itransform(Lap_u_hat)
447 return abs(u[iu] * Lap_u[iu] + u[iv] * Lap_u[iv])
449 def compute_buoyancy_generation(self, u):
450 if self.spectral_space:
451 u = self.itransform(u)
452 iv, iT = self.index(['v', 'T'])
453 return abs(u[iv] * self.Rayleigh * u[iT])
456class CFLLimit(ConvergenceController):
458 def dependencies(self, controller, *args, **kwargs):
459 from pySDC.implementations.hooks.log_step_size import LogStepSize
461 controller.add_hook(LogCFL)
462 controller.add_hook(LogStepSize)
464 def setup_status_variables(self, controller, **kwargs):
465 """
466 Add the embedded error variable to the error function.
468 Args:
469 controller (pySDC.Controller): The controller
470 """
471 self.add_status_variable_to_level('CFL_limit')
473 def setup(self, controller, params, description, **kwargs):
474 """
475 Define default parameters here.
477 Default parameters are:
478 - control_order (int): The order relative to other convergence controllers
479 - dt_max (float): maximal step size
480 - dt_min (float): minimal step size
482 Args:
483 controller (pySDC.Controller): The controller
484 params (dict): The params passed for this specific convergence controller
485 description (dict): The description object used to instantiate the controller
487 Returns:
488 (dict): The updated params dictionary
489 """
490 defaults = {
491 "control_order": -50,
492 "dt_max": np.inf,
493 "dt_min": 0,
494 "cfl": 0.4,
495 }
496 return {**defaults, **super().setup(controller, params, description, **kwargs)}
498 @staticmethod
499 def compute_max_step_size(P, u):
500 grid_spacing_x = P.X[1, 0] - P.X[0, 0]
502 cell_wallz = P.xp.zeros( + 1)
503 cell_wallz[0] = 1
504 cell_wallz[-1] = -1
505 cell_wallz[1:-1] = (P.Z[0, :-1] + P.Z[0, 1:]) / 2
506 grid_spacing_z = cell_wallz[:-1] - cell_wallz[1:]
508 iu, iv = P.index(['u', 'v'])
510 if P.spectral_space:
511 u = P.itransform(u)
513 max_step_size_x = P.xp.min(grid_spacing_x / P.xp.abs(u[iu]))
514 max_step_size_z = P.xp.min(grid_spacing_z / P.xp.abs(u[iv]))
515 max_step_size = min([max_step_size_x, max_step_size_z])
517 if hasattr(P, 'comm'):
518 max_step_size = P.comm.allreduce(max_step_size, op=MPI.MIN)
519 return float(max_step_size)
521 def get_new_step_size(self, controller, step, **kwargs):
522 if not CheckConvergence.check_convergence(step):
523 return None
525 L = step.levels[0]
526 P = step.levels[0].prob
528 L.sweep.compute_end_point()
529 max_step_size = self.compute_max_step_size(P, L.uend)
531 L.status.CFL_limit = self.params.cfl * max_step_size
533 dt_new = L.status.dt_new if L.status.dt_new else max([self.params.dt_max, L.params.dt])
534 L.status.dt_new = min([dt_new, self.params.cfl * max_step_size])
535 L.status.dt_new = max([self.params.dt_min, L.status.dt_new])
537 self.log(f'dt max: {max_step_size:.2e} -> New step size: {L.status.dt_new:.2e}', step)
540class LogCFL(Hooks):
542 def post_step(self, step, level_number):
543 """
544 Record CFL limit.
546 Args:
547 step (pySDC.Step.step): the current step
548 level_number (int): the current level number
550 Returns:
551 None
552 """
553 super().post_step(step, level_number)
555 L = step.levels[level_number]
557 self.add_to_stats(
558 process=step.status.slot,
559 time=L.time + L.dt,
560 level=L.level_index,
561 iter=step.status.iter,
562 sweep=L.status.sweep,
563 type='CFL_limit',
564 value=L.status.CFL_limit,
565 )
568class LogAnalysisVariables(Hooks):
570 def post_step(self, step, level_number):
571 """
572 Record Nusselt numbers.
574 Args:
575 step (pySDC.Step.step): the current step
576 level_number (int): the current level number
578 Returns:
579 None
580 """
581 super().post_step(step, level_number)
583 L = step.levels[level_number]
584 P = L.prob
586 L.sweep.compute_end_point()
587 Nusselt = P.compute_Nusselt_numbers(L.uend)
588 buoyancy_production = P.compute_buoyancy_generation(L.uend)
589 viscous_dissipation = P.compute_viscous_dissipation(L.uend)
591 for key, value in zip(
592 ['Nusselt', 'buoyancy_production', 'viscous_dissipation'],
593 [Nusselt, buoyancy_production, viscous_dissipation],
594 ):
595 self.add_to_stats(
596 process=step.status.slot,
597 time=L.time + L.dt,
598 level=L.level_index,
599 iter=step.status.iter,
600 sweep=L.status.sweep,
601 type=key,
602 value=value,
603 )