Source code for implementations.transfer_classes.TransferMesh_FFT

import numpy as np

from pySDC.core.Errors import TransferError
from pySDC.core.SpaceTransfer import space_transfer

[docs] class mesh_to_mesh_fft(space_transfer): """ Custom base_transfer class, implements This implementation can restrict and prolong between 1d meshes with FFT for periodic boundaries Attributes: irfft_object_fine: planned FFT for backward transformation, real-valued output rfft_object_coarse: planned real-valued FFT for forward transformation """ def __init__(self, fine_prob, coarse_prob, params): """ Initialization routine Args: fine_prob: fine problem coarse_prob: coarse problem params: parameters for the transfer operators """ # invoke super initialization super().__init__(fine_prob, coarse_prob, params) self.ratio = int(self.fine_prob.nvars / self.coarse_prob.nvars)
[docs] def restrict(self, F): """ Restriction implementation Args: F: the fine level data (easier to access than via the fine attribute) """ G = type(F)(self.coarse_prob.init, val=0.0) if type(F).__name__ == 'mesh': G[:] = F[:: self.ratio] elif type(F).__name__ == 'imex_mesh': G.impl[:] = F.impl[:: self.ratio] G.expl[:] = F.expl[:: self.ratio] else: raise TransferError('Unknown data type, got %s' % type(F)) return G
[docs] def prolong(self, G): """ Prolongation implementation Args: G: the coarse level data (easier to access than via the coarse attribute) """ F = type(G)(self.fine_prob.init, val=0.0) def _prolong(coarse): coarse_hat = np.fft.rfft(coarse) fine_hat = np.zeros(self.fine_prob.init[0] // 2 + 1, dtype=np.complex128) half_idx = self.coarse_prob.init[0] // 2 fine_hat[0:half_idx] = coarse_hat[0:half_idx] fine_hat[-1] = coarse_hat[-1] return np.fft.irfft(fine_hat) * self.ratio if type(G).__name__ == 'mesh': F[:] = _prolong(G) elif type(G).__name__ == 'imex_mesh': F.impl[:] = _prolong(G.impl) F.expl[:] = _prolong(G.expl) else: raise TransferError('Unknown data type, got %s' % type(G)) return F