from mpi4py import MPI
from pySDC.core.errors import UnlockError
from pySDC.core.base_transfer import BaseTransfer
class base_transfer_MPI(BaseTransfer):
Standard base_transfer class
logger: custom logger for sweeper-related logging
params(__Pars): parameter object containing the custom parameters passed by the user
fine (pySDC.Level.level): reference to the fine level
coarse (pySDC.Level.level): reference to the coarse level
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.comm_fine = self.fine.sweep.comm
self.comm_coarse = self.coarse.sweep.comm
if (
self.comm_fine.size != self.fine.sweep.coll.num_nodes
or self.comm_coarse.size != self.coarse.sweep.coll.num_nodes
raise NotImplementedError(
f'{type(self).__name__} only works when each rank administers one collocation node so far!'
def restrict(self):
Space-time restriction routine
The routine applies the spatial restriction operator to the fine values on the fine nodes, then reevaluates f
on the coarse level. This is used for the first part of the FAS correction tau via integration. The second part
is the integral over the fine values, restricted to the coarse level. Finally, possible tau corrections on the
fine level are restricted as well.
F, G = self.fine, self.coarse
CF, CG = self.comm_fine, self.comm_coarse
SG = G.sweep
PG = G.prob
# only if the level is unlocked at least by prediction
if not F.status.unlocked:
raise UnlockError('fine level is still locked, cannot use data from there')
# restrict fine values in space
tmp_u = self.space_transfer.restrict(F.u[CF.rank + 1])
# restrict collocation values
G.u[0] = self.space_transfer.restrict(F.u[0])
recvBuf = [None for _ in range(SG.coll.num_nodes)]
recvBuf[CG.rank] = PG.u_init
for n in range(SG.coll.num_nodes):
CF.Reduce(self.Rcoll[n, CF.rank] * tmp_u, recvBuf[CG.rank], root=n, op=MPI.SUM)
G.u[CG.rank + 1] = recvBuf[CG.rank]
# re-evaluate f on coarse level
G.f[0] = PG.eval_f(G.u[0], G.time)
G.f[CG.rank + 1] = PG.eval_f(G.u[CG.rank + 1], G.time + G.dt * SG.coll.nodes[CG.rank])
# build coarse level tau correction part
tauG = G.sweep.integrate()
# build fine level tau correction part
tauF = F.sweep.integrate()
# restrict fine level tau correction part in space
tmp_tau = self.space_transfer.restrict(tauF)
# restrict fine level tau correction part in collocation
tauFG = tmp_tau.copy()
for n in range(SG.coll.num_nodes):
recvBuf = tauFG if n == CG.rank else None
CF.Reduce(self.Rcoll[n, CF.rank] * tmp_tau, recvBuf, root=n, op=MPI.SUM)
# build tau correction
G.tau[CG.rank] = tauFG - tauG
if F.tau[CF.rank] is not None:
tmp_tau = self.space_transfer.restrict(F.tau[CF.rank])
# restrict possible tau correction from fine in collocation
recvBuf = [None for _ in range(SG.coll.num_nodes)]
recvBuf[CG.rank] = PG.u_init
for n in range(SG.coll.num_nodes):
CF.Reduce(self.Rcoll[n, CF.rank] * tmp_tau, recvBuf[CG.rank], root=n, op=MPI.SUM)
G.tau[CG.rank] += recvBuf[CG.rank]
# save u and rhs evaluations for interpolation
G.uold[CG.rank + 1] = PG.dtype_u(G.u[CG.rank + 1])
G.fold[CG.rank + 1] = PG.dtype_f(G.f[CG.rank + 1])
# works as a predictor
G.status.unlocked = True
return None
def prolong(self):
Space-time prolongation routine
This routine applies the spatial prolongation routine to the difference between the computed and the restricted
values on the coarse level and then adds this difference to the fine values as coarse correction.
# get data for easier access
F, G = self.fine, self.coarse
CF, CG = self.comm_fine, self.comm_coarse
SF = F.sweep
PF = F.prob
# only of the level is unlocked at least by prediction or restriction
if not G.status.unlocked:
raise UnlockError('coarse level is still locked, cannot use data from there')
# build coarse correction
# interpolate values in space first
tmp_u = self.space_transfer.prolong(G.u[CF.rank + 1] - G.uold[CF.rank + 1])
# interpolate values in collocation
recvBuf = [None for _ in range(SF.coll.num_nodes)]
recvBuf[CF.rank] = F.u[CF.rank + 1].copy()
for n in range(SF.coll.num_nodes):
CG.Reduce(self.Pcoll[n, CG.rank] * tmp_u, recvBuf[n], root=n, op=MPI.SUM)
F.u[CF.rank + 1] += recvBuf[CF.rank]
# re-evaluate f on fine level
F.f[CF.rank + 1] = PF.eval_f(F.u[CF.rank + 1], F.time + F.dt * SF.coll.nodes[CF.rank])
return None
def prolong_f(self):
Space-time prolongation routine w.r.t. the rhs f
This routine applies the spatial prolongation routine to the difference between the computed and the restricted
values on the coarse level and then adds this difference to the fine values as coarse correction.
# get data for easier access
F, G = self.fine, self.coarse
CF, CG = self.comm_fine, self.comm_coarse
SF = F.sweep
# only of the level is unlocked at least by prediction or restriction
if not G.status.unlocked:
raise UnlockError('coarse level is still locked, cannot use data from there')
# build coarse correction
# interpolate values in space first
tmp_u = self.space_transfer.prolong(G.u[CF.rank + 1] - G.uold[CF.rank + 1])
tmp_f = self.space_transfer.prolong(G.f[CF.rank + 1] - G.fold[CF.rank + 1])
# interpolate values in collocation
recvBuf_u = [None for _ in range(SF.coll.num_nodes)]
recvBuf_f = [None for _ in range(SF.coll.num_nodes)]
recvBuf_u[CF.rank] = F.u[CF.rank + 1].copy()
recvBuf_f[CF.rank] = F.f[CF.rank + 1].copy()
for n in range(SF.coll.num_nodes):
CG.Reduce(self.Pcoll[n, CG.rank] * tmp_u, recvBuf_u[CF.rank], root=n, op=MPI.SUM)
CG.Reduce(self.Pcoll[n, CG.rank] * tmp_f, recvBuf_f[CF.rank], root=n, op=MPI.SUM)
F.u[CF.rank + 1] += recvBuf_u[CF.rank]
F.f[CF.rank + 1] += recvBuf_f[CF.rank]
return None