import numpy as np
from numba import jit
from pySDC.core.errors import ProblemError
from pySDC.core.problem import Problem, WorkCounter
from pySDC.implementations.datatype_classes.particles import particles, fields, acceleration
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
class penningtrap(Problem):
This class implements a standard Penning trap problem on the time interval :math:`[0, t_{end}]`
fully investigated in [1]_. The equations are given by the following equation of motion
.. math::
\frac{dv}{dt}=f(x,v)=\alpha[E(x,t)+v\times B(x,t)],
.. math::
with the particles :math:`x, v\in \mathbb{R}^{3}`. For the penning trap problem, the other parameters are given by
the constant magnetic field :math:`B=\frac{\omega_{B}}{\alpha}\cdot \hat{e_{z}}\in \mathbb{R}^{3}`
along the :math:`z`-axis with the particle's charge-to-mass ratio :math:`\alpha=\frac{q}{m}` so that
.. math::
v\times B=\frac{\omega_{B}}{\alpha}\left(
0 & 1 & 0\\
-1 & 0 & 0\\
0 & 0 & 0
The electric field :math:`E(x_{i})=E_{ext}(x_{i})+E_{int}(x_{i})\in \mathbb{R}^{3}` where
.. math::
1 & 0 & 0\\
0 & 1 & 0\\
0 & 0 & -2
and the inter-particle Coulomb interaction
.. math::
E_{int}(x_{i})=\sum_{k=1, k\neq i}^{N_{particles}}Q_{k}\frac{x_{i}-x_{k}}{(|x_{i}-x_{k}|^{2}+\lambda^{2})^{3/2}}
with the smoothing parameter :math:`\lambda>0`.
The exact solution also given for the single particle penning trap more detailed [1]_, [2]_.
For to solve nonlinear equation of system, Boris trick is used (see [2]_).
omega_B : float
Amplitude of magnetic field.
omega_E : float
Amplitude of electric field.
u0 : np.1darray
Initial condition for position, and for velocity.
q : np.1darray
Particle's charge.
m : np.1darray
nparts : int
The number of particles.
sig : float
The smoothing parameter :math:`\lambda>0`.
work_counter : dict
Counts the calls of the right-hand side, and calls of the Boris solver.
.. [1] F. Penning. Die Glimmentladung bei niedrigem Druck zwischen koaxialen Zylindern in einem axialen Magnetfeld.
Physica. Vol. 3 (1936).
.. [2] Mathias Winkel, Robert Speck and Daniel Ruprecht. A high-order Boris integrator.
Journal of Computational Physics (2015).
dtype_u = particles
dtype_f = fields
def __init__(self, omega_B, omega_E, u0, nparts, sig):
# invoke super init, passing nparts, dtype_u and dtype_f
super().__init__(((3, nparts), None, np.dtype('float64')))
self._makeAttributeAndRegister('nparts', localVars=locals(), readOnly=True)
self._makeAttributeAndRegister('omega_B', 'omega_E', 'u0', 'sig', localVars=locals())
self.work_counters['Boris_solver'] = WorkCounter()
self.work_counters['rhs'] = WorkCounter()
@jit(nopython=True, nogil=True)
def fast_interactions(N, pos, sig, q):
Computes the fast interactions.
N : int
Number of particles.
pos : np.2darray
sig : float
The smoothing parameter :math:`\lambda > 0`.
q : np.1darray
Particle's charge.
Efield : np.2darray
The internal E field for each particle.
Efield = np.zeros((3, N))
contrib = np.zeros(3)
for i in range(N):
contrib[:] = 0
for j in range(N):
dist2 = (
(pos[0, i] - pos[0, j]) ** 2 + (pos[1, i] - pos[1, j]) ** 2 + (pos[2, i] - pos[2, j]) ** 2 + sig**2
contrib += q[j] * (pos[:, i] - pos[:, j]) / dist2**1.5
Efield[:, i] += contrib[:]
return Efield
def get_interactions(self, part):
Routine to compute the particle-particle interaction, assuming :math:`q = 1` for all particles.
part : dtype_u
The particles.
Efield : np.ndarray
The internal E field for each particle.
N = self.nparts
Efield = self.fast_interactions(N, part.pos, self.sig, part.q)
return Efield
def eval_f(self, part, t):
Routine to compute the E and B fields (named f for consistency with the original PEPC version).
part : dtype_u
The particles.
t : float
Current time of the particles (not used here).
f : dtype_f
Fields for the particles (internal and external), i.e., the right-hand side of the problem.
N = self.nparts
_unused = penningtrap.Harmonic_oscillator
Emat = np.diag([0, 0, -1])
except AttributeError:
Emat = np.diag([1, 1, -2])
f = self.dtype_f(self.init)
f.elec[:] = self.get_interactions(part)
for n in range(N):
f.elec[:, n] += self.omega_E**2 / (part.q[n] / part.m[n]) *, part.pos[:, n])
f.magn[:, n] = self.omega_B * np.array([0, 0, 1])
return f
# TODO : Warning, this should be moved to u_exact(t=0) !
def u_init(self):
Routine to compute the starting values for the particles.
u : dtype_u
Particle set filled with initial data.
u0 = self.u0
N = self.nparts
u = self.dtype_u(self.init)
if u0[2][0] != 1 or u0[3][0] != 1:
raise ProblemError('so far only q = m = 1 is implemented')
# set first particle to u0
u.pos[0, 0] = u0[0][0]
u.pos[1, 0] = u0[0][1]
u.pos[2, 0] = u0[0][2]
u.vel[0, 0] = u0[1][0]
u.vel[1, 0] = u0[1][1]
u.vel[2, 0] = u0[1][2]
u.q[0] = u0[2][0]
u.m[0] = u0[3][0]
# initialize random seed
comx = u.pos[0, 0]
comy = u.pos[1, 0]
comz = u.pos[2, 0]
for n in range(1, N):
# draw 3 random variables in [-1,1] to shift positions
r = np.random.random_sample(3) - 1
u.pos[0, n] = r[0] + u0[0][0]
u.pos[1, n] = r[1] + u0[0][1]
u.pos[2, n] = r[2] + u0[0][2]
# draw 3 random variables in [-5,5] to shift velocities
r = np.random.random_sample(3) - 5
u.vel[0, n] = r[0] + u0[1][0]
u.vel[1, n] = r[1] + u0[1][1]
u.vel[2, n] = r[2] + u0[1][2]
u.q[n] = u0[2][0]
u.m[n] = u0[3][0]
# gather positions to check center
comx += u.pos[0, n]
comy += u.pos[1, n]
comz += u.pos[2, n]
# print('Center of positions:',comx/N,comy/N,comz/N)
return u
def u_exact(self, t):
Routine to compute the exact trajectory at time :math:`t` (only for single-particle setup).
t : float
Current time of the exact trajectory.
u : dtype_u
Particle type containing the exact position and velocity.
# some abbreviations
wE = self.omega_E
wB = self.omega_B
N = self.nparts
u0 = self.u0
if N != 1:
raise ProblemError('u_exact is only valid for a single particle')
u = self.dtype_u(((3, 1), self.init[1], self.init[2]))
wbar = np.sqrt(2) * wE
# position and velocity in z direction is easy to compute
u.pos[2, 0] = u0[0][2] * np.cos(wbar * t) + u0[1][2] / wbar * np.sin(wbar * t)
u.vel[2, 0] = -u0[0][2] * wbar * np.sin(wbar * t) + u0[1][2] * np.cos(wbar * t)
# define temp. variables to compute complex position
Op = 1 / 2 * (wB + np.sqrt(wB**2 - 4 * wE**2))
Om = 1 / 2 * (wB - np.sqrt(wB**2 - 4 * wE**2))
Rm = (Op * u0[0][0] + u0[1][1]) / (Op - Om)
Rp = u0[0][0] - Rm
Im = (Op * u0[0][1] - u0[1][0]) / (Op - Om)
Ip = u0[0][1] - Im
# compute position in complex notation
w = (Rp + Ip * 1j) * np.exp(-Op * t * 1j) + (Rm + Im * 1j) * np.exp(-Om * t * 1j)
# compute velocity as time derivative of the position
dw = -1j * Op * (Rp + Ip * 1j) * np.exp(-Op * t * 1j) - 1j * Om * (Rm + Im * 1j) * np.exp(-Om * t * 1j)
# get the appropriate real and imaginary parts
u.pos[0, 0] = w.real
u.vel[0, 0] = dw.real
u.pos[1, 0] = w.imag
u.vel[1, 0] = dw.imag
return u
def build_f(self, f, part, t):
Helper function to assemble the correct right-hand side out of B and E field.
f : dtype_f
The field values.
part : dtype_u
The current particles data.
t : float
The current time.
rhs : acceleration
Correct right-hand side of type acceleration.
if not isinstance(part, particles):
raise ProblemError('something is wrong during build_f, got %s' % type(part))
N = self.nparts
rhs = acceleration(self.init)
for n in range(N):
rhs[:, n] = part.q[n] / part.m[n] * (f.elec[:, n] + np.cross(part.vel[:, n], f.magn[:, n]))
return rhs
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
def boris_solver(self, c, dt, old_fields, new_fields, old_parts):
The actual Boris solver for static (!) B fields, extended by the c-term.
c : dtype_u
The c term gathering the known values from the previous iteration.
dt : float
The (probably scaled) time step size.
old_fields : dtype_f
The field values at the previous node :math:`m`.
new_fields : dtype_f
The field values at the current node :math:`m+1`.
old_parts : dtype_u
The particles at the previous node :math:`m`.
vel : particles
The velocities at the :math:`(m+1)`-th node.
N = self.nparts
vel = particles.velocity(self.init)
Emean = 0.5 * (old_fields.elec + new_fields.elec)
for n in range(N):
a = old_parts.q[n] / old_parts.m[n]
c[:, n] += dt / 2 * a * np.cross(old_parts.vel[:, n], old_fields.magn[:, n] - new_fields.magn[:, n])
# pre-velocity, separated by the electric forces (and the c term)
vm = old_parts.vel[:, n] + dt / 2 * a * Emean[:, n] + c[:, n] / 2
# rotation
t = dt / 2 * a * new_fields.magn[:, n]
s = 2 * t / (1 + np.linalg.norm(t, 2) ** 2)
vp = vm + np.cross(vm + np.cross(vm, t), s)
# post-velocity
vel[:, n] = vp + dt / 2 * a * Emean[:, n] + c[:, n] / 2
return vel