Source code for implementations.problem_classes.GrayScott_MPIFFT

import scipy.sparse as sp
from mpi4py import MPI
from mpi4py_fft import PFFT

from pySDC.core.Errors import ProblemError
from pySDC.core.Problem import ptype, WorkCounter
from pySDC.implementations.datatype_classes.mesh import mesh, imex_mesh, comp2_mesh
from pySDC.implementations.problem_classes.generic_MPIFFT_Laplacian import IMEX_Laplacian_MPIFFT

from mpi4py_fft import newDistArray

[docs] class grayscott_imex_diffusion(IMEX_Laplacian_MPIFFT): r""" The Gray-Scott system [1]_ describes a reaction-diffusion process of two substances :math:`u` and :math:`v`, where they diffuse over time. During the reaction :math:`u` is used up with overall decay rate :math:`B`, whereas :math:`v` is produced with feed rate :math:`A`. :math:`D_u,\, D_v` are the diffusion rates for :math:`u,\, v`. Here, the process is described by the :math:`N`-dimensional model .. math:: \frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = D_u \Delta u - u v^2 + A (1 - u), .. math:: \frac{\partial v}{\partial t} = D_v \Delta v + u v^2 - B u in :math:`x \in \Omega:=[-L/2, L/2]^N` with :math:`N=2,3`. Spatial discretization is done by using Fast Fourier transformation for solving the linear parts provided by ``mpi4py-fft`` [2]_, see also This class implements the problem for *semi-explicit* time-stepping (diffusion is treated implicitly, and reaction is computed in explicit fashion). Parameters ---------- nvars : tuple of int, optional Spatial resolution, i.e., number of degrees of freedom in space. Should be a tuple, e.g. ``nvars=(127, 127)``. Du : float, optional Diffusion rate for :math:`u`. Dv: float, optional Diffusion rate for :math:`v`. A : float, optional Feed rate for :math:`v`. B : float, optional Overall decay rate for :math:`u`. spectral : bool, optional If True, the solution is computed in spectral space. L : int, optional Denotes the period of the function to be approximated for the Fourier transform. comm : COMM_WORLD, optional Communicator for ``mpi4py-fft``. Attributes ---------- fft : PFFT Object for parallel FFT transforms. X : mesh-grid Grid coordinates in real space. ndim : int Number of spatial dimensions. Ku : matrix Laplace operator in spectral space (u component). Kv : matrix Laplace operator in spectral space (v component). References ---------- .. [1] Autocatalytic reactions in the isothermal, continuous stirred tank reactor: Isolas and other forms of multistability. P. Gray, S. K. Scott. Chem. Eng. Sci. 38, 1 (1983). .. [2] Lisandro Dalcin, Mikael Mortensen, David E. Keyes. Fast parallel multidimensional FFT using advanced MPI. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (2019). .. [3] """ def __init__(self, Du=1.0, Dv=0.01, A=0.09, B=0.086, **kwargs): kwargs['L'] = 2.0 super().__init__(dtype='d', alpha=1.0, x0=-kwargs['L'] / 2.0, **kwargs) # prepare the array with two components shape = (2,) + (self.init[0]) self.iU = 0 self.iV = 1 self.ncomp = 2 # needed for transfer class self.init = (shape, self.comm, self.xp.dtype('float')) self._makeAttributeAndRegister('Du', 'Dv', 'A', 'B', localVars=locals(), readOnly=True) # prepare "Laplacians" self.Ku = -self.Du * self.K2 self.Kv = -self.Dv * self.K2
[docs] def eval_f(self, u, t): """ Routine to evaluate the right-hand side of the problem. Parameters ---------- u : dtype_u Current values of the numerical solution. t : float Current time of the numerical solution is computed. Returns ------- f : dtype_f The right-hand side of the problem. """ f = self.dtype_f(self.init) if self.spectral: f.impl[0, ...] = self.Ku * u[0, ...] f.impl[1, ...] = self.Kv * u[1, ...] tmpu = newDistArray(self.fft, False) tmpv = newDistArray(self.fft, False) tmpu[:] = self.fft.backward(u[0, ...], tmpu) tmpv[:] = self.fft.backward(u[1, ...], tmpv) tmpfu = -tmpu * tmpv**2 + self.A * (1 - tmpu) tmpfv = tmpu * tmpv**2 - self.B * tmpv f.expl[0, ...] = self.fft.forward(tmpfu) f.expl[1, ...] = self.fft.forward(tmpfv) else: u_hat = self.fft.forward(u[0, ...]) lap_u_hat = self.Ku * u_hat f.impl[0, ...] = self.fft.backward(lap_u_hat, f.impl[0, ...]) u_hat = self.fft.forward(u[1, ...]) lap_u_hat = self.Kv * u_hat f.impl[1, ...] = self.fft.backward(lap_u_hat, f.impl[1, ...]) f.expl[0, ...] = -u[0, ...] * u[1, ...] ** 2 + self.A * (1 - u[0, ...]) f.expl[1, ...] = u[0, ...] * u[1, ...] ** 2 - self.B * u[1, ...] self.work_counters['rhs']() return f
[docs] def solve_system(self, rhs, factor, u0, t): """ Simple FFT solver for the diffusion part. Parameters ---------- rhs : dtype_f Right-hand side for the linear system. factor : float Abbrev. for the node-to-node stepsize (or any other factor required). u0 : dtype_u Initial guess for the iterative solver (not used here so far). t : float Current time (e.g. for time-dependent BCs). Returns ------- me : dtype_u Solution. """ me = self.dtype_u(self.init) if self.spectral: me[0, ...] = rhs[0, ...] / (1.0 - factor * self.Ku) me[1, ...] = rhs[1, ...] / (1.0 - factor * self.Kv) else: rhs_hat = self.fft.forward(rhs[0, ...]) rhs_hat /= 1.0 - factor * self.Ku me[0, ...] = self.fft.backward(rhs_hat, me[0, ...]) rhs_hat = self.fft.forward(rhs[1, ...]) rhs_hat /= 1.0 - factor * self.Kv me[1, ...] = self.fft.backward(rhs_hat, me[1, ...]) return me
[docs] def u_exact(self, t): r""" Routine to compute the exact solution at time :math:`t = 0`, see [3]_. Parameters ---------- t : float Time of the exact solution. Returns ------- me : dtype_u Exact solution. """ assert t == 0.0, 'Exact solution only valid as initial condition' assert self.ndim == 2, 'The initial conditions are 2D for now..' me = self.dtype_u(self.init, val=0.0) # This assumes that the box is [-L/2, L/2]^2 if self.spectral: tmp = 1.0 - self.xp.exp(-80.0 * ((self.X[0] + 0.05) ** 2 + (self.X[1] + 0.02) ** 2)) me[0, ...] = self.fft.forward(tmp) tmp = self.xp.exp(-80.0 * ((self.X[0] - 0.05) ** 2 + (self.X[1] - 0.02) ** 2)) me[1, ...] = self.fft.forward(tmp) else: me[0, ...] = 1.0 - self.xp.exp(-80.0 * ((self.X[0] + 0.05) ** 2 + (self.X[1] + 0.02) ** 2)) me[1, ...] = self.xp.exp(-80.0 * ((self.X[0] - 0.05) ** 2 + (self.X[1] - 0.02) ** 2)) return me
[docs] class grayscott_imex_linear(grayscott_imex_diffusion): r""" The Gray-Scott system [1]_ describes a reaction-diffusion process of two substances :math:`u` and :math:`v`, where they diffuse over time. During the reaction :math:`u` is used up with overall decay rate :math:`B`, whereas :math:`v` is produced with feed rate :math:`A`. :math:`D_u,\, D_v` are the diffusion rates for :math:`u,\, v`. The model with linear (reaction) part is described by the :math:`N`-dimensional model .. math:: \frac{d u}{d t} = D_u \Delta u - u v^2 + A, .. math:: \frac{d v}{d t} = D_v \Delta v + u v^2 in :math:`x \in \Omega:=[-L/2, L/2]^N` with :math:`N=2,3`. Spatial discretization is done by using Fast Fourier transformation for solving the linear parts provided by ``mpi4py-fft`` [2]_, see also This class implements the problem for *semi-explicit* time-stepping (diffusion is treated implicitly, and linear part is computed in an explicit way). """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.Ku -= self.A self.Kv -= self.B
[docs] def eval_f(self, u, t): """ Routine to evaluate the right-hand side of the problem. Parameters ---------- u : dtype_u Current values of the numerical solution. t : float Current time of the numerical solution is computed. Returns ------- f : dtype_f The right-hand side of the problem. """ f = self.dtype_f(self.init) if self.spectral: f.impl[0, ...] = self.Ku * u[0, ...] f.impl[1, ...] = self.Kv * u[1, ...] tmpu = newDistArray(self.fft, False) tmpv = newDistArray(self.fft, False) tmpu[:] = self.fft.backward(u[0, ...], tmpu) tmpv[:] = self.fft.backward(u[1, ...], tmpv) tmpfu = -tmpu * tmpv**2 + self.A tmpfv = tmpu * tmpv**2 f.expl[0, ...] = self.fft.forward(tmpfu) f.expl[1, ...] = self.fft.forward(tmpfv) else: u_hat = self.fft.forward(u[0, ...]) lap_u_hat = self.Ku * u_hat f.impl[0, ...] = self.fft.backward(lap_u_hat, f.impl[0, ...]) u_hat = self.fft.forward(u[1, ...]) lap_u_hat = self.Kv * u_hat f.impl[1, ...] = self.fft.backward(lap_u_hat, f.impl[1, ...]) f.expl[0, ...] = -u[0, ...] * u[1, ...] ** 2 + self.A f.expl[1, ...] = u[0, ...] * u[1, ...] ** 2 self.work_counters['rhs']() return f
[docs] class grayscott_mi_diffusion(grayscott_imex_diffusion): r""" The Gray-Scott system [1]_ describes a reaction-diffusion process of two substances :math:`u` and :math:`v`, where they diffuse over time. During the reaction :math:`u` is used up with overall decay rate :math:`B`, whereas :math:`v` is produced with feed rate :math:`A`. :math:`D_u,\, D_v` are the diffusion rates for :math:`u,\, v`. Here, the process is described by the :math:`N`-dimensional model .. math:: \frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = D_u \Delta u - u v^2 + A (1 - u), .. math:: \frac{\partial v}{\partial t} = D_v \Delta v + u v^2 - B u in :math:`x \in \Omega:=[-L/2, L/2]^N` with :math:`N=2,3`. Spatial discretization is done by using Fast Fourier transformation for solving the linear parts provided by ``mpi4py-fft`` [2]_, see also This class implements the problem for *multi-implicit* time-stepping, i.e., both diffusion and reaction part will be treated implicitly. Parameters ---------- nvars : tuple of int, optional Spatial resolution, i.e., number of degrees of freedom in space. Should be a tuple, e.g. ``nvars=(127, 127)``. Du : float, optional Diffusion rate for :math:`u`. Dv: float, optional Diffusion rate for :math:`v`. A : float, optional Feed rate for :math:`v`. B : float, optional Overall decay rate for :math:`u`. spectral : bool, optional If True, the solution is computed in spectral space. L : int, optional Denotes the period of the function to be approximated for the Fourier transform. comm : COMM_WORLD, optional Communicator for ``mpi4py-fft``. Attributes ---------- fft : PFFT Object for parallel FFT transforms. X : mesh-grid Grid coordinates in real space. ndim : int Number of spatial dimensions. Ku : matrix Laplace operator in spectral space (u component). Kv : matrix Laplace operator in spectral space (v component). References ---------- .. [1] Autocatalytic reactions in the isothermal, continuous stirred tank reactor: Isolas and other forms of multistability. P. Gray, S. K. Scott. Chem. Eng. Sci. 38, 1 (1983). .. [2] Lisandro Dalcin, Mikael Mortensen, David E. Keyes. Fast parallel multidimensional FFT using advanced MPI. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (2019). """ dtype_f = comp2_mesh def __init__( self, newton_maxiter=100, newton_tol=1e-12, **kwargs, ): """Initialization routine""" super().__init__(**kwargs) # This may not run in parallel yet.. assert self.comm.Get_size() == 1 self.work_counters['newton'] = WorkCounter() self.Ku = -self.Du * self.K2 self.Kv = -self.Dv * self.K2 self._makeAttributeAndRegister('newton_maxiter', 'newton_tol', localVars=locals(), readOnly=False)
[docs] def eval_f(self, u, t): """ Routine to evaluate the right-hand side of the problem. Parameters ---------- u : dtype_u Current values of the numerical solution. t : float Current time of the numerical solution is computed. Returns ------- f : dtype_f The right-hand side of the problem. """ f = self.dtype_f(self.init) if self.spectral: f.comp1[0, ...] = self.Ku * u[0, ...] f.comp1[1, ...] = self.Kv * u[1, ...] tmpu = newDistArray(self.fft, False) tmpv = newDistArray(self.fft, False) tmpu[:] = self.fft.backward(u[0, ...], tmpu) tmpv[:] = self.fft.backward(u[1, ...], tmpv) tmpfu = -tmpu * tmpv**2 + self.A * (1 - tmpu) tmpfv = tmpu * tmpv**2 - self.B * tmpv f.comp2[0, ...] = self.fft.forward(tmpfu) f.comp2[1, ...] = self.fft.forward(tmpfv) else: u_hat = self.fft.forward(u[0, ...]) lap_u_hat = self.Ku * u_hat f.comp1[0, ...] = self.fft.backward(lap_u_hat, f.comp1[0, ...]) u_hat = self.fft.forward(u[1, ...]) lap_u_hat = self.Kv * u_hat f.comp1[1, ...] = self.fft.backward(lap_u_hat, f.comp1[1, ...]) f.comp2[0, ...] = -u[0, ...] * u[1, ...] ** 2 + self.A * (1 - u[0, ...]) f.comp2[1, ...] = u[0, ...] * u[1, ...] ** 2 - self.B * u[1, ...] self.work_counters['rhs']() return f
[docs] def solve_system_1(self, rhs, factor, u0, t): """ Solver for the first component, can just call the super function. Parameters ---------- rhs : dtype_f Right-hand side for the linear system. factor : float Abbrev. for the node-to-node stepsize (or any other factor required). u0 : dtype_u Initial guess for the iterative solver (not used here so far). t : float Current time (e.g. for time-dependent BCs). Returns ------- me : dtype_u The solution as mesh. """ me = super().solve_system(rhs, factor, u0, t) return me
[docs] def solve_system_2(self, rhs, factor, u0, t): """ Newton-Solver for the second component. Parameters ---------- rhs : dtype_f Right-hand side for the linear system. factor float Abbrev. for the node-to-node stepsize (or any other factor required). u0 : dtype_u Initial guess for the iterative solver (not used here so far). t : float Current time (e.g. for time-dependent BCs). Returns ------- me : dtype_u The solution as mesh. """ u = self.dtype_u(u0) if self.spectral: tmpu = newDistArray(self.fft, False) tmpv = newDistArray(self.fft, False) tmpu[:] = self.fft.backward(u[0, ...], tmpu) tmpv[:] = self.fft.backward(u[1, ...], tmpv) tmprhsu = newDistArray(self.fft, False) tmprhsv = newDistArray(self.fft, False) tmprhsu[:] = self.fft.backward(rhs[0, ...], tmprhsu) tmprhsv[:] = self.fft.backward(rhs[1, ...], tmprhsv) else: tmpu = u[0, ...] tmpv = u[1, ...] tmprhsu = rhs[0, ...] tmprhsv = rhs[1, ...] # start newton iteration n = 0 res = 99 while n < self.newton_maxiter: # print(n, res) # form the function g with g(u) = 0 tmpgu = tmpu - tmprhsu - factor * (-tmpu * tmpv**2 + self.A * (1 - tmpu)) tmpgv = tmpv - tmprhsv - factor * (tmpu * tmpv**2 - self.B * tmpv) # if g is close to 0, then we are done res = max(self.xp.linalg.norm(tmpgu, self.xp.inf), self.xp.linalg.norm(tmpgv, self.xp.inf)) if res < self.newton_tol: break # assemble dg dg00 = 1 - factor * (-(tmpv**2) - self.A) dg01 = -factor * (-2 * tmpu * tmpv) dg10 = -factor * (tmpv**2) dg11 = 1 - factor * (2 * tmpu * tmpv - self.B) # interleave and unravel to put into sparse matrix dg00I = self.xp.ravel(self.xp.kron(dg00, self.xp.array([1, 0]))) dg01I = self.xp.ravel(self.xp.kron(dg01, self.xp.array([1, 0]))) dg10I = self.xp.ravel(self.xp.kron(dg10, self.xp.array([1, 0]))) dg11I = self.xp.ravel(self.xp.kron(dg11, self.xp.array([0, 1]))) # put into sparse matrix dg = sp.diags(dg00I, offsets=0) + sp.diags(dg11I, offsets=0) dg += sp.diags(dg01I, offsets=1, shape=dg.shape) + sp.diags(dg10I, offsets=-1, shape=dg.shape) # interleave g terms to apply inverse to it g = self.xp.kron(tmpgu.flatten(), self.xp.array([1, 0])) + self.xp.kron( tmpgv.flatten(), self.xp.array([0, 1]) ) # invert dg matrix b = sp.linalg.spsolve(dg, g) # update real space vectors tmpu[:] -= b[::2].reshape(self.nvars) tmpv[:] -= b[1::2].reshape(self.nvars) # increase iteration count n += 1 self.work_counters['newton']() if self.xp.isnan(res) and self.stop_at_nan: raise ProblemError('Newton got nan after %i iterations, aborting...' % n) elif self.xp.isnan(res): self.logger.warning('Newton got nan after %i iterations...' % n) if n == self.newton_maxiter: self.logger.warning('Newton did not converge after %i iterations, error is %s' % (n, res)) me = self.dtype_u(self.init) if self.spectral: me[0, ...] = self.fft.forward(tmpu) me[1, ...] = self.fft.forward(tmpv) else: me[0, ...] = tmpu me[1, ...] = tmpv return me
[docs] class grayscott_mi_linear(grayscott_imex_linear): r""" The original Gray-Scott system [1]_ describes a reaction-diffusion process of two substances :math:`u` and :math:`v`, where they diffuse over time. During the reaction :math:`u` is used up with overall decay rate :math:`B`, whereas :math:`v` is produced with feed rate :math:`A`. :math:`D_u,\, D_v` are the diffusion rates for :math:`u,\, v`. The model with linear (reaction) part is described by the :math:`N`-dimensional model .. math:: \frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = D_u \Delta u - u v^2 + A, .. math:: \frac{\partial v}{\partial t} = D_v \Delta v + u v^2 in :math:`x \in \Omega:=[-L/2, L/2]^N` with :math:`N=2,3`. Spatial discretization is done by using Fast Fourier transformation for solving the linear parts provided by ``mpi4py-fft`` [2]_, see also The problem in this class will be treated in a *multi-implicit* way for time-stepping, i.e., for the system containing the diffusion part will be solved by FFT, and for the linear part a Newton solver is used. """ dtype_f = comp2_mesh def __init__( self, newton_maxiter=100, newton_tol=1e-12, **kwargs, ): """Initialization routine""" super().__init__(**kwargs) # This may not run in parallel yet.. assert self.comm.Get_size() == 1 self.work_counters['newton'] = WorkCounter() self.Ku = -self.Du * self.K2 - self.A self.Kv = -self.Dv * self.K2 - self.B self._makeAttributeAndRegister('newton_maxiter', 'newton_tol', localVars=locals(), readOnly=False)
[docs] def eval_f(self, u, t): """ Routine to evaluate the right-hand side of the problem. Parameters ---------- u : dtype_u Current values of the numerical solution. t : float Current time of the numerical solution is computed. Returns ------- f : dtype_f The right-hand side of the problem. """ f = self.dtype_f(self.init) if self.spectral: f.comp1[0, ...] = self.Ku * u[0, ...] f.comp1[1, ...] = self.Kv * u[1, ...] tmpu = newDistArray(self.fft, False) tmpv = newDistArray(self.fft, False) tmpu[:] = self.fft.backward(u[0, ...], tmpu) tmpv[:] = self.fft.backward(u[1, ...], tmpv) tmpfu = -tmpu * tmpv**2 + self.A tmpfv = tmpu * tmpv**2 f.comp2[0, ...] = self.fft.forward(tmpfu) f.comp2[1, ...] = self.fft.forward(tmpfv) else: u_hat = self.fft.forward(u[0, ...]) lap_u_hat = self.Ku * u_hat f.comp1[0, ...] = self.fft.backward(lap_u_hat, f.comp1[0, ...]) u_hat = self.fft.forward(u[1, ...]) lap_u_hat = self.Kv * u_hat f.comp1[1, ...] = self.fft.backward(lap_u_hat, f.comp1[1, ...]) f.comp2[0, ...] = -u[0, ...] * u[1, ...] ** 2 + self.A f.comp2[1, ...] = u[0, ...] * u[1, ...] ** 2 self.work_counters['rhs']() return f
[docs] def solve_system_1(self, rhs, factor, u0, t): """ Solver for the first component, can just call the super function. Parameters ---------- rhs : dtype_f Right-hand side for the linear system. factor : float Abbrev. for the node-to-node stepsize (or any other factor required). u0 : dtype_u Initial guess for the iterative solver (not used here so far). t : float Current time (e.g. for time-dependent BCs). Returns ------- me : dtype_u The solution as mesh. """ me = super(grayscott_mi_linear, self).solve_system(rhs, factor, u0, t) return me
[docs] def solve_system_2(self, rhs, factor, u0, t): """ Newton-Solver for the second component. Parameters ---------- rhs : dtype_f Right-hand side for the linear system. factor : float Abbrev. for the node-to-node stepsize (or any other factor required). u0 : dtype_u Initial guess for the iterative solver (not used here so far). t : float Current time (e.g. for time-dependent BCs). Returns ------- u : dtype_u The solution as mesh. """ u = self.dtype_u(u0) if self.spectral: tmpu = newDistArray(self.fft, False) tmpv = newDistArray(self.fft, False) tmpu[:] = self.fft.backward(u[0, ...], tmpu) tmpv[:] = self.fft.backward(u[1, ...], tmpv) tmprhsu = newDistArray(self.fft, False) tmprhsv = newDistArray(self.fft, False) tmprhsu[:] = self.fft.backward(rhs[0, ...], tmprhsu) tmprhsv[:] = self.fft.backward(rhs[1, ...], tmprhsv) else: tmpu = u[0, ...] tmpv = u[1, ...] tmprhsu = rhs[0, ...] tmprhsv = rhs[1, ...] # start newton iteration n = 0 res = 99 while n < self.newton_maxiter: # print(n, res) # form the function g with g(u) = 0 tmpgu = tmpu - tmprhsu - factor * (-tmpu * tmpv**2 + self.A) tmpgv = tmpv - tmprhsv - factor * (tmpu * tmpv**2) # if g is close to 0, then we are done res = max(self.xp.linalg.norm(tmpgu, self.xp.inf), self.xp.linalg.norm(tmpgv, self.xp.inf)) if res < self.newton_tol: break # assemble dg dg00 = 1 - factor * (-(tmpv**2)) dg01 = -factor * (-2 * tmpu * tmpv) dg10 = -factor * (tmpv**2) dg11 = 1 - factor * (2 * tmpu * tmpv) # interleave and unravel to put into sparse matrix dg00I = self.xp.ravel(self.xp.kron(dg00, self.xp.array([1, 0]))) dg01I = self.xp.ravel(self.xp.kron(dg01, self.xp.array([1, 0]))) dg10I = self.xp.ravel(self.xp.kron(dg10, self.xp.array([1, 0]))) dg11I = self.xp.ravel(self.xp.kron(dg11, self.xp.array([0, 1]))) # put into sparse matrix dg = sp.diags(dg00I, offsets=0) + sp.diags(dg11I, offsets=0) dg += sp.diags(dg01I, offsets=1, shape=dg.shape) + sp.diags(dg10I, offsets=-1, shape=dg.shape) # interleave g terms to apply inverse to it g = self.xp.kron(tmpgu.flatten(), self.xp.array([1, 0])) + self.xp.kron( tmpgv.flatten(), self.xp.array([0, 1]) ) # invert dg matrix b = sp.linalg.spsolve(dg, g) # update real-space vectors tmpu[:] -= b[::2].reshape(self.nvars) tmpv[:] -= b[1::2].reshape(self.nvars) # increase iteration count n += 1 self.work_counters['newton']() if self.xp.isnan(res) and self.stop_at_nan: raise ProblemError('Newton got nan after %i iterations, aborting...' % n) elif self.xp.isnan(res): self.logger.warning('Newton got nan after %i iterations...' % n) if n == self.newton_maxiter: self.logger.warning('Newton did not converge after %i iterations, error is %s' % (n, res)) me = self.dtype_u(self.init) if self.spectral: me[0, ...] = self.fft.forward(tmpu) me[1, ...] = self.fft.forward(tmpv) else: me[0, ...] = tmpu me[1, ...] = tmpv return me