Source code for implementations.problem_classes.GeneralizedFisher_1D_PETSc

import numpy as np
from petsc4py import PETSc

from pySDC.core.Problem import ptype
from pySDC.implementations.datatype_classes.petsc_vec import petsc_vec, petsc_vec_imex, petsc_vec_comp2

[docs] class Fisher_full(object): r""" Helper class to generate residual and Jacobian matrix for PETSc's nonlinear solver SNES. Parameters ---------- da : DMDA object Object of ``PETSc``. prob : problem instance Contains problem information for ``PETSc``. factor : float Temporal factor :math:`\Delta t Q_\Delta`. dx : float Grid spacing in x direction. Attributes ---------- localX : PETSc vector object Local vector for ``PETSc``. xs, xe : int Defines the ranges for spatial domain. mx : tuple Get sizes for the vector containing the spatial points. row : PETSc matrix stencil object Row for a matrix. col : PETSc matrix stencil object Column for a matrix. """ def __init__(self, da, prob, factor, dx): """Initialization routine""" assert da.getDim() == 1 self.da = da self.factor = factor self.dx = dx self.prob = prob self.localX = da.createLocalVec() self.xs, self.xe = self.da.getRanges()[0] = self.da.getSizes()[0] self.row = PETSc.Mat.Stencil() self.col = PETSc.Mat.Stencil()
[docs] def formFunction(self, snes, X, F): r""" Function to evaluate the residual for the Newton solver. This function should be equal to the RHS in the solution. Parameters ---------- snes : PETSc solver object Nonlinear solver object. X : PETSc vector object Input vector. F : PETSc vector object Output vector :math:`F(X)`. Returns ------- None Overwrites F. """ self.da.globalToLocal(X, self.localX) x = self.da.getVecArray(self.localX) f = self.da.getVecArray(F) for i in range(self.xs, self.xe): if i == 0 or i == - 1: f[i] = x[i] else: u = x[i] # center u_e = x[i + 1] # east u_w = x[i - 1] # west u_xx = (u_e - 2 * u + u_w) / self.dx**2 f[i] = x[i] - self.factor * (u_xx + self.prob.lambda0**2 * x[i] * (1 - x[i] **
[docs] def formJacobian(self, snes, X, J, P): """ Function to return the Jacobian matrix. Parameters ---------- snes : PETSc solver object Nonlinear solver object. X : PETSc vector object Input vector. J : PETSc matrix object Current Jacobian matrix. P : PETSc matrix object New Jacobian matrix. Returns ------- PETSc.Mat.Structure.SAME_NONZERO_PATTERN Matrix status. """ self.da.globalToLocal(X, self.localX) x = self.da.getVecArray(self.localX) P.zeroEntries() for i in range(self.xs, self.xe): self.row.i = i self.row.field = 0 if i == 0 or i == - 1: P.setValueStencil(self.row, self.row, 1.0) else: diag = 1.0 - self.factor * ( -2.0 / self.dx**2 + self.prob.lambda0**2 * (1.0 - ( + 1) * x[i] ** ) for index, value in [ (i - 1, -self.factor / self.dx**2), (i, diag), (i + 1, -self.factor / self.dx**2), ]: self.col.i = index self.col.field = 0 P.setValueStencil(self.row, self.col, value) P.assemble() if J != P: J.assemble() # matrix-free operator return PETSc.Mat.Structure.SAME_NONZERO_PATTERN
[docs] class Fisher_reaction(object): r""" Helper class to generate residual and Jacobian matrix for ``PETSc``'s nonlinear solver SNES. Parameters ---------- da : DMDA object Object of ``PETSc``. prob : problem instance Contains problem information for ``PETSc``. factor : float Temporal factor :math:`\Delta t Q_\Delta`. dx : float Grid spacing in x direction. Attributes ---------- localX : PETSc vector object Local vector for ``PETSc``. """ def __init__(self, da, prob, factor): """Initialization routine""" assert da.getDim() == 1 self.da = da self.prob = prob self.factor = factor self.localX = da.createLocalVec()
[docs] def formFunction(self, snes, X, F): r""" Function to evaluate the residual for the Newton solver. This function should be equal to the RHS in the solution. Parameters ---------- snes : PETSc solver object Nonlinear solver object. X : PETSc vector object Input vector. F : PETSc vector object Output vector :math:`F(X)`. Returns ------- None Overwrites F. """ self.da.globalToLocal(X, self.localX) x = self.da.getVecArray(self.localX) f = self.da.getVecArray(F) mx = self.da.getSizes()[0] (xs, xe) = self.da.getRanges()[0] for i in range(xs, xe): if i == 0 or i == mx - 1: f[i] = x[i] else: f[i] = x[i] - self.factor * self.prob.lambda0**2 * x[i] * (1 - x[i] **
[docs] def formJacobian(self, snes, X, J, P): """ Function to return the Jacobian matrix. Parameters ---------- snes : PETSc solver object Nonlinear solver object. X : PETSc vector object Input vector. J : PETSc matrix object Current Jacobian matrix. P : PETSc matrix object New Jacobian matrix. Returns ------- PETSc.Mat.Structure.SAME_NONZERO_PATTERN Matrix status. """ self.da.globalToLocal(X, self.localX) x = self.da.getVecArray(self.localX) P.zeroEntries() row = PETSc.Mat.Stencil() mx = self.da.getSizes()[0] (xs, xe) = self.da.getRanges()[0] for i in range(xs, xe): row.i = i row.field = 0 if i == 0 or i == mx - 1: P.setValueStencil(row, row, 1.0) else: diag = 1.0 - self.factor * self.prob.lambda0**2 * (1.0 - ( + 1) * x[i] ** P.setValueStencil(row, row, diag) P.assemble() if J != P: J.assemble() # matrix-free operator return PETSc.Mat.Structure.SAME_NONZERO_PATTERN
[docs] class petsc_fisher_multiimplicit(ptype): r""" The following one-dimensional problem is an example of a reaction-diffusion equation with traveling waves, and can be seen as a generalized Fisher equation. This class implements a special case of the Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piskunov problem [1]_ using periodic boundary conditions .. math:: \frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = \Delta u + \lambda_0^2 u (1 - u^\nu) with exact solution .. math:: u(x, 0) = \left[ 1 + \left(2^{\nu / 2} - 1\right) \exp\left(-(\nu / 2)\sigma_1 x + 2 \lambda_1 t\right) \right]^{-2 / \nu} for :math:`x \in \mathbb{R}`, and .. math:: \sigma_1 = \lambda_1 - \sqrt{\lambda_1^2 - \lambda_0^2}, .. math:: \lambda_1 = \frac{\lambda_0}{2} \left[ \left(1 + \frac{\nu}{2}\right)^{1/2} + \left(1 + \frac{\nu}{2}\right)^{-1/2} \right]. This class is implemented to be solved in spatial using ``PETSc`` [2]_, [3]_. For time-stepping, the problem will be solved *multi-implicitly*. Parameters ---------- nvars : int, optional Spatial resolution. lambda0 : float, optional Problem parameter : math:`\lambda_0`. nu : float, optional Problem parameter :math:`\nu`. interval : tuple, optional Defines the spatial domain. comm : PETSc.COMM_WORLD, optional Communicator for PETSc. lsol_tol : float, optional Tolerance for linear solver to terminate. nlsol_tol : float, optional Tolerance for nonlinear solver to terminate. lsol_maxiter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations for linear solver. nlsol_maxiter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations for nonlinear solver. Attributes ---------- dx : float Mesh grid width. xs, xe : int Define the ranges. A : PETSc matrix object Discretization matrix. localX : PETSc vector object Local vector for solution. ksp : PETSc solver object Linear solver object. snes : PETSc solver object Nonlinear solver object. F : PETSc vector object Global vector. J : PETSc matrix object Jacobi matrix. References ---------- .. [1] Z. Feng. Traveling wave behavior for a generalized fisher equation. Chaos Solitons Fractals 38(2), 481–488 (2008). .. [2] PETSc Web page. Satish Balay et al. (2023). .. [3] Parallel distributed computing using Python. Lisandro D. Dalcin, Rodrigo R. Paz, Pablo A. Kler, Alejandro Cosimo. Advances in Water Resources (2011). """ dtype_u = petsc_vec dtype_f = petsc_vec_comp2 def __init__( self, nvars, lambda0, nu, interval, comm=PETSc.COMM_WORLD, lsol_tol=1e-10, nlsol_tol=1e-10, lsol_maxiter=None, nlsol_maxiter=None, ): """Initialization routine""" # create DMDA object which will be used for all grid operations da = PETSc.DMDA().create([nvars], dof=1, stencil_width=1, comm=comm) # invoke super init, passing number of dofs, dtype_u and dtype_f super().__init__(init=da) self._makeAttributeAndRegister( 'nvars', 'lambda0', 'nu', 'interval', 'comm', 'lsol_tol', 'nlsol_tol', 'lsol_maxiter', 'nlsol_maxiter', localVars=locals(), readOnly=True, ) # compute dx and get local ranges self.dx = (self.interval[1] - self.interval[0]) / (self.nvars - 1) (self.xs, self.xe) = self.init.getRanges()[0] # compute discretization matrix A and identity self.A = self.__get_A() self.localX = self.init.createLocalVec() # setup linear solver self.ksp = PETSc.KSP() self.ksp.create(comm=self.comm) self.ksp.setType('cg') pc = self.ksp.getPC() pc.setType('ilu') self.ksp.setInitialGuessNonzero(True) self.ksp.setFromOptions() self.ksp.setTolerances(rtol=self.lsol_tol, atol=self.lsol_tol, max_it=self.lsol_maxiter) self.ksp_itercount = 0 self.ksp_ncalls = 0 # setup nonlinear solver self.snes = PETSc.SNES() self.snes.create(comm=self.comm) if self.nlsol_maxiter <= 1: self.snes.setType('ksponly') self.snes.getKSP().setType('cg') pc = self.snes.getKSP().getPC() pc.setType('ilu') # self.snes.setType('ngmres') self.snes.setFromOptions() self.snes.setTolerances( rtol=self.nlsol_tol, atol=self.nlsol_tol, stol=self.nlsol_tol, max_it=self.nlsol_maxiter, ) self.snes_itercount = 0 self.snes_ncalls = 0 self.F = self.init.createGlobalVec() self.J = self.init.createMatrix() def __get_A(self): r""" Helper function to assemble ``PETSc`` matrix A. Returns ------- A : PETSc matrix object Discretization matrix. """ # create matrix and set basic options A = self.init.createMatrix() A.setType('aij') # sparse A.setFromOptions() A.setPreallocationNNZ((3, 3)) A.setUp() # fill matrix A.zeroEntries() row = PETSc.Mat.Stencil() col = PETSc.Mat.Stencil() mx = self.init.getSizes()[0] (xs, xe) = self.init.getRanges()[0] for i in range(xs, xe): row.i = i row.field = 0 if i == 0 or i == mx - 1: A.setValueStencil(row, row, 1.0) else: diag = -2.0 / self.dx**2 for index, value in [ (i - 1, 1.0 / self.dx**2), (i, diag), (i + 1, 1.0 / self.dx**2), ]: col.i = index col.field = 0 A.setValueStencil(row, col, value) A.assemble() return A
[docs] def get_sys_mat(self, factor): """ Helper function to assemble the system matrix of the linear problem. Parameters ---------- factor : float Factor to define the system matrix. Returns ------- A : PETSc matrix object Matrix for the system to solve. """ # create matrix and set basic options A = self.init.createMatrix() A.setType('aij') # sparse A.setFromOptions() A.setPreallocationNNZ((3, 3)) A.setUp() # fill matrix A.zeroEntries() row = PETSc.Mat.Stencil() col = PETSc.Mat.Stencil() mx = self.init.getSizes()[0] (xs, xe) = self.init.getRanges()[0] for i in range(xs, xe): row.i = i row.field = 0 if i == 0 or i == mx - 1: A.setValueStencil(row, row, 1.0) else: diag = 1.0 + factor * 2.0 / self.dx**2 for index, value in [ (i - 1, -factor / self.dx**2), (i, diag), (i + 1, -factor / self.dx**2), ]: col.i = index col.field = 0 A.setValueStencil(row, col, value) A.assemble() return A
[docs] def eval_f(self, u, t): """ Routine to evaluate the right-hand side of the problem. Parameters ---------- u : dtype_u Current values of the numerical solution. t : float Current time the numerical solution is computed. Returns ------- f : dtype_f Right-hand side of the problem. """ f = self.dtype_f(self.init) self.A.mult(u, f.comp1) fa1 = self.init.getVecArray(f.comp1) fa1[0] = 0 fa1[-1] = 0 fa2 = self.init.getVecArray(f.comp2) xa = self.init.getVecArray(u) for i in range(self.xs, self.xe): fa2[i] = self.lambda0**2 * xa[i] * (1 - xa[i] ** fa2[0] = 0 fa2[-1] = 0 return f
[docs] def solve_system_1(self, rhs, factor, u0, t): r""" Linear solver for :math:`(I - factor \cdot A)\vec{u} = \vec{rhs}`. Parameters ---------- rhs : dtype_f Right-hand side for the linear system. factor : float Abbrev. for the local stepsize (or any other factor required). u0 : dtype_u Initial guess for the iterative solver. t : float Current time (e.g. for time-dependent BCs). Returns ------- me : dtype_u Solution as mesh. """ me = self.dtype_u(u0) self.ksp.setOperators(self.get_sys_mat(factor)) self.ksp.solve(rhs, me) self.ksp_itercount += self.ksp.getIterationNumber() self.ksp_ncalls += 1 return me
[docs] def solve_system_2(self, rhs, factor, u0, t): r""" Nonlinear solver for :math:`(I - factor \cdot F)(\vec{u}) = \vec{rhs}`. Parameters ---------- rhs : dtype_f Right-hand side for the linear system. factor : float Abbrev. for the local stepsize (or any other factor required). u0 : dtype_u Initial guess for the iterative solver. t : float Current time (e.g. for time-dependent BCs). Returns ------- me : dtype_u Solution as mesh. """ me = self.dtype_u(u0) target = Fisher_reaction(self.init, self, factor) # assign residual function and Jacobian F = self.init.createGlobalVec() self.snes.setFunction(target.formFunction, F) J = self.init.createMatrix() self.snes.setJacobian(target.formJacobian, J) self.snes.solve(rhs, me) self.snes_itercount += self.snes.getIterationNumber() self.snes_ncalls += 1 return me
[docs] def u_exact(self, t): r""" Routine to compute the exact solution at time :math:`t`. Parameters ---------- t : float Time of the exact solution. Returns ------- me : dtype_u Exact solution. """ lam1 = self.lambda0 / 2.0 * (( / 2.0 + 1) ** 0.5 + ( / 2.0 + 1) ** (-0.5)) sig1 = lam1 - np.sqrt(lam1**2 - self.lambda0**2) me = self.dtype_u(self.init) xa = self.init.getVecArray(me) for i in range(self.xs, self.xe): xa[i] = ( 1 + (2 ** ( / 2.0) - 1) * np.exp( / 2.0 * sig1 * (self.interval[0] + (i + 1) * self.dx + 2 * lam1 * t)) ) ** (-2.0 / return me
[docs] class petsc_fisher_fullyimplicit(petsc_fisher_multiimplicit): r""" The following one-dimensional problem is an example of a reaction-diffusion equation with traveling waves, and can be seen as a generalized Fisher equation. This class implements a special case of the Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piskunov problem [1]_ using periodic boundary conditions .. math:: \frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = \Delta u + \lambda_0^2 u (1 - u^\nu) with exact solution .. math:: u(x, 0) = \left[ 1 + \left(2^{\nu / 2} - 1\right) \exp\left(-(\nu / 2)\sigma_1 x + 2 \lambda_1 t\right) \right]^{-2 / \nu} for :math:`x \in \mathbb{R}`, and .. math:: \sigma_1 = \lambda_1 - \sqrt{\lambda_1^2 - \lambda_0^2}, .. math:: \lambda_1 = \frac{\lambda_0}{2} \left[ \left(1 + \frac{\nu}{2}\right)^{1/2} + \left(1 + \frac{\nu}{2}\right)^{-1/2} \right]. This class is implemented to be solved in spatial using ``PETSc`` [2]_, [3]_. For time-stepping, the problem is treated *fully-implicitly*. """ dtype_f = petsc_vec
[docs] def eval_f(self, u, t): """ Routine to evaluate the right-hand side of the problem. Parameters ---------- u : dtype_u Current values of the numerical solution. t : float Current time the numerical solution is computed. Returns ------- f : dtype_f Right-hand side of the problem. """ f = self.dtype_f(self.init) self.A.mult(u, f) fa2 = self.init.getVecArray(f) xa = self.init.getVecArray(u) for i in range(self.xs, self.xe): fa2[i] += self.lambda0**2 * xa[i] * (1 - xa[i] ** fa2[0] = 0 fa2[-1] = 0 return f
[docs] def solve_system(self, rhs, factor, u0, t): r""" Nonlinear solver for :math:`(I - factor \cdot F)(\vec{u}) = \vec{rhs}`. Parameters ---------- rhs : dtype_f Right-hand side for the linear system. factor : float Abbrev. for the local stepsize (or any other factor required). u0 : dtype_u Initial guess for the iterative solver. t : float Current time (e.g. for time-dependent BCs). Returns ------- me : dtype_u Solution as mesh. """ me = self.dtype_u(u0) target = Fisher_full(self.init, self, factor, self.dx) # assign residual function and Jacobian self.snes.setFunction(target.formFunction, self.F) self.snes.setJacobian(target.formJacobian, self.J) self.snes.solve(rhs, me) self.snes_itercount += self.snes.getIterationNumber() self.snes_ncalls += 1 return me
[docs] class petsc_fisher_semiimplicit(petsc_fisher_multiimplicit): r""" The following one-dimensional problem is an example of a reaction-diffusion equation with traveling waves, and can be seen as a generalized Fisher equation. This class implements a special case of the Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piskunov problem [1]_ using periodic boundary conditions .. math:: \frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = \Delta u + \lambda_0^2 u (1 - u^\nu) with exact solution .. math:: u(x, 0) = \left[ 1 + \left(2^{\nu / 2} - 1\right) \exp\left(-(\nu / 2)\sigma_1 x + 2 \lambda_1 t\right) \right]^{-2 / \nu} for :math:`x \in \mathbb{R}`, and .. math:: \sigma_1 = \lambda_1 - \sqrt{\lambda_1^2 - \lambda_0^2}, .. math:: \lambda_1 = \frac{\lambda_0}{2} \left[ \left(1 + \frac{\nu}{2}\right)^{1/2} + \left(1 + \frac{\nu}{2}\right)^{-1/2} \right]. This class is implemented to be solved in spatial using ``PETSc`` [2]_, [3]_. For time-stepping, the problem here will be solved in a *semi-implicit* way. """ dtype_f = petsc_vec_imex
[docs] def eval_f(self, u, t): """ Routine to evaluate the right-hand side of the problem. Parameters ---------- u : dtype_u Current values of the numerical solution. t : float Current time the numerical solution is computed. Returns ------- f : dtype_f Right-hand side of the problem. """ f = self.dtype_f(self.init) self.A.mult(u, f.impl) fa1 = self.init.getVecArray(f.impl) fa1[0] = 0 fa1[-1] = 0 fa2 = self.init.getVecArray(f.expl) xa = self.init.getVecArray(u) for i in range(self.xs, self.xe): fa2[i] = self.lambda0**2 * xa[i] * (1 - xa[i] ** fa2[0] = 0 fa2[-1] = 0 return f
[docs] def solve_system(self, rhs, factor, u0, t): r""" Simple linear solver for :math:`(I-factor \cdot A)\vec{u} = \vec{rhs}`. Parameters ---------- rhs : dtype_f Right-hand side for the linear system. factor : float Abbrev. for the local stepsize (or any other factor required). u0 : dtype_u Initial guess for the iterative solver. t : float Current time (e.g. for time-dependent BCs). Returns ------- me : dtype_u Solution as mesh. """ me = self.dtype_u(u0) self.ksp.setOperators(self.get_sys_mat(factor)) self.ksp.solve(rhs, me) self.ksp_itercount += self.ksp.getIterationNumber() self.ksp_ncalls += 1 return me