Source code for implementations.problem_classes.Burgers

import numpy as np

from pySDC.implementations.datatype_classes.mesh import mesh, imex_mesh
from pySDC.implementations.problem_classes.generic_spectral import GenericSpectralLinear

[docs] class Burgers1D(GenericSpectralLinear): """ See'_equation for the equation that is solved. Discretization is done with a Chebychev method, which requires a first order derivative formulation. Feel free to do a more efficient implementation using an ultraspherical method to avoid the first order business. Parameters: N (int): Spatial resolution epsilon (float): viscosity BCl (float): Value at left boundary BCr (float): Value at right boundary f (int): Frequency of the initial conditions mode (str): 'T2U' or 'T2T'. Use 'T2U' to get sparse differentiation matrices """ dtype_u = mesh dtype_f = imex_mesh def __init__(self, N=64, epsilon=0.1, BCl=1, BCr=-1, f=0, mode='T2U', **kwargs): """ Constructor. `kwargs` are forwarded to parent class constructor. Args: N (int): Spatial resolution epsilon (float): viscosity BCl (float): Value at left boundary BCr (float): Value at right boundary f (int): Frequency of the initial conditions mode (str): 'T2U' or 'T2T'. Use 'T2U' to get sparse differentiation matrices """ self._makeAttributeAndRegister('N', 'epsilon', 'BCl', 'BCr', 'f', 'mode', localVars=locals(), readOnly=True) bases = [{'base': 'cheby', 'N': N}] components = ['u', 'ux'] super().__init__(bases=bases, components=components, spectral_space=False, **kwargs) self.x = self.get_grid()[0] # prepare matrices Dx = self.get_differentiation_matrix(axes=(0,)) I = self.get_Id() T2U = self.get_basis_change_matrix(conv=mode) self.Dx = Dx # construct linear operator L_lhs = {'u': {'ux': -epsilon * (T2U @ Dx)}, 'ux': {'u': -T2U @ Dx, 'ux': T2U @ I}} self.setup_L(L_lhs) # construct mass matrix M_lhs = {'u': {'u': T2U @ I}} self.setup_M(M_lhs) # boundary conditions self.add_BC(component='u', equation='u', axis=0, x=1, v=BCr, kind='Dirichlet') self.add_BC(component='u', equation='ux', axis=0, x=-1, v=BCl, kind='Dirichlet') self.setup_BCs()
[docs] def u_exact(self, t=0, *args, **kwargs): me = self.u_init # x = (self.x + 1) / 2 # g = 4 * (1 + np.exp(-(4 * x + t)/self.epsilon/32)) # g_x = 4 * np.exp(-(4 * x + t)/self.epsilon/32) * (-4/self.epsilon/32) # me[0] = 3./4. - 1./g # me[1] = 1/g**2 * g_x # return me if t == 0: me[self.index('u')][:] = ((self.BCr + self.BCl) / 2 + (self.BCr - self.BCl) / 2 * self.x) * np.cos( self.x * np.pi * self.f ) me[self.index('ux')][:] = (self.BCr - self.BCl) / 2 * np.cos(self.x * np.pi * self.f) + ( (self.BCr + self.BCl) / 2 + (self.BCr - self.BCl) / 2 * self.x ) * self.f * np.pi * -np.sin(self.x * np.pi * self.f) elif t == np.inf and self.f == 0 and self.BCl == -self.BCr: me[0] = (self.BCl * np.exp((self.BCr - self.BCl) / (2 * self.epsilon) * self.x) + self.BCr) / ( np.exp((self.BCr - self.BCl) / (2 * self.epsilon) * self.x) + 1 ) else: raise NotImplementedError return me
[docs] def eval_f(self, u, *args, **kwargs): f = self.f_init iu, iux = self.index('u'), self.index('ux') u_hat = self.transform(u) Dx_u_hat = self.u_init_forward Dx_u_hat[iux] = (self.Dx @ u_hat[iux].flatten()).reshape(u_hat[iu].shape) f.impl[iu] = self.epsilon * self.itransform(Dx_u_hat)[iux].real f.expl[iu] = -u[iu] * u[iux] return f
[docs] def get_fig(self): # pragma: no cover """ Get a figure suitable to plot the solution of this problem. Returns ------- self.fig : matplotlib.pyplot.figure.Figure """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.rcParams['figure.constrained_layout.use'] = True self.fig, axs = plt.subplots() return self.fig
[docs] def plot(self, u, t=None, fig=None, comp='u'): # pragma: no cover r""" Plot the solution. Parameters ---------- u : dtype_u Solution to be plotted t : float Time to display at the top of the figure fig : matplotlib.pyplot.figure.Figure, optional Figure with the same structure as a figure generated by `self.get_fig`. If none is supplied, a new figure will be generated. Returns ------- None """ fig = self.get_fig() if fig is None else fig ax = fig.axes[0] ax.plot(self.x, u[self.index(comp)]) if t is not None: fig.suptitle(f't = {t:.2e}') ax.set_xlabel(r'$x$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$u$')
[docs] class Burgers2D(GenericSpectralLinear): """ See'_equation for the equation that is solved. This implementation is discretized with FFTs in x and Chebychev in z. Parameters: nx (int): Spatial resolution in x direction nz (int): Spatial resolution in z direction epsilon (float): viscosity BCl (float): Value at left boundary BCr (float): Value at right boundary fux (int): Frequency of the initial conditions in x-direction fuz (int): Frequency of the initial conditions in z-direction mode (str): 'T2U' or 'T2T'. Use 'T2U' to get sparse differentiation matrices """ dtype_u = mesh dtype_f = imex_mesh def __init__(self, nx=64, nz=64, epsilon=0.1, fux=2, fuz=1, mode='T2U', **kwargs): """ Constructor. `kwargs` are forwarded to parent class constructor. Args: nx (int): Spatial resolution in x direction nz (int): Spatial resolution in z direction epsilon (float): viscosity fux (int): Frequency of the initial conditions in x-direction fuz (int): Frequency of the initial conditions in z-direction mode (str): 'T2U' or 'T2T'. Use 'T2U' to get sparse differentiation matrices """ self._makeAttributeAndRegister('nx', 'nz', 'epsilon', 'fux', 'fuz', 'mode', localVars=locals(), readOnly=True) bases = [ {'base': 'fft', 'N': nx}, {'base': 'cheby', 'N': nz}, ] components = ['u', 'v', 'ux', 'uz', 'vx', 'vz'] super().__init__(bases=bases, components=components, spectral_space=False, **kwargs) self.Z, self.X = self.get_grid() # prepare matrices Dx = self.get_differentiation_matrix(axes=(0,)) Dz = self.get_differentiation_matrix(axes=(1,)) I = self.get_Id() T2U = self.get_basis_change_matrix(axes=(1,), conv=mode) self.Dx = Dx self.Dz = Dz # construct linear operator L_lhs = { 'u': {'ux': -epsilon * T2U @ Dx, 'uz': -epsilon * T2U @ Dz}, 'v': {'vx': -epsilon * T2U @ Dx, 'vz': -epsilon * T2U @ Dz}, 'ux': {'u': -T2U @ Dx, 'ux': T2U @ I}, 'uz': {'u': -T2U @ Dz, 'uz': T2U @ I}, 'vx': {'v': -T2U @ Dx, 'vx': T2U @ I}, 'vz': {'v': -T2U @ Dz, 'vz': T2U @ I}, } self.setup_L(L_lhs) # construct mass matrix M_lhs = { 'u': {'u': T2U @ I}, 'v': {'v': T2U @ I}, } self.setup_M(M_lhs) # boundary conditions self.BCtop = 1 self.BCbottom = -self.BCtop self.BCtopu = 0 self.add_BC(component='v', equation='v', axis=1, v=self.BCtop, x=1, kind='Dirichlet') self.add_BC(component='v', equation='vz', axis=1, v=self.BCbottom, x=-1, kind='Dirichlet') self.add_BC(component='u', equation='uz', axis=1, v=self.BCtopu, x=1, kind='Dirichlet') self.add_BC(component='u', equation='u', axis=1, v=self.BCtopu, x=-1, kind='Dirichlet') self.setup_BCs()
[docs] def u_exact(self, t=0, *args, noise_level=0, **kwargs): me = self.u_init iu, iv, iux, iuz, ivx, ivz = self.index(self.components) if t == 0: me[iu] = self.xp.cos(self.X * self.fux) * self.xp.sin(self.Z * np.pi * self.fuz) + self.BCtopu me[iux] = -self.xp.sin(self.X * self.fux) * self.fux * self.xp.sin(self.Z * np.pi * self.fuz) me[iuz] = self.xp.cos(self.X * self.fux) * self.xp.cos(self.Z * np.pi * self.fuz) * np.pi * self.fuz me[iv] = (self.BCtop + self.BCbottom) / 2 + (self.BCtop - self.BCbottom) / 2 * self.Z me[ivz][:] = (self.BCtop - self.BCbottom) / 2 # add noise rng = self.xp.random.default_rng(seed=99) me[iv].real += rng.normal(size=me[iv].shape) * (self.Z - 1) * (self.Z + 1) * noise_level else: raise NotImplementedError return me
[docs] def eval_f(self, u, *args, **kwargs): f = self.f_init iu, iv, iux, iuz, ivx, ivz = self.index(self.components) u_hat = self.transform(u) f_hat = self.u_init_forward f_hat[iu] = self.epsilon * ((self.Dx @ u_hat[iux].flatten() + self.Dz @ u_hat[iuz].flatten())).reshape( u_hat[iux].shape ) f_hat[iv] = self.epsilon * ((self.Dx @ u_hat[ivx].flatten() + self.Dz @ u_hat[ivz].flatten())).reshape( u_hat[iux].shape ) f.impl[...] = self.itransform(f_hat).real f.expl[iu] = -(u[iu] * u[iux] + u[iv] * u[iuz]) f.expl[iv] = -(u[iu] * u[ivx] + u[iv] * u[ivz]) return f
[docs] def compute_vorticity(self, u): me = self.u_init_forward u_hat = self.transform(u) iu, iv = self.index(['u', 'v']) me[iu] = (self.Dx @ u_hat[iv].flatten() + self.Dz @ u_hat[iu].flatten()).reshape(u[iu].shape) return self.itransform(me)[iu].real
[docs] def get_fig(self): # pragma: no cover """ Get a figure suitable to plot the solution of this problem Returns ------- self.fig : matplotlib.pyplot.figure.Figure """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable plt.rcParams['figure.constrained_layout.use'] = True self.fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=((8, 7))) self.cax = [] divider = make_axes_locatable(axs[0]) self.cax += [divider.append_axes('right', size='3%', pad=0.03)] divider2 = make_axes_locatable(axs[1]) self.cax += [divider2.append_axes('right', size='3%', pad=0.03)] divider3 = make_axes_locatable(axs[2]) self.cax += [divider3.append_axes('right', size='3%', pad=0.03)] return self.fig
[docs] def plot(self, u, t=None, fig=None, vmin=None, vmax=None): # pragma: no cover r""" Plot the solution. Please supply a figure with the same structure as returned by ``self.get_fig``. Parameters ---------- u : dtype_u Solution to be plotted t : float Time to display at the top of the figure fig : matplotlib.pyplot.figure.Figure Figure with the correct structure Returns ------- None """ fig = self.get_fig() if fig is None else fig axs = fig.axes iu, iv = self.index(['u', 'v']) imU = axs[0].pcolormesh(self.X, self.Z, u[iu].real, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) imV = axs[1].pcolormesh(self.X, self.Z, u[iv].real, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) imVort = axs[2].pcolormesh(self.X, self.Z, self.compute_vorticity(u).real) for i, label in zip([0, 1, 2], [r'$u$', '$v$', 'vorticity']): axs[i].set_aspect(1) axs[i].set_title(label) if t is not None: fig.suptitle(f't = {t:.2e}') axs[-1].set_xlabel(r'$x$') axs[-1].set_ylabel(r'$z$') fig.colorbar(imU, self.cax[0]) fig.colorbar(imV, self.cax[1]) fig.colorbar(imVort, self.cax[2])