Source code for implementations.problem_classes.Battery

import numpy as np

from pySDC.core.Errors import ParameterError, ProblemError
from pySDC.core.Problem import ptype, WorkCounter
from pySDC.implementations.datatype_classes.mesh import mesh, imex_mesh

[docs] class battery_n_capacitors(ptype): r""" Example implementing the battery drain model with :math:`N` capacitors, where :math:`N` is an arbitrary integer greater than zero. First, the capacitor :math:`C` serves as a battery and provides energy. When the voltage of the capacitor :math:`v_{C_n}` for :math:`n=1,..,N` drops below their reference value :math:`V_{ref,n-1}`, the circuit switches to the next capacitor. If all capacitors has dropped below their reference value, the voltage source :math:`V_s` provides further energy. The problem of simulating the battery draining has :math:`N + 1` different states. Each of this state can be expressed as a nonhomogeneous linear system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) .. math:: \frac{d u(t)}{dt} = A_k u(t) + f_k (t) for :math:`k=1,..,N+1` using an initial condition. Parameters ---------- ncapacitors : int, optional Number of capacitors :math:`n_{capacitors}` in the circuit. Vs : float, optional Voltage at the voltage source :math:`V_s`. Rs : float, optional Resistance of the resistor :math:`R_s` at the voltage source. C : np.1darray, optional Capacitances of the capacitors :math:`C_n`. R : float, optional Resistance for the load :math:`R_\ell`. L : float, optional Inductance of inductor :math:`L`. alpha : float, optional Factor greater than zero to describe the storage of the capacitor(s). V_ref : np.1darray, optional Array contains the reference values greater than zero for each capacitor to switch to the next energy source. Attributes ---------- A : matrix Coefficients matrix of the linear system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). switch_A : dict Dictionary that contains the coefficients for the coefficient matrix A. switch_f : dict Dictionary that contains the coefficients of the right-hand side f of the ODE system. t_switch : float Time point of the discrete event found by switch estimation. nswitches : int Number of switches found by switch estimation. Note ---- The array containing the capacitances :math:`C_n` and the array containing the reference values :math:`V_{ref, n-1}` for each capacitor must be equal to the number of capacitors :math:`n_{capacitors}`. """ dtype_u = mesh dtype_f = imex_mesh def __init__(self, ncapacitors=2, Vs=5.0, Rs=0.5, C=None, R=1.0, L=1.0, alpha=1.2, V_ref=None): """Initialization routine""" n = ncapacitors nvars = n + 1 if C is None: if ncapacitors == 1: C = np.array([1.0]) elif ncapacitors == 2: C = np.array([1.0, 1.0]) else: raise ParameterError(f"No default value for C is set up for ncapacitors={ncapacitors}") else: msgC = "ERROR for capacitance C: C has to be an np.ndarray and/or length of array needs to be equal to number of capacitances" assert all([type(C) == np.ndarray, np.shape(C)[0] == n]), msgC if V_ref is None: if ncapacitors == 1: V_ref = np.array([1.0]) elif ncapacitors == 2: V_ref = np.array([1.0, 1.0]) else: raise ParameterError(f"No default value for V_ref is set up for ncapacitors={ncapacitors}") else: assertions_V_ref_1 = [ type(V_ref) == np.ndarray, np.shape(V_ref)[0] == n, ] msg1 = "ERROR for reference value V_ref: V_ref has to be an np.ndarray and/or length of array needs to be equal to number of capacitances" assert all(assertions_V_ref_1), msg1 assertions_V_ref_2 = [ (alpha > V_ref[k] for k in range(n)), (V_ref[k] > 0 for k in range(n)), ] msg2 = "ERROR for V_ref: At least one of V_ref is less than zero and/or alpha!" assert all(assertions_V_ref_2), msg2 # invoke super init, passing number of dofs, dtype_u and dtype_f super().__init__(init=(nvars, None, np.dtype('float64'))) self._makeAttributeAndRegister( 'nvars', 'ncapacitors', 'Vs', 'Rs', 'C', 'R', 'L', 'alpha', 'V_ref', localVars=locals(), readOnly=True ) self.switch_A, self.switch_f = self.get_problem_dict() self.A = self.switch_A[0] self.t_switch = None self.nswitches = 0
[docs] def eval_f(self, u, t): r""" Routine to evaluate the right-hand side of the problem. Let :math:`v_k:=v_{C_k}` be the voltage of capacitor :math:`C_k` for :math:`k=1,..,N` with reference value :math:`V_{ref, k-1}`. No switch estimator is used: For :math:`N = 3` there are :math:`N + 1 = 4` different states of the battery: :math:`C_1` supplies energy if: .. math:: v_1 > V_{ref,0}, v_2 > V_{ref,1}, v_3 > V_{ref,2}, :math:`C_2` supplies energy if: .. math:: v_1 \leq V_{ref,0}, v_2 > V_{ref,1}, v_3 > V_{ref,2}, :math:`C_3` supplies energy if: .. math:: v_1 \leq V_{ref,0}, v_2 \leq V_{ref,1}, v_3 > V_{ref,2}, :math:`V_s` supplies energy if: .. math:: v_1 \leq V_{ref,0}, v_2 \leq V_{ref,1}, v_3 \leq V_{ref,2}. :math:`max_{index}` is initialized to :math:`-1`. List "switch" contains a True if :math:`v_k \leq V_{ref,k-1}` is satisfied. - Is no True there (i.e., :math:`max_{index}=-1`), we are in the first case. - :math:`max_{index}=k\geq 0` means we are in the :math:`(k+1)`-th case. So, the actual RHS has key :math:`max_{index}`-1 in the dictionary self.switch_f. In case of using the switch estimator, we count the number of switches which illustrates in which case of voltage source we are. Parameters ---------- u : dtype_u Current values of the numerical solution. t : float Current time of the numerical solution is computed. Returns ------- f : dtype_f The right-hand side of the problem. """ f = self.dtype_f(self.init, val=0.0) f.impl[:] = if self.t_switch is not None: f.expl[:] = self.switch_f[self.nswitches] else: # proof all switching conditions and find largest index where it drops below V_ref switch = [True if u[k] <= self.V_ref[k - 1] else False for k in range(1, len(u))] max_index = max([k if switch[k] == True else -1 for k in range(len(switch))]) if max_index == -1: f.expl[:] = self.switch_f[0] else: f.expl[:] = self.switch_f[max_index + 1] return f
[docs] def solve_system(self, rhs, factor, u0, t): r""" Simple linear solver for :math:`(I-factor\cdot A)\vec{u}=\vec{rhs}`. Parameters ---------- rhs : dtype_f Right-hand side for the linear system. factor : float Abbrev. for the local stepsize (or any other factor required). u0 : dtype_u Initial guess for the iterative solver. t : float Current time (e.g. for time-dependent BCs). Returns ------- me : dtype_u The solution as mesh. """ if self.t_switch is not None: self.A = self.switch_A[self.nswitches] else: # proof all switching conditions and find largest index where it drops below V_ref switch = [True if rhs[k] <= self.V_ref[k - 1] else False for k in range(1, len(rhs))] max_index = max([k if switch[k] == True else -1 for k in range(len(switch))]) if max_index == -1: self.A = self.switch_A[0] else: self.A = self.switch_A[max_index + 1] me = self.dtype_u(self.init) me[:] = np.linalg.solve(np.eye(self.nvars) - factor * self.A, rhs) return me
[docs] def u_exact(self, t): r""" Routine to compute the exact solution at time :math:`t`. Parameters ---------- t : float Time of the exact solution. Returns ------- me : dtype_u The exact solution. """ assert t == 0, 'ERROR: u_exact only valid for t=0' me = self.dtype_u(self.init) me[0] = 0.0 # cL me[1:] = self.alpha * self.V_ref # vC's return me
[docs] def get_switching_info(self, u, t): """ Provides information about a discrete event for one subinterval. Parameters ---------- u : dtype_u Current values of the numerical solution. t : float Current time of the numerical solution is computed. Returns ------- switch_detected : bool Indicates if a switch is found or not. m_guess : int Index of collocation node inside one subinterval of where the discrete event was found. state_function : list Contains values of the state function (for interpolation). """ switch_detected = False m_guess = -100 break_flag = False k_detected = 1 for m in range(1, len(u)): for k in range(1, self.nvars): h_prev_node = u[m - 1][k] - self.V_ref[k - 1] h_curr_node = u[m][k] - self.V_ref[k - 1] if h_prev_node > 0 and h_curr_node <= 0: switch_detected = True m_guess = m - 1 k_detected = k break_flag = True break if break_flag: break state_function = [u[m][k_detected] - self.V_ref[k_detected - 1] for m in range(len(u))] return switch_detected, m_guess, state_function
[docs] def count_switches(self): """ Counts the number of switches. This function is called when a switch is found inside the range of tolerance (in pySDC/projects/PinTSimE/ """ self.nswitches += 1
[docs] def get_problem_dict(self): """ Helper to create dictionaries for both the coefficent matrix of the ODE system and the nonhomogeneous part. """ n = self.ncapacitors v = np.zeros(n + 1) v[0] = 1 A, f = dict(), dict() A = {k: np.diag(-1 / (self.C[k] * self.R) * np.roll(v, k + 1)) for k in range(n)} A.update({n: np.diag(-(self.Rs + self.R) / self.L * v)}) f = {k: np.zeros(n + 1) for k in range(n)} f.update({n: self.Vs / self.L * v}) return A, f
[docs] class battery(battery_n_capacitors): r""" Example implementing the battery drain model with :math:`N=1` capacitor, inherits from ``battery_n_capacitors``. This model is an example of a discontinuous problem. The state function :math:`decides` which differential equation is solved. When the state function has a sign change the dynamics of the solution changes by changing the differential equation. The ODE system of this model is given by the following equations: If :math:`h(v_1) := v_1 - V_{ref, 0} > 0:` .. math:: \frac{d i_L (t)}{dt} = 0, .. math:: \frac{d v_1 (t)}{dt} = -\frac{1}{CR}v_1 (t), else: .. math:: \frac{d i_L(t)}{dt} = -\frac{R_s + R}{L}i_L (t) + \frac{1}{L} V_s, .. math:: \frac{d v_1(t)}{dt} = 0, where :math:`i_L` denotes the function of the current over time :math:`t`. Note ---- This class has the same attributes as the class it inherits from. """ dtype_f = imex_mesh def __init__(self, ncapacitors=1, Vs=5.0, Rs=0.5, C=None, R=1.0, L=1.0, alpha=1.2, V_ref=None): """Initialization routine""" super().__init__(ncapacitors, Vs, Rs, C, R, L, alpha, V_ref)
[docs] def eval_f(self, u, t): """ Routine to evaluate the right-hand side of the problem. Parameters ---------- u : dtype_u Current values of the numerical solution. t : float Current time of the numerical solution is computed. Returns ------- f : dtype_f The right-hand side of the problem. """ f = self.dtype_f(self.init, val=0.0) f.impl[:] = t_switch = np.inf if self.t_switch is None else self.t_switch if u[1] - self.V_ref[0] <= 0 or t >= t_switch: f.expl[0] = self.Vs / self.L else: f.expl[0] = 0 return f
[docs] def solve_system(self, rhs, factor, u0, t): r""" Simple linear solver for :math:`(I-factor\cdot A)\vec{u}=\vec{rhs}`. Parameters ---------- rhs : dtype_f Right-hand side for the linear system. factor : float Abbrev. for the local stepsize (or any other factor required). u0 : dtype_u Initial guess for the iterative solver. t : float Current time (e.g. for time-dependent BCs). Returns ------- me : dtype_u The solution as mesh. """ self.A = np.zeros((2, 2)) t_switch = np.inf if self.t_switch is None else self.t_switch if rhs[1] - self.V_ref[0] <= 0 or t >= t_switch: self.A[0, 0] = -(self.Rs + self.R) / self.L else: self.A[1, 1] = -1 / (self.C[0] * self.R) me = self.dtype_u(self.init) me[:] = np.linalg.solve(np.eye(self.nvars) - factor * self.A, rhs) return me
[docs] def u_exact(self, t): r""" Routine to compute the exact solution at time :math:`t`. Parameters ---------- t : float Time of the exact solution. Returns ------- me : dtype_u The exact solution. """ assert t == 0, 'ERROR: u_exact only valid for t=0' me = self.dtype_u(self.init) me[0] = 0.0 # cL me[1] = self.alpha * self.V_ref[0] # vC return me
[docs] class battery_implicit(battery): r""" Example implementing the battery drain model as above. The method solve_system uses a fully-implicit computation. Parameters ---------- ncapacitors : int, optional Number of capacitors in the circuit. Vs : float, optional Voltage at the voltage source :math:`V_s`. Rs : float, optional Resistance of the resistor :math:`R_s` at the voltage source. C : np.1darray, optional Capacitances of the capacitors. Length of array must equal to number of capacitors. R : float, optional Resistance for the load :math:`R_\ell`. L : float, optional Inductance of inductor :math:`L`. alpha : float, optional Factor greater than zero to describe the storage of the capacitor(s). V_ref : float, optional Reference value greater than zero for the battery to switch to the voltage source. newton_maxiter : int, optional Number of maximum iterations for the Newton solver. newton_tol : float, optional Tolerance for determination of the Newton solver. Attributes ---------- work_counters : WorkCounter Counts different things, here: Number of Newton iterations is counted. """ dtype_f = mesh def __init__( self, ncapacitors=1, Vs=5.0, Rs=0.5, C=None, R=1.0, L=1.0, alpha=1.2, V_ref=None, newton_maxiter=100, newton_tol=1e-11, ): super().__init__(ncapacitors, Vs, Rs, C, R, L, alpha, V_ref) self._makeAttributeAndRegister('newton_maxiter', 'newton_tol', localVars=locals(), readOnly=True) self.work_counters['newton'] = WorkCounter()
[docs] def eval_f(self, u, t): """ Routine to evaluate the right-hand side of the problem. Parameters ---------- u : dtype_u Current values of the numerical solution. t : float Current time of the numerical solution is computed. Returns ------- f : dtype_f The right-hand side of the problem. """ f = self.dtype_f(self.init, val=0.0) non_f = np.zeros(2) t_switch = np.inf if self.t_switch is None else self.t_switch if u[1] - self.V_ref[0] <= 0 or t >= t_switch: self.A[0, 0] = -(self.Rs + self.R) / self.L non_f[0] = self.Vs else: self.A[1, 1] = -1 / (self.C[0] * self.R) non_f[0] = 0 f[:] = + non_f return f
[docs] def solve_system(self, rhs, factor, u0, t): """ Simple Newton solver. Parameters ---------- rhs : dtype_f Right-hand side for the nonlinear system. factor : float Abbrev. for the local stepsize (or any other factor required). u0 : dtype_u Initial guess for the iterative solver t : float Current time (e.g. for time-dependent BCs). Returns ------- me : dtype_u The solution as mesh. """ u = self.dtype_u(u0) non_f = np.zeros(2) self.A = np.zeros((2, 2)) t_switch = np.inf if self.t_switch is None else self.t_switch if rhs[1] - self.V_ref[0] <= 0 or t >= t_switch: self.A[0, 0] = -(self.Rs + self.R) / self.L non_f[0] = self.Vs else: self.A[1, 1] = -1 / (self.C[0] * self.R) non_f[0] = 0 # start newton iteration n = 0 res = 99 while n < self.newton_maxiter: # form function g with g(u) = 0 g = u - rhs - factor * ( + non_f) # if g is close to 0, then we are done res = np.linalg.norm(g, np.inf) if res < self.newton_tol: break # assemble dg dg = np.eye(self.nvars) - factor * self.A # newton update: u1 = u0 - g/dg u -= np.linalg.solve(dg, g) # increase iteration count n += 1 self.work_counters['newton']() if np.isnan(res) and self.stop_at_nan: raise ProblemError('Newton got nan after %i iterations, aborting...' % n) elif np.isnan(res): self.logger.warning('Newton got nan after %i iterations...' % n) if n == self.newton_maxiter: self.logger.warning('Newton did not converge after %i iterations, error is %s' % (n, res)) me = self.dtype_u(self.init) me[:] = u[:] return me