Source code for implementations.convergence_controller_classes.spread_step_sizes

import numpy as np
from pySDC.core.ConvergenceController import ConvergenceController

[docs] class SpreadStepSizesBlockwise(ConvergenceController): """ Take the step size from the last step in the block and spread it to all steps in the next block such that every step in a block always has the same step size. By block we refer to a composite collocation problem, which is solved in pipelined SDC parallel-in-time. Also, we overrule the step size control here, if we get close to the final time and we would take too large of a step otherwise. """
[docs] def setup(self, controller, params, description, **kwargs): """ Define parameters here Args: controller (pySDC.Controller): The controller params (dict): The params passed for this specific convergence controller description (dict): The description object used to instantiate the controller Returns: (dict): The updated params dictionary """ defaults = { "control_order": +100, "spread_from_first_restarted": True, "overwrite_to_reach_Tend": True, } return {**defaults, **super().setup(controller, params, description, **kwargs)}
[docs] @classmethod def get_implementation(cls, useMPI, **kwargs): """ Get MPI or non-MPI version Args: useMPI (bool): The implementation that you want Returns: cls: The child class implementing the desired flavor """ if useMPI: return SpreadStepSizesBlockwiseMPI else: return SpreadStepSizesBlockwiseNonMPI
[docs] def get_step_from_which_to_spread(self, restarts, new_steps, size, S): """ Return the index of the step from which to spread the step size to all steps in the next block. Args: restarts (list): List of booleans for each step, showing if it wants to be restarted new_steps (list): List of the new step sizes on the finest level of each step size (int): Size of the time communicator S (pySDC.Step.step): The current step Returns: int: The index of the step from which we want to spread the step size """ if True in restarts: restart_at = np.where(restarts)[0][0] if self.params.spread_from_first_restarted: spread_from_step = restart_at else: # we want to spread the smallest step size out of the steps that want to be restarted spread_from_step = restart_at + np.argmin(new_steps[restart_at:]) self.debug( f'Detected restart from step {restart_at}. Spreading step size from step {spread_from_step}: {new_steps[restart_at]:.2e}.', S, ) else: restart_at = size - 1 spread_from_step = restart_at self.debug(f'Spreading step size from last step: {new_steps[restart_at]:.2e}.', S) return spread_from_step, restart_at
[docs] class SpreadStepSizesBlockwiseNonMPI(SpreadStepSizesBlockwise): """ Non-MPI version """
[docs] def get_step_from_which_to_spread(self, MS, S): """ Return the index of the step from which to spread the step size to all steps in the next block. Args: MS (list): Active steps S (pySDC.Step.step): The current step Returns: int: The index of the step from which we want to spread the step size """ restarts = [me.status.restart for me in MS] new_steps = [me.levels[0].status.dt_new if me.levels[0].status.dt_new else 1e9 for me in MS] return super().get_step_from_which_to_spread(restarts, new_steps, len(MS), S)
[docs] def prepare_next_block(self, controller, S, size, time, Tend, MS, **kwargs): """ Spread the step size of the last step with no restarted predecessors to all steps and limit the step size based on Tend Args: controller (pySDC.Controller): The controller S (pySDC.step): The current step size (int): The number of ranks time (list): List containing the time of all the steps handled by the controller (or float in MPI implementation) Tend (float): Final time of the simulation MS (list): Active steps Returns: None """ # inactive steps don't need to participate if S not in MS: return None spread_from_step, restart_at = self.get_step_from_which_to_spread(MS, S) # Compute the maximum allowed step size based on Tend. dt_all = [0.0] + [me.dt for me in MS if not me.status.first] dt_max = ( (Tend - time[restart_at] - dt_all[restart_at]) / size if self.params.overwrite_to_reach_Tend else np.inf ) # record the step sizes to restart with from all the levels of the step new_steps = [None] * len(S.levels) for i in range(len(MS[spread_from_step].levels)): l = MS[spread_from_step].levels[i] # overrule the step size control to reach Tend if needed new_steps[i] = min( [ l.status.dt_new if l.status.dt_new is not None else l.params.dt, max([dt_max, l.params.dt_initial]), ] ) if ( new_steps[i] < (l.status.dt_new if l.status.dt_new is not None else l.params.dt) and i == 0 and l.status.dt_new is not None ): self.log( f"Overwriting stepsize control to reach Tend: {Tend:.2e}! New step size: {new_steps[i]:.2e}", S ) # spread the step sizes to all levels for i in range(len(S.levels)): S.levels[i].params.dt = new_steps[i] return None
[docs] class SpreadStepSizesBlockwiseMPI(SpreadStepSizesBlockwise): """ MPI version """
[docs] def get_step_from_which_to_spread(self, comm, S): """ Return the index of the step from which to spread the step size to all steps in the next block. Args: comm (mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm): Communicator S (pySDC.Step.step): The current step Returns: int: The index of the step from which we want to spread the step size """ restarts = comm.allgather(S.status.restart) new_steps = [me if me is not None else 1e9 for me in comm.allgather(S.levels[0].status.dt_new)] return super().get_step_from_which_to_spread(restarts, new_steps, comm.size, S)
[docs] def prepare_next_block(self, controller, S, size, time, Tend, comm, **kwargs): """ Spread the step size of the last step with no restarted predecessors to all steps and limit the step size based on Tend Args: controller (pySDC.Controller): The controller S (pySDC.step): The current step size (int): The number of ranks time (float): Time of the first step Tend (float): Final time of the simulation comm (mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm): Communicator Returns: None """ spread_from_step, restart_at = self.get_step_from_which_to_spread(comm, S) # Compute the maximum allowed step size based on Tend. dt_max = comm.bcast((Tend - time) / size, root=restart_at) if self.params.overwrite_to_reach_Tend else np.inf # record the step sizes to restart with from all the levels of the step new_steps = [None] * len(S.levels) if S.status.slot == spread_from_step: for i in range(len(S.levels)): l = S.levels[i] # overrule the step size control to reach Tend if needed new_steps[i] = min( [ l.status.dt_new if l.status.dt_new is not None else l.params.dt, max([dt_max, l.params.dt_initial]), ] ) if ( new_steps[i] < l.status.dt_new if l.status.dt_new is not None else l.params.dt and l.status.dt_new is not None ): self.log( f"Overwriting stepsize control to reach Tend: {Tend:.2e}! New step size: {new_steps[i]:.2e}", S ) new_steps = comm.bcast(new_steps, root=spread_from_step) # spread the step sizes to all levels for i in range(len(S.levels)): S.levels[i].params.dt = new_steps[i] return None