Source code for implementations.convergence_controller_classes.crash

from pySDC.core.ConvergenceController import ConvergenceController
from pySDC.core.Errors import ConvergenceError
import numpy as np
import time

[docs] class CrashBase(ConvergenceController): """ Crash the code across all ranks """ def __init__(self, controller, params, description, **kwargs): super().__init__(controller, params, description, **kwargs) if self.comm or self.params.useMPI: from mpi4py import MPI self.MPI_OR = MPI.LOR
[docs] def communicate_crash(self, crash, msg='', comm=None, **kwargs): """ Communicate a crash across all ranks and raise an error if so. Args: crash (bool): If this rank wants to crash comm (mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm or None): Communicator of the controller, if applicable: """ # communicate across the sweeper if self.comm: crash = self.comm.allreduce(crash, op=self.MPI_OR) # communicate across the steps if comm: crash = comm.allreduce(crash, op=self.MPI_OR) if crash: raise ConvergenceError(msg)
[docs] class StopAtNan(CrashBase): """ Crash the code when the norm of the solution exceeds some limit or contains nan. This class is useful when running with MPI in the sweeper or controller. """
[docs] def setup(self, controller, params, description, **kwargs): """ Define parameters here. Default parameters are: - thresh (float): Crash the code when the norm of the solution exceeds this threshold Args: controller (pySDC.Controller): The controller params (dict): The params passed for this specific convergence controller description (dict): The description object used to instantiate the controller Returns: (dict): The updated params dictionary """ self.comm = description['sweeper_params'].get('comm', None) defaults = { "control_order": 94, "thresh": np.inf, } return {**defaults, **super().setup(controller, params, description, **kwargs)}
[docs] def prepare_next_block(self, controller, S, *args, **kwargs): """ Check if we need to crash the code. Args: controller (pySDC.Controller.controller): Controller S (pySDC.Step.step): Step comm (mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm or None): Communicator of the controller, if applicable Raises: ConvergenceError: If the solution does not fall within the allowed space """ isfinite, below_limit = True, True crash = False for lvl in S.levels: for u in lvl.u: if u is None: break isfinite = np.all(np.isfinite(u)) below_limit = abs(u) < self.params.thresh crash = not (isfinite and below_limit) if crash: break if crash: break self.communicate_crash(crash, msg=f'Solution exceeds bounds! Crashing code at {S.time}!', **kwargs)
[docs] class StopAtMaxRuntime(CrashBase): """ Abort the code when the problem has exceeded a maximum runtime. """
[docs] def setup(self, controller, params, description, **kwargs): """ Define parameters here. Default parameters are: - max_runtime (float): Crash the code when the norm of the runtime exceeds this threshold Args: controller (pySDC.Controller): The controller params (dict): The params passed for this specific convergence controller description (dict): The description object used to instantiate the controller Returns: (dict): The updated params dictionary """ self.comm = description['sweeper_params'].get('comm', None) defaults = { "control_order": 94, "max_runtime": np.inf, } self.t0 = time.perf_counter() return {**defaults, **super().setup(controller, params, description, **kwargs)}
[docs] def prepare_next_block(self, controller, S, *args, **kwargs): """ Check if we need to crash the code. Args: controller (pySDC.Controller.controller): Controller S (pySDC.Step.step): Step comm (mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm or None): Communicator of the controller, if applicable Raises: ConvergenceError: If the solution does not fall within the allowed space """ self.communicate_crash( crash=abs(self.t0 - time.perf_counter()) > self.params.max_runtime, msg=f'Exceeding max. runtime of {self.params.max_runtime}s! Crashing code at {S.time}!', **kwargs, )