import itertools
import copy as cp
import numpy as np
import dill
from pySDC.core.controller import Controller
from pySDC.core import step as stepclass
from pySDC.core.errors import ControllerError, CommunicationError
from pySDC.implementations.convergence_controller_classes.basic_restarting import BasicRestarting
class controller_nonMPI(Controller):
PFASST controller, running serialized version of PFASST in blocks (MG-style)
def __init__(self, num_procs, controller_params, description):
Initialization routine for PFASST controller
num_procs: number of parallel time steps (still serial, though), can be 1
controller_params: parameter set for the controller and the steps
description: all the parameters to set up the rest (levels, problems, transfer, ...)
if 'predict' in controller_params:
raise ControllerError('predict flag is ignored, use predict_type instead')
# call parent's initialization routine
super().__init__(controller_params, description, useMPI=False)
self.MS = [stepclass.Step(description)]
# try to initialize via dill.copy (much faster for many time-steps)
for _ in range(num_procs - 1):
# if this fails (e.g. due to un-picklable data in the steps), initialize separately
except (dill.PicklingError, TypeError, ValueError) as error:
self.logger.warning(f'Need to initialize steps separately due to pickling error: {error}')
for _ in range(num_procs - 1):
self.base_convergence_controllers += [BasicRestarting.get_implementation(useMPI=False)]
for convergence_controller in self.base_convergence_controllers:
self.add_convergence_controller(convergence_controller, description)
if self.params.dump_setup:
self.dump_setup(step=self.MS[0], controller_params=controller_params, description=description)
if num_procs > 1 and len(self.MS[0].levels) > 1:
for S in self.MS:
for L in S.levels:
if not L.sweep.coll.right_is_node:
raise ControllerError("For PFASST to work, we assume uend^k = u_M^k")
if all(len(S.levels) == len(self.MS[0].levels) for S in self.MS):
self.nlevels = len(self.MS[0].levels)
raise ControllerError('all steps need to have the same number of levels')
if self.nlevels == 0:
raise ControllerError('need at least one level')
self.nsweeps = []
for nl in range(self.nlevels):
if all(S.levels[nl].params.nsweeps == self.MS[0].levels[nl].params.nsweeps for S in self.MS):
if self.nlevels > 1 and self.nsweeps[-1] > 1:
raise ControllerError('this controller cannot do multiple sweeps on coarsest level')
if self.nlevels == 1 and self.params.predict_type is not None:
'you have specified a predictor type but only a single level.. predictor will be ignored'
for C in [self.convergence_controllers[i] for i in self.convergence_controller_order]:
C.setup_status_variables(self, MS=self.MS)
def run(self, u0, t0, Tend):
Main driver for running the serial version of SDC, MSSDC, MLSDC and PFASST (virtual parallelism)
u0: initial values
t0: starting time
Tend: ending time
end values on the finest level
stats object containing statistics for each step, each level and each iteration
# some initializations and reset of statistics
uend = None
num_procs = len(self.MS)
for hook in self.hooks:
# initial ordering of the steps: 0,1,...,Np-1
slots = list(range(num_procs))
# initialize time variables of each step
time = [t0 + sum(self.MS[j].dt for j in range(p)) for p in slots]
# determine which steps are still active (time < Tend)
active = [time[p] < Tend - 10 * np.finfo(float).eps for p in slots]
if not any(active):
raise ControllerError('Nothing to do, check t0, dt and Tend.')
# compress slots according to active steps, i.e. remove all steps which have times above Tend
active_slots = list(itertools.compress(slots, active))
# initialize block of steps with u0
self.restart_block(active_slots, time, u0)
for hook in self.hooks:
hook.post_setup(step=None, level_number=None)
# call pre-run hook
for S in self.MS:
for hook in self.hooks:
hook.pre_run(step=S, level_number=0)
# main loop: as long as at least one step is still active (time < Tend), do something
while any(active):
MS_active = [self.MS[p] for p in active_slots]
done = False
while not done:
done = self.pfasst(MS_active)
restarts = [S.status.restart for S in MS_active]
restart_at = np.where(restarts)[0][0] if True in restarts else len(MS_active)
if True in restarts: # restart part of the block
# initial condition to next block is initial condition of step that needs restarting
uend = self.MS[restart_at].levels[0].u[0]
time[active_slots[0]] = time[restart_at]'Starting next block with initial conditions from step {restart_at}')
else: # move on to next block
# initial condition for next block is last solution of current block
uend = self.MS[active_slots[-1]].levels[0].uend
time[active_slots[0]] = time[active_slots[-1]] + self.MS[active_slots[-1]].dt
for S in MS_active[:restart_at]:
for C in [self.convergence_controllers[i] for i in self.convergence_controller_order]:
C.post_step_processing(self, S, MS=MS_active)
for C in [self.convergence_controllers[i] for i in self.convergence_controller_order]:
[C.prepare_next_block(self, S, len(active_slots), time, Tend, MS=MS_active) for S in self.MS]
# setup the times of the steps for the next block
for i in range(1, len(active_slots)):
time[active_slots[i]] = time[active_slots[i] - 1] + self.MS[active_slots[i] - 1].dt
# determine new set of active steps and compress slots accordingly
active = [time[p] < Tend - 10 * np.finfo(float).eps for p in slots]
active_slots = list(itertools.compress(slots, active))
# restart active steps (reset all values and pass uend to u0)
self.restart_block(active_slots, time, uend)
# call post-run hook
for S in self.MS:
for hook in self.hooks:
hook.post_run(step=S, level_number=0)
for S in self.MS:
for C in [self.convergence_controllers[i] for i in self.convergence_controller_order]:
C.post_run_processing(self, S, MS=MS_active)
return uend, self.return_stats()
def restart_block(self, active_slots, time, u0):
Helper routine to reset/restart block of (active) steps
active_slots: list of active steps
time: list of new times
u0: initial value to distribute across the steps
# loop over active slots (not directly, since we need the previous entry as well)
for j in range(len(active_slots)):
# get slot number
p = active_slots[j]
# store current slot number for diagnostics
self.MS[p].status.slot = p
# store link to previous step
self.MS[p].prev = self.MS[active_slots[j - 1]]
# resets step
# determine whether I am the first and/or last in line
self.MS[p].status.first = active_slots.index(p) == 0
self.MS[p].status.last = active_slots.index(p) == len(active_slots) - 1
# initialize step with u0
# reset some values
self.MS[p].status.done = False
self.MS[p].status.prev_done = False
self.MS[p].status.iter = 0
self.MS[p].status.stage = 'SPREAD'
self.MS[p].status.force_done = False
self.MS[p].status.time_size = len(active_slots)
for l in self.MS[p].levels:
l.tag = None
l.status.sweep = 1
for p in active_slots:
for lvl in self.MS[p].levels:
lvl.status.time = time[p]
for C in [self.convergence_controllers[i] for i in self.convergence_controller_order]:
C.reset_status_variables(self, active_slots=active_slots)
def send_full(self, S, level=None, add_to_stats=False):
Function to perform the send, including bookkeeping and logging
S: the current step
level: the level number
add_to_stats: a flag to end recording data in the hooks (defaults to False)
def send(source, tag):
Send function
source: level which has the new values
tag: identifier for this message
# sending here means computing uend ("one-sided communication")
source.tag = cp.deepcopy(tag)
for hook in self.hooks:
hook.pre_comm(step=S, level_number=level)
if not S.status.last:
'Process %2i provides data on level %2i with tag %s' % (S.status.slot, level, S.status.iter)
send(S.levels[level], tag=(level, S.status.iter, S.status.slot))
for hook in self.hooks:
hook.post_comm(step=S, level_number=level, add_to_stats=add_to_stats)
def recv_full(self, S, level=None, add_to_stats=False):
Function to perform the recv, including bookkeeping and logging
S: the current step
level: the level number
add_to_stats: a flag to end recording data in the hooks (defaults to False)
def recv(target, source, tag=None):
Receive function
target: level which will receive the values
source: level which initiated the send
tag: identifier to check if this message is really for me
if tag is not None and source.tag != tag:
raise CommunicationError('source and target tag are not the same, got %s and %s' % (source.tag, tag))
# simply do a deepcopy of the values uend to become the new u0 at the target
target.u[0] = target.prob.dtype_u(source.uend)
# re-evaluate f on left interval boundary
target.f[0] = target.prob.eval_f(target.u[0], target.time)
for hook in self.hooks:
hook.pre_comm(step=S, level_number=level)
if not S.status.prev_done and not S.status.first:
'Process %2i receives from %2i on level %2i with tag %s'
% (S.status.slot, S.prev.status.slot, level, S.status.iter)
recv(S.levels[level], S.prev.levels[level], tag=(level, S.status.iter, S.prev.status.slot))
for hook in self.hooks:
hook.post_comm(step=S, level_number=level, add_to_stats=add_to_stats)
def pfasst(self, local_MS_active):
Main function including the stages of SDC, MLSDC and PFASST (the "controller")
For the workflow of this controller, check out one of our PFASST talks or the pySDC paper
This method changes self.MS directly by accessing active steps through local_MS_active. Nothing is returned.
local_MS_active (list): all active steps
# if all stages are the same (or DONE), continue, otherwise abort
stages = [S.status.stage for S in local_MS_active if S.status.stage != 'DONE']
if stages[1:] == stages[:-1]:
stage = stages[0]
raise ControllerError('not all stages are equal')
MS_running = [S for S in local_MS_active if S.status.stage != 'DONE']
switcher = {
'SPREAD': self.spread,
'PREDICT': self.predict,
'IT_CHECK': self.it_check,
'IT_FINE': self.it_fine,
'IT_DOWN': self.it_down,
'IT_COARSE': self.it_coarse,
'IT_UP': self.it_up,
switcher.get(stage, self.default)(MS_running)
return all(S.status.done for S in local_MS_active)
def spread(self, local_MS_running):
Spreading phase
local_MS_running (list): list of currently running steps
for S in local_MS_running:
# first stage: spread values
for hook in self.hooks:
hook.pre_step(step=S, level_number=0)
# call predictor from sweeper
# update stage
if len(S.levels) > 1: # MLSDC or PFASST with predict
S.status.stage = 'PREDICT'
S.status.stage = 'IT_CHECK'
for C in [self.convergence_controllers[i] for i in self.convergence_controller_order]:
C.post_spread_processing(self, S, MS=local_MS_running)
def predict(self, local_MS_running):
Predictor phase
local_MS_running (list): list of currently running steps
for S in local_MS_running:
for hook in self.hooks:
hook.pre_predict(step=S, level_number=0)
if self.params.predict_type is None:
elif self.params.predict_type == 'fine_only':
# do a fine sweep only
for S in local_MS_running:
# elif self.params.predict_type == 'libpfasst_style':
# # loop over all steps
# for S in local_MS_running:
# # restrict to coarsest level
# for l in range(1, len(S.levels)):
# S.transfer(source=S.levels[l - 1], target=S.levels[l])
# # run in serial on coarse level
# for S in local_MS_running:
# self.hooks.pre_comm(step=S, level_number=len(S.levels) - 1)
# # receive from previous step (if not first)
# if not S.status.first:
# self.logger.debug('Process %2i receives from %2i on level %2i with tag %s -- PREDICT' %
# (S.status.slot, S.prev.status.slot, len(S.levels) - 1, 0))
# self.recv(S.levels[-1], S.prev.levels[-1], tag=(len(S.levels), 0, S.prev.status.slot))
# self.hooks.post_comm(step=S, level_number=len(S.levels) - 1)
# # do the coarse sweep
# S.levels[-1].sweep.update_nodes()
# self.hooks.pre_comm(step=S, level_number=len(S.levels) - 1)
# # send to succ step
# if not S.status.last:
# self.logger.debug('Process %2i provides data on level %2i with tag %s -- PREDICT'
# % (S.status.slot, len(S.levels) - 1, 0))
# self.send(S.levels[-1], tag=(len(S.levels), 0, S.status.slot))
# self.hooks.post_comm(step=S, level_number=len(S.levels) - 1, add_to_stats=True)
# # go back to fine level, sweeping
# for l in range(self.nlevels - 1, 0, -1):
# for S in local_MS_running:
# # prolong values
# S.transfer(source=S.levels[l], target=S.levels[l - 1])
# if l - 1 > 0:
# S.levels[l - 1].sweep.update_nodes()
# # end with a fine sweep
# for S in local_MS_running:
# S.levels[0].sweep.update_nodes()
elif self.params.predict_type == 'pfasst_burnin':
# loop over all steps
for S in local_MS_running:
# restrict to coarsest level
for l in range(1, len(S.levels)):
S.transfer(source=S.levels[l - 1], target=S.levels[l])
# loop over all steps
for q in range(len(local_MS_running)):
# loop over last steps: [1,2,3,4], [2,3,4], [3,4], [4]
for p in range(q, len(local_MS_running)):
S = local_MS_running[p]
# do the sweep with new values
# send updated values on coarsest level
self.send_full(S, level=len(S.levels) - 1)
# loop over last steps: [2,3,4], [3,4], [4]
for p in range(q + 1, len(local_MS_running)):
S = local_MS_running[p]
# receive values sent during previous sweep
self.recv_full(S, level=len(S.levels) - 1, add_to_stats=(p == len(local_MS_running) - 1))
# loop over all steps
for S in local_MS_running:
# interpolate back to finest level
for l in range(len(S.levels) - 1, 0, -1):
S.transfer(source=S.levels[l], target=S.levels[l - 1])
# send updated values forward
self.send_full(S, level=0)
# receive values
self.recv_full(S, level=0)
# end this with a fine sweep
for S in local_MS_running:
elif self.params.predict_type == 'fmg':
# TODO: implement FMG predictor
raise NotImplementedError('FMG predictor is not yet implemented')
raise ControllerError('Wrong predictor type, got %s' % self.params.predict_type)
for S in local_MS_running:
for hook in self.hooks:
hook.post_predict(step=S, level_number=0)
for S in local_MS_running:
# update stage
S.status.stage = 'IT_CHECK'
def it_check(self, local_MS_running):
Key routine to check for convergence/termination
local_MS_running (list): list of currently running steps
for S in local_MS_running:
# send updated values forward
self.send_full(S, level=0)
# receive values
self.recv_full(S, level=0)
# compute current residual
for S in local_MS_running:
if S.status.iter > 0:
for hook in self.hooks:
hook.post_iteration(step=S, level_number=0)
# decide if the step is done, needs to be restarted and other things convergence related
for C in [self.convergence_controllers[i] for i in self.convergence_controller_order]:
C.post_iteration_processing(self, S, MS=local_MS_running)
C.convergence_control(self, S, MS=local_MS_running)
for S in local_MS_running:
if not S.status.first:
for hook in self.hooks:
hook.pre_comm(step=S, level_number=0)
S.status.prev_done = S.prev.status.done # "communicate"
for hook in self.hooks:
hook.post_comm(step=S, level_number=0, add_to_stats=True)
S.status.done = S.status.done and S.status.prev_done
if self.params.all_to_done:
for hook in self.hooks:
hook.pre_comm(step=S, level_number=0)
S.status.done = all(T.status.done for T in local_MS_running)
for hook in self.hooks:
hook.post_comm(step=S, level_number=0, add_to_stats=True)
if not S.status.done:
# increment iteration count here (and only here)
S.status.iter += 1
for hook in self.hooks:
hook.pre_iteration(step=S, level_number=0)
for C in [self.convergence_controllers[i] for i in self.convergence_controller_order]:
C.pre_iteration_processing(self, S, MS=local_MS_running)
if len(S.levels) > 1: # MLSDC or PFASST
S.status.stage = 'IT_DOWN'
else: # SDC or MSSDC
if len(local_MS_running) == 1 or self.params.mssdc_jac: # SDC or parallel MSSDC (Jacobi-like)
S.status.stage = 'IT_FINE'
S.status.stage = 'IT_COARSE' # serial MSSDC (Gauss-like)
for hook in self.hooks:
hook.post_step(step=S, level_number=0)
S.status.stage = 'DONE'
for C in [self.convergence_controllers[i] for i in self.convergence_controller_order]:
def it_fine(self, local_MS_running):
Fine sweeps
local_MS_running (list): list of currently running steps
for S in local_MS_running:
S.levels[0].status.sweep = 0
for k in range(self.nsweeps[0]):
for S in local_MS_running:
S.levels[0].status.sweep += 1
for S in local_MS_running:
# send updated values forward
self.send_full(S, level=0)
# receive values
self.recv_full(S, level=0, add_to_stats=(k == self.nsweeps[0] - 1))
for S in local_MS_running:
# standard sweep workflow: update nodes, compute residual, log progress
for hook in self.hooks:
hook.pre_sweep(step=S, level_number=0)
for hook in self.hooks:
hook.post_sweep(step=S, level_number=0)
for S in local_MS_running:
# update stage
S.status.stage = 'IT_CHECK'
def it_down(self, local_MS_running):
Go down the hierarchy from finest to coarsest level
local_MS_running (list): list of currently running steps
for S in local_MS_running:
S.transfer(source=S.levels[0], target=S.levels[1])
for l in range(1, self.nlevels - 1):
# sweep on middle levels (not on finest, not on coarsest, though)
for _ in range(self.nsweeps[l]):
for S in local_MS_running:
# send updated values forward
self.send_full(S, level=l)
# receive values
self.recv_full(S, level=l)
for S in local_MS_running:
for hook in self.hooks:
hook.pre_sweep(step=S, level_number=l)
for hook in self.hooks:
hook.post_sweep(step=S, level_number=l)
for S in local_MS_running:
# transfer further down the hierarchy
S.transfer(source=S.levels[l], target=S.levels[l + 1])
for S in local_MS_running:
# update stage
S.status.stage = 'IT_COARSE'
def it_coarse(self, local_MS_running):
Coarse sweep
local_MS_running (list): list of currently running steps
for S in local_MS_running:
# receive from previous step (if not first)
self.recv_full(S, level=len(S.levels) - 1)
# do the sweep
for hook in self.hooks:
hook.pre_sweep(step=S, level_number=len(S.levels) - 1)
for hook in self.hooks:
hook.post_sweep(step=S, level_number=len(S.levels) - 1)
# send to succ step
self.send_full(S, level=len(S.levels) - 1, add_to_stats=True)
# update stage
if len(S.levels) > 1: # MLSDC or PFASST
S.status.stage = 'IT_UP'
else: # MSSDC
S.status.stage = 'IT_CHECK'
def it_up(self, local_MS_running):
Prolong corrections up to finest level (parallel)
local_MS_running (list): list of currently running steps
for l in range(self.nlevels - 1, 0, -1):
for S in local_MS_running:
# prolong values
S.transfer(source=S.levels[l], target=S.levels[l - 1])
# on middle levels: do communication and sweep as usual
if l - 1 > 0:
for k in range(self.nsweeps[l - 1]):
for S in local_MS_running:
# send updated values forward
self.send_full(S, level=l - 1)
# receive values
self.recv_full(S, level=l - 1, add_to_stats=(k == self.nsweeps[l - 1] - 1))
for S in local_MS_running:
for hook in self.hooks:
hook.pre_sweep(step=S, level_number=l - 1)
S.levels[l - 1].sweep.update_nodes()
S.levels[l - 1].sweep.compute_residual(stage='IT_UP')
for hook in self.hooks:
hook.post_sweep(step=S, level_number=l - 1)
for S in local_MS_running:
# update stage
S.status.stage = 'IT_FINE'
def default(self, local_MS_running):
Default routine to catch wrong status
local_MS_running (list): list of currently running steps
raise ControllerError('Unknown stage, got %s' % local_MS_running[0].status.stage) # TODO