# coding=utf-8
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sprs
from scipy.interpolate import BarycentricInterpolator
def next_neighbors_periodic(p, ps, k):
Function to find the next neighbors for a periodic setup
This function gives for a value p the k points next to it which are found in
in the vector ps and the points which are found periodically.
p: the current point
ps (np.ndarray): the grid with the potential neighbors
k (int): number of neighbors to find
list: the k next neighbors
p_bar = p - np.floor(p / 1.0) * 1.0
ps = ps - ps[0]
distance_to_p = np.asarray(
list(map(lambda tk: min([np.abs(tk + 1 - p_bar), np.abs(tk - p_bar), np.abs(tk - 1 - p_bar)]), ps))
# zip it
value_index = []
for d, i in zip(distance_to_p, range(distance_to_p.size)):
value_index.append((d, i))
# sort by distance
value_index_sorted = sorted(value_index, key=lambda s: s[0])
# take first k indices with least distance and sort them
return sorted(map(lambda s: s[1], value_index_sorted[0:k]))
def next_neighbors(p, ps, k):
Function to find the next neighbors for a non-periodic setup
This function gives for a value p the k points next to it which are found in
in the vector ps
p: the current point
ps (np.ndarray): the grid with the potential neighbors
k (int): number of neighbors to find
list: the k next neighbors
distance_to_p = np.abs(ps - p)
# zip it
value_index = []
for d, i in zip(distance_to_p, range(distance_to_p.size)):
value_index.append((d, i))
# sort by distance
value_index_sorted = sorted(value_index, key=lambda s: s[0])
# take first k indices with least distance and sort them
return sorted(map(lambda s: s[1], value_index_sorted[0:k]))
def continue_periodic_array(arr, nn):
Function to append an array for nn neighbors for periodicity
arr (np.ndarray): the input array
nn (list): the neighbors
np.ndarray: the continued array
nn = np.asarray(nn)
d_nn = nn[1:] - nn[:-1]
if np.all(d_nn == np.ones(nn.shape[0] - 1)):
return arr[nn]
cont_arr = [arr[nn[0]]]
shift = 0.0
for n, d in zip(nn[1:], d_nn):
if d != 1:
shift = -1
cont_arr.append(arr[n] + shift)
return np.asarray(cont_arr)
def restriction_matrix_1d(fine_grid, coarse_grid, k=2, periodic=False, pad=1):
Function to contruct the restriction matrix in 1d using barycentric interpolation
fine_grid (np.ndarray): a one dimensional 1d array containing the nodes of the fine grid
coarse_grid (np.ndarray): a one dimensional 1d array containing the nodes of the coarse grid
k (int): order of the restriction
periodic (bool): flag to indicate periodicity
pad (int): padding parameter for boundaries
sprs.csc_matrix: restriction matrix
n_g = coarse_grid.size
if periodic:
M = np.zeros((coarse_grid.size, fine_grid.size))
for i, p in zip(range(n_g), coarse_grid):
nn = next_neighbors_periodic(p, fine_grid, k)
circulating_one = np.asarray([1.0] + [0.0] * (k - 1))
cont_arr = continue_periodic_array(fine_grid, nn)
if p > np.mean(coarse_grid) and not (cont_arr[0] <= p <= cont_arr[-1]):
cont_arr += 1
bary_pol = []
for l in range(k):
bary_pol.append(BarycentricInterpolator(cont_arr, np.roll(circulating_one, l)))
with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
M[i, nn] = np.asarray(list(map(lambda x: x(p), bary_pol)))
M = np.zeros((coarse_grid.size, fine_grid.size + 2 * pad))
for i, p in zip(range(n_g), coarse_grid):
padded_f_grid = border_padding(fine_grid, pad, pad)
nn = next_neighbors(p, padded_f_grid, k)
# construct the lagrange polynomials for the k neighbors
circulating_one = np.asarray([1.0] + [0.0] * (k - 1))
bary_pol = []
for l in range(k):
bary_pol.append(BarycentricInterpolator(padded_f_grid[nn], np.roll(circulating_one, l)))
with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
M[i, nn] = np.asarray(list(map(lambda x: x(p), bary_pol)))
if pad > 0:
M = M[:, pad:-pad]
return sprs.csc_matrix(M)
def interpolation_matrix_1d(fine_grid, coarse_grid, k=2, periodic=False, pad=1, equidist_nested=True):
Function to construct the restriction matrix in 1d using barycentric interpolation
fine_grid (np.ndarray): a one dimensional 1d array containing the nodes of the fine grid
coarse_grid (np.ndarray): a one dimensional 1d array containing the nodes of the coarse grid
k (int): order of the restriction
periodic (bool): flag to indicate periodicity
pad (int): padding parameter for boundaries
equidist_nested (bool): shortcut possible, if nodes are equidistant and nested
sprs.csc_matrix: interpolation matrix
n_f = fine_grid.size
if periodic:
M = np.zeros((fine_grid.size, coarse_grid.size))
if equidist_nested:
for i, p in zip(range(n_f), fine_grid):
if i % 2 == 0:
M[i, int(i / 2)] = 1.0
nn = []
cpos = int(i / 2)
offset = int(k / 2)
for j in range(k):
nn.append(cpos - offset + 1 + j)
if nn[-1] < 0:
nn[-1] += coarse_grid.size
elif nn[-1] > coarse_grid.size - 1:
nn[-1] -= coarse_grid.size
nn = sorted(nn)
circulating_one = np.asarray([1.0] + [0.0] * (k - 1))
if len(nn) > 0:
cont_arr = continue_periodic_array(coarse_grid, nn)
cont_arr = coarse_grid
if p > np.mean(fine_grid) and not (cont_arr[0] <= p <= cont_arr[-1]):
cont_arr += 1
bary_pol = []
for l in range(k):
bary_pol.append(BarycentricInterpolator(cont_arr, np.roll(circulating_one, l)))
with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
M[i, nn] = np.asarray(list(map(lambda x: x(p), bary_pol)))
for i, p in zip(range(n_f), fine_grid):
nn = next_neighbors_periodic(p, coarse_grid, k)
circulating_one = np.asarray([1.0] + [0.0] * (k - 1))
cont_arr = continue_periodic_array(coarse_grid, nn)
if p > np.mean(fine_grid) and not (cont_arr[0] <= p <= cont_arr[-1]):
cont_arr += 1
bary_pol = []
for l in range(k):
bary_pol.append(BarycentricInterpolator(cont_arr, np.roll(circulating_one, l)))
with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
M[i, nn] = np.asarray(list(map(lambda x: x(p), bary_pol)))
M = np.zeros((fine_grid.size, coarse_grid.size + 2 * pad))
padded_c_grid = border_padding(coarse_grid, pad, pad)
if equidist_nested:
for i, p in zip(range(n_f), fine_grid):
if i % 2 != 0:
M[i, int((i - 1) / 2) + 1] = 1.0
nn = []
cpos = int(i / 2)
offset = int(k / 2)
for j in range(k):
nn.append(cpos - offset + 1 + j)
if nn[-1] < 0:
nn[-1] += k
elif nn[-1] > coarse_grid.size + 1:
nn[-1] -= k
nn = sorted(nn)
# construct the lagrange polynomials for the k neighbors
circulating_one = np.asarray([1.0] + [0.0] * (k - 1))
bary_pol = []
for l in range(k):
bary_pol.append(BarycentricInterpolator(padded_c_grid[nn], np.roll(circulating_one, l)))
with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
M[i, nn] = np.asarray(list(map(lambda x: x(p), bary_pol)))
for i, p in zip(range(n_f), fine_grid):
nn = next_neighbors(p, padded_c_grid, k)
# construct the lagrange polynomials for the k neighbors
circulating_one = np.asarray([1.0] + [0.0] * (k - 1))
bary_pol = []
for l in range(k):
bary_pol.append(BarycentricInterpolator(padded_c_grid[nn], np.roll(circulating_one, l)))
with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
M[i, nn] = np.asarray(list(map(lambda x: x(p), bary_pol)))
if pad > 0:
M = M[:, pad:-pad]
return sprs.csc_matrix(M)
def border_padding(grid, l, r, pad_type='mirror'):
Function to pad/embed an array at the boundaries
grid (np.npdarray): the input array
l: left boundary
r: right boundary
pad_type: type of padding
np.npdarray: the padded array
assert l < grid.size and r < grid.size
padded_arr = np.zeros(grid.size + l + r)
if pad_type == 'mirror':
for i in range(l):
padded_arr[i] = 2 * grid[0] - grid[l - i]
for j in range(r):
padded_arr[-j - 1] = 2 * grid[-1] - grid[-r + j - 1]
padded_arr[l : l + grid.size] = grid
return padded_arr