Source code for helpers.spectral_helper

import numpy as np
import scipy
from pySDC.implementations.datatype_classes.mesh import mesh
from scipy.special import factorial

[docs] class SpectralHelper1D: """ Abstract base class for 1D spectral discretizations. Defines a common interface with parameters and functions that all bases need to have. When implementing new bases, please take care to use the modules that are supplied as class attributes to enable the code for GPUs. Attributes: N (int): Resolution x0 (float): Coordinate of left boundary x1 (float): Coordinate of right boundary L (float): Length of the domain useGPU (bool): Whether to use GPUs """ fft_lib = scipy.fft sparse_lib = scipy.sparse linalg = scipy.sparse.linalg xp = np def __init__(self, N, x0=None, x1=None, useGPU=False): """ Constructor Args: N (int): Resolution x0 (float): Coordinate of left boundary x1 (float): Coordinate of right boundary useGPU (bool): Whether to use GPUs """ self.N = N self.x0 = x0 self.x1 = x1 self.L = x1 - x0 self.useGPU = useGPU if useGPU: self.setup_GPU()
[docs] @classmethod def setup_GPU(cls): """switch to GPU modules""" import cupy as cp import cupyx.scipy.sparse as sparse_lib import cupyx.scipy.sparse.linalg as linalg import cupyx.scipy.fft as fft_lib from pySDC.implementations.datatype_classes.cupy_mesh import cupy_mesh cls.xp = cp cls.sparse_lib = sparse_lib cls.linalg = linalg cls.fft_lib = fft_lib
[docs] def get_Id(self): """ Get identity matrix Returns: sparse diagonal identity matrix """ return self.sparse_lib.eye(self.N)
[docs] def get_zero(self): """ Get a matrix with all zeros of the correct size. Returns: sparse matrix with zeros everywhere """ return 0 * self.get_Id()
[docs] def get_differentiation_matrix(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_integration_matrix(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_wavenumbers(self): """ Get the grid in spectral space """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_empty_operator_matrix(self, S, O): """ Return a matrix of operators to be filled with the connections between the solution components. Args: S (int): Number of components in the solution O (sparse matrix): Zero matrix used for initialization Returns: list of lists containing sparse zeros """ return [[O for _ in range(S)] for _ in range(S)]
[docs] def get_basis_change_matrix(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Some spectral discretization change the basis during differentiation. This method can be used to transfer between the various bases. This method accepts arbitrary arguments that may not be used in order to provide an easy interface for multi- dimensional bases. For instance, you may combine an FFT discretization with an ultraspherical discretization. The FFT discretization will always be in the same base, but the ultraspherical discretization uses a different base for every derivative. You can then ask all bases for transfer matrices from one ultraspherical derivative base to the next. The FFT discretization will ignore this and return an identity while the ultraspherical discretization will return the desired matrix. After a Kronecker product, you get the 2D version of the matrix you want. This is what the `SpectralHelper` does when you call the method of the same name on it. Returns: sparse bases change matrix """ return self.sparse_lib.eye(self.N)
[docs] def get_BC(self, kind): """ To facilitate boundary conditions (BCs) we use either a basis where all functions satisfy the BCs automatically, as is the case in FFT basis for periodic BCs, or boundary bordering. In boundary bordering, specific lines in the matrix are replaced by the boundary conditions as obtained by this method. Args: kind (str): The type of BC you want to implement please refer to the implementations of this method in the individual 1D bases for what is implemented Returns: self.xp.array: Boundary condition """ raise NotImplementedError(f'No boundary conditions of {kind=!r} implemented!')
[docs] def get_filter_matrix(self, kmin=0, kmax=None): """ Get a bandpass filter. Args: kmin (int): Lower limit of the bandpass filter kmax (int): Upper limit of the bandpass filter Returns: sparse matrix """ k = abs(self.get_wavenumbers()) kmax = max(k) if kmax is None else kmax mask = self.xp.logical_or(k >= kmax, k < kmin) if self.useGPU: Id = self.get_Id().get() else: Id = self.get_Id() F = Id.tolil() F[:, mask] = 0 return F.tocsc()
[docs] def get_1dgrid(self): """ Get the grid in physical space Returns: self.xp.array: Grid """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class ChebychevHelper(SpectralHelper1D): """ The Chebychev base consists of special kinds of polynomials, with the main advantage that you can easily transform between physical and spectral space by discrete cosine transform. The differentiation in the Chebychev T base is dense, but can be preconditioned to yield a differentiation operator that moves to Chebychev U basis during differentiation, which is sparse. When using this technique, problems need to be formulated in first order formulation. This implementation is largely based on the Dedalus paper (arXiv:1905.10388). """ def __init__(self, *args, transform_type='fft', x0=-1, x1=1, **kwargs): """ Constructor. Please refer to the parent class for additional arguments. Notably, you have to supply a resolution `N` and you may choose to run on GPUs via the `useGPU` argument. Args: transform_type ('fft' or 'dct'): Either use DCT functions directly implemented in the transform library or use the FFT from the library to compute the DCT x0 (float): Coordinate of left boundary. Note that only -1 is currently implented x1 (float): Coordinate of right boundary. Note that only +1 is currently implented """ # need linear transformation y = ax + b with a = (x1-x0)/2 and b = (x1+x0)/2 self.lin_trf_fac = (x1 - x0) / 2 self.lin_trf_off = (x1 + x0) / 2 super().__init__(*args, x0=x0, x1=x1, **kwargs) self.transform_type = transform_type if self.transform_type == 'fft': self.get_fft_utils() self.cache = {} self.norm = self.get_norm()
[docs] def get_1dgrid(self): ''' Generates a 1D grid with Chebychev points. These are clustered at the boundary. You need this kind of grid to use discrete cosine transformation (DCT) to get the Chebychev representation. If you want a different grid, you need to do an affine transformation before any Chebychev business. Returns: numpy.ndarray: 1D grid ''' return self.lin_trf_fac * self.xp.cos(np.pi / self.N * (self.xp.arange(self.N) + 0.5)) + self.lin_trf_off
[docs] def get_wavenumbers(self): """Get the domain in spectral space""" return self.xp.arange(self.N)
[docs] def get_conv(self, name, N=None): ''' Get conversion matrix between different kinds of polynomials. The supported kinds are - T: Chebychev polynomials of first kind - U: Chebychev polynomials of second kind - D: Dirichlet recombination. You get the desired matrix by choosing a name as ``A2B``. I.e. ``T2U`` for the conversion matrix from T to U. Once generates matrices are cached. So feel free to call the method as often as you like. Args: name (str): Conversion code, e.g. 'T2U' N (int): Size of the matrix (optional) Returns: scipy.sparse: Sparse conversion matrix ''' if name in self.cache.keys() and not N: return self.cache[name] N = N if N else self.N sp = self.sparse_lib xp = self.xp def get_forward_conv(name): if name == 'T2U': mat = (sp.eye(N) - sp.diags(xp.ones(N - 2), offsets=+2)) / 2.0 mat[:, 0] *= 2 elif name == 'D2T': mat = sp.eye(N) - sp.diags(xp.ones(N - 2), offsets=+2) elif name[0] == name[-1]: mat = self.sparse_lib.eye(self.N) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Don\'t have conversion matrix {name!r}') return mat try: mat = get_forward_conv(name) except NotImplementedError as E: try: fwd = get_forward_conv(name[::-1]) import scipy.sparse as sp if self.sparse_lib == sp: mat = self.sparse_lib.linalg.inv(fwd.tocsc()) else: mat = self.sparse_lib.csc_matrix(sp.linalg.inv(fwd.tocsc().get())) except NotImplementedError: raise NotImplementedError from E self.cache[name] = mat return mat
[docs] def get_basis_change_matrix(self, conv='T2T', **kwargs): """ As the differentiation matrix in Chebychev-T base is dense but is sparse when simultaneously changing base to Chebychev-U, you may need a basis change matrix to transfer the other matrices as well. This function returns a conversion matrix from `ChebychevHelper.get_conv`. Not that `**kwargs` are used to absorb arguments for other bases, see documentation of `SpectralHelper1D.get_basis_change_matrix`. Args: conv (str): Conversion code, i.e. T2U Returns: Sparse conversion matrix """ return self.get_conv(conv)
[docs] def get_integration_matrix(self, lbnd=0): """ Get matrix for integration Args: lbnd (float): Lower bound for integration, only 0 is currently implemented Returns: Sparse integration matrix """ S = self.sparse_lib.diags(1 / (self.xp.arange(self.N - 1) + 1), offsets=-1) @ self.get_conv('T2U') n = self.xp.arange(self.N) if lbnd == 0: S = S.tocsc() S[0, 1::2] = ( (n / (2 * (self.xp.arange(self.N) + 1)))[1::2] * (-1) ** (self.xp.arange(self.N // 2)) / (np.append([1], self.xp.arange(self.N // 2 - 1) + 1)) ) * self.lin_trf_fac else: raise NotImplementedError(f'This function allows to integrate only from x=0, you attempted from x={lbnd}.') return S
[docs] def get_differentiation_matrix(self, p=1): ''' Keep in mind that the T2T differentiation matrix is dense. Args: p (int): Derivative you want to compute Returns: numpy.ndarray: Differentiation matrix ''' D = self.xp.zeros((self.N, self.N)) for j in range(self.N): for k in range(j): D[k, j] = 2 * j * ((j - k) % 2) D[0, :] /= 2 return self.sparse_lib.csc_matrix(self.xp.linalg.matrix_power(D, p)) / self.lin_trf_fac**p
[docs] def get_norm(self, N=None): ''' Get normalization for converting Chebychev coefficients and DCT Args: N (int, optional): Resolution Returns: self.xp.array: Normalization ''' N = self.N if N is None else N norm = self.xp.ones(N) / N norm[0] /= 2 return norm
[docs] def get_fft_shuffle(self, forward, N): """ In order to more easily parallelize using distributed FFT libraries, we express the DCT via an FFT following The idea is based on reshuffling the data to be periodic and rotating it in the complex plane. This function returns a mask to do the shuffling. Args: forward (bool): Whether you want the shuffle for forward transform or backward transform N (int): size of the grid Returns: self.xp.array: Use as mask """ xp = self.xp if forward: return xp.append(xp.arange((N + 1) // 2) * 2, -xp.arange(N // 2) * 2 - 1 - N % 2) else: mask = xp.zeros(N, dtype=int) mask[: N - N % 2 : 2] = xp.arange(N // 2) mask[1::2] = N - xp.arange(N // 2) - 1 mask[-1] = N // 2 return mask
[docs] def get_fft_shift(self, forward, N): """ As described in the docstring for `get_fft_shuffle`, we need to rotate in the complex plane in order to use FFT for DCT. Args: forward (bool): Whether you want the rotation for forward transform or backward transform N (int): size of the grid Returns: self.xp.array: Rotation """ k = self.get_wavenumbers() norm = self.get_norm() xp = self.xp if forward: return 2 * xp.exp(-1j * np.pi * k / (2 * N) + 0j * np.pi / 4) * norm else: shift = xp.exp(1j * np.pi * k / (2 * N)) shift[0] = 0.5 return shift / norm
[docs] def get_fft_utils(self): """ Get the required utilities for using FFT to do DCT as described in the docstring for `get_fft_shuffle` and keep them cached. """ self.fft_utils = { 'fwd': {}, 'bck': {}, } # forwards transform self.fft_utils['fwd']['shuffle'] = self.get_fft_shuffle(True, self.N) self.fft_utils['fwd']['shift'] = self.get_fft_shift(True, self.N) # backwards transform self.fft_utils['bck']['shuffle'] = self.get_fft_shuffle(False, self.N) self.fft_utils['bck']['shift'] = self.get_fft_shift(False, self.N) return self.fft_utils
[docs] def transform(self, u, axis=-1, **kwargs): """ 1D DCT along axis. `kwargs` will be passed on to the FFT library. Args: u: Data you want to transform axis (int): Axis you want to transform along Returns: Data in spectral space """ if self.transform_type.lower() == 'dct': return self.fft_lib.dct(u, axis=axis, **kwargs) * self.norm elif self.transform_type.lower() == 'fft': result = u.copy() shuffle = [slice(0, s, 1) for s in u.shape] shuffle[axis] = self.fft_utils['fwd']['shuffle'] v = u[(*shuffle,)] V = self.fft_lib.fft(v, axis=axis, **kwargs) expansion = [np.newaxis for _ in u.shape] expansion[axis] = slice(0, u.shape[axis], 1) V *= self.fft_utils['fwd']['shift'][(*expansion,)] result.real[...] = V.real[...] return result else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Please choose a transform type from fft and dct, not {self.transform_type=}')
[docs] def itransform(self, u, axis=-1): """ 1D inverse DCT along axis. Args: u: Data you want to transform axis (int): Axis you want to transform along Returns: Data in physical space """ assert self.norm.shape[0] == u.shape[axis] if self.transform_type == 'dct': return self.fft_lib.idct(u / self.norm, axis=axis) elif self.transform_type == 'fft': result = u.copy() expansion = [np.newaxis for _ in u.shape] expansion[axis] = slice(0, u.shape[axis], 1) v = self.fft_lib.ifft(u * self.fft_utils['bck']['shift'][(*expansion,)], axis=axis) shuffle = [slice(0, s, 1) for s in u.shape] shuffle[axis] = self.fft_utils['bck']['shuffle'] V = v[(*shuffle,)] result.real[...] = V.real[...] return result else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_BC(self, kind, **kwargs): """ Get boundary condition row for boundary bordering. `kwargs` will be passed on to implementations of the BC of the kind you choose. Specifically, `x` for `'dirichlet'` boundary condition, which is the coordinate at which to set the BC. Args: kind ('integral' or 'dirichlet'): Kind of boundary condition you want """ if kind.lower() == 'integral': return self.get_integ_BC_row(**kwargs) elif kind.lower() == 'dirichlet': return self.get_Dirichlet_BC_row(**kwargs) else: return super().get_BC(kind)
[docs] def get_integ_BC_row(self): """ Get a row for generating integral BCs with T polynomials. It returns the values of the integrals of T polynomials over the entire interval. Returns: self.xp.ndarray: Row to put into a matrix """ n = self.xp.arange(self.N) + 1 me = self.xp.zeros_like(n).astype(float) me[2:] = ((-1) ** n[1:-1] + 1) / (1 - n[1:-1] ** 2) me[0] = 2.0 return me
[docs] def get_Dirichlet_BC_row(self, x): """ Get a row for generating Dirichlet BCs at x with T polynomials. It returns the values of the T polynomials at x. Args: x (float): Position of the boundary condition Returns: self.xp.ndarray: Row to put into a matrix """ if x == -1: return (-1) ** self.xp.arange(self.N) elif x == 1: return self.xp.ones(self.N) elif x == 0: n = (1 + (-1) ** self.xp.arange(self.N)) / 2 n[2::4] *= -1 return n else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Don\'t know how to generate Dirichlet BC\'s at {x=}!')
[docs] def get_Dirichlet_recombination_matrix(self): ''' Get matrix for Dirichlet recombination, which changes the basis to have sparse boundary conditions. This makes for a good right preconditioner. Returns: scipy.sparse: Sparse conversion matrix ''' N = self.N sp = self.sparse_lib xp = self.xp return sp.eye(N) - sp.diags(xp.ones(N - 2), offsets=+2)
[docs] class UltrasphericalHelper(ChebychevHelper): """ This implementation follows The ultraspherical method works in Chebychev polynomials as well, but also uses various Gegenbauer polynomials. The idea is that for every derivative of Chebychev T polynomials, there is a basis of Gegenbauer polynomials where the differentiation matrix is a single off-diagonal. There are also conversion operators from one derivative basis to the next that are sparse. This basis is used like this: For every equation that you have, look for the highest derivative and bump all matrices to the correct basis. If your highest derivative is 2 and you have an identity, it needs to get bumped from 0 to 1 and from 1 to 2. If you have a first derivative as well, it needs to be bumped from 1 to 2. You don't need the same resulting basis in all equations. You just need to take care that you translate the right hand side to the correct basis as well. """
[docs] def get_differentiation_matrix(self, p=1): """ Notice that while sparse, this matrix is not diagonal, which means the inversion cannot be parallelized easily. Args: p (int): Order of the derivative Returns: sparse differentiation matrix """ sp = self.sparse_lib xp = self.xp N = self.N l = p return 2 ** (l - 1) * factorial(l - 1) * sp.diags(xp.arange(N - l) + l, offsets=l) / self.lin_trf_fac**p
[docs] def get_S(self, lmbda): """ Get matrix for bumping the derivative base by one from lmbda to lmbda + 1. This is the same language as in Args: lmbda (int): Ingoing derivative base Returns: sparse matrix: Conversion from derivative base lmbda to lmbda + 1 """ N = self.N if lmbda == 0: sp = scipy.sparse mat = ((sp.eye(N) - sp.diags(np.ones(N - 2), offsets=+2)) / 2.0).tolil() mat[:, 0] *= 2 else: sp = self.sparse_lib xp = self.xp mat = sp.diags(lmbda / (lmbda + xp.arange(N))) - sp.diags( lmbda / (lmbda + 2 + xp.arange(N - 2)), offsets=+2 ) return self.sparse_lib.csc_matrix(mat)
[docs] def get_basis_change_matrix(self, p_in=0, p_out=0, **kwargs): """ Get a conversion matrix from derivative base `p_in` to `p_out`. Args: p_out (int): Resulting derivative base p_in (int): Ingoing derivative base """ mat_fwd = self.sparse_lib.eye(self.N) for i in range(min([p_in, p_out]), max([p_in, p_out])): mat_fwd = self.get_S(i) @ mat_fwd if p_out > p_in: return mat_fwd else: # We have to invert the matrix on CPU because the GPU equivalent is not implemented in CuPy at the time of writing. import scipy.sparse as sp if self.useGPU: mat_fwd = mat_fwd.get() mat_bck = sp.linalg.inv(mat_fwd.tocsc()) return self.sparse_lib.csc_matrix(mat_bck)
[docs] def get_integration_matrix(self): """ Get an integration matrix. Please use `UltrasphericalHelper.get_integration_constant` afterwards to compute the integration constant such that integration starts from x=-1. Example: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from pySDC.helpers.spectral_helper import UltrasphericalHelper N = 4 helper = UltrasphericalHelper(N) coeffs = np.random.random(N) coeffs[-1] = 0 poly = np.polynomial.Chebyshev(coeffs) S = helper.get_integration_matrix() U_hat = S @ coeffs U_hat[0] = helper.get_integration_constant(U_hat, axis=-1) assert np.allclose(poly.integ(lbnd=-1).coef[:-1], U_hat) Returns: sparse integration matrix """ return ( self.sparse_lib.diags(1 / (self.xp.arange(self.N - 1) + 1), offsets=-1)
[docs] @ self.get_basis_change_matrix(p_out=1, p_in=0) * self.lin_trf_fac )
def get_integration_constant(self, u_hat, axis): """ Get integration constant for lower bound of -1. See documentation of `UltrasphericalHelper.get_integration_matrix` for details. Args: u_hat: Solution in spectral space axis: Axis you want to integrate over Returns: Integration constant, has one less dimension than `u_hat` """ slices = [ None, ] * u_hat.ndim slices[axis] = slice(1, u_hat.shape[axis]) return self.xp.sum(u_hat[(*slices,)] * (-1) ** (self.xp.arange(u_hat.shape[axis] - 1)), axis=axis)
[docs] class FFTHelper(SpectralHelper1D): def __init__(self, *args, x0=0, x1=2 * np.pi, **kwargs): """ Constructor. Please refer to the parent class for additional arguments. Notably, you have to supply a resolution `N` and you may choose to run on GPUs via the `useGPU` argument. Args: transform_type ('fft' or 'dct'): Either use DCT functions directly implemented in the transform library or use the FFT from the library to compute the DCT x0 (float, optional): Coordinate of left boundary x1 (float, optional): Coordinate of right boundary """ super().__init__(*args, x0=x0, x1=x1, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_1dgrid(self): """ We use equally spaced points including the left boundary and not including the right one, which is the left boundary. """ dx = self.L / self.N return self.xp.arange(self.N) * dx + self.x0
[docs] def get_wavenumbers(self): """ Be careful that this ordering is very unintuitive. """ return self.xp.fft.fftfreq(self.N, 1.0 / self.N) * 2 * np.pi / self.L
[docs] def get_differentiation_matrix(self, p=1): """ This matrix is diagonal, allowing to invert concurrently. Args: p (int): Order of the derivative Returns: sparse differentiation matrix """ k = self.get_wavenumbers() if self.useGPU: # Have to raise the matrix to power p on CPU because the GPU equivalent is not implemented in CuPy at the time of writing. import scipy.sparse as sp D = self.sparse_lib.diags(1j * k).get() return self.sparse_lib.csc_matrix(sp.linalg.matrix_power(D, p)) else: return self.linalg.matrix_power(self.sparse_lib.diags(1j * k), p)
[docs] def get_integration_matrix(self, p=1): """ Get integration matrix to compute `p`-th integral over the entire domain. Args: p (int): Order of integral you want to compute Returns: sparse integration matrix """ k = self.xp.array(self.get_wavenumbers(), dtype='complex128') k[0] = 1j * self.L return self.linalg.matrix_power(self.sparse_lib.diags(1 / (1j * k)), p)
[docs] def transform(self, u, axis=-1, **kwargs): """ 1D FFT along axis. `kwargs` are passed on to the FFT library. Args: u: Data you want to transform axis (int): Axis you want to transform along Returns: transformed data """ return self.fft_lib.fft(u, axis=axis, **kwargs)
[docs] def itransform(self, u, axis=-1): """ Inverse 1D FFT. Args: u: Data you want to transform axis (int): Axis you want to transform along Returns: transformed data """ return self.fft_lib.ifft(u, axis=axis)
[docs] def get_BC(self, kind): """ Get a sort of boundary condition. You can use `kind=integral`, to fix the integral, or you can use `kind=Nyquist`. The latter is not really a boundary condition, but is used to set the Nyquist mode to some value, preferably zero. You should set the Nyquist mode zero when the solution in physical space is real and the resolution is even. Args: kind ('integral' or 'nyquist'): Kind of BC Returns: self.xp.ndarray: Boundary condition row """ if kind.lower() == 'integral': return self.get_integ_BC_row() elif kind.lower() == 'nyquist': assert ( self.N % 2 == 0 ), f'Do not eliminate the Nyquist mode with odd resolution as it is fully resolved. You chose {self.N} in this axis' BC = self.xp.zeros(self.N) BC[self.get_Nyquist_mode_index()] = 1 return BC else: return super().get_BC(kind)
[docs] def get_Nyquist_mode_index(self): """ Compute the index of the Nyquist mode, i.e. the mode with the lowest wavenumber, which doesn't have a positive counterpart for even resolution. This means real waves of this wave number cannot be properly resolved and you are best advised to set this mode zero if representing real functions on even-resolution grids is what you're after. Returns: int: Index of the Nyquist mode """ k = self.get_wavenumbers() Nyquist_mode = min(k) return self.xp.where(k == Nyquist_mode)[0][0]
[docs] def get_integ_BC_row(self): """ Only the 0-mode has non-zero integral with FFT basis in periodic BCs """ me = self.xp.zeros(self.N) me[0] = self.L / self.N return me
[docs] class SpectralHelper: """ This class has three functions: - Easily assemble matrices containing multiple equations - Direct product of 1D bases to solve problems in more dimensions - Distribute the FFTs to facilitate concurrency. Attributes: comm (mpi4py.Intracomm): MPI communicator debug (bool): Perform additional checks at extra computational cost useGPU (bool): Whether to use GPUs axes (list): List of 1D bases components (list): List of strings of the names of components in the equations full_BCs (list): List of Dictionaries containing all information about the boundary conditions BC_mat (list): List of lists of sparse matrices to put BCs into and eventually assemble the BC matrix from BCs (sparse matrix): Matrix containing only the BCs fft_cache (dict): Cache FFTs of various shapes here to facilitate padding and so on BC_rhs_mask (self.xp.ndarray): Mask values that contain boundary conditions in the right hand side BC_zero_index (self.xp.ndarray): Indeces of rows in the matrix that are replaced by BCs BC_line_zero_matrix (sparse matrix): Matrix that zeros rows where we can then add the BCs in using `BCs` rhs_BCs_hat (self.xp.ndarray): Boundary conditions in spectral space global_shape (tuple): Global shape of the solution as in `mpi4py-fft` local_slice (slice): Local slice of the solution as in `mpi4py-fft` fft_obj: When using distributed FFTs, this will be a parallel transform object from `mpi4py-fft` init (tuple): This is the same `init` that is used throughout the problem classes init_forward (tuple): This is the equivalent of `init` in spectral space """ xp = np fft_lib = scipy.fft sparse_lib = scipy.sparse linalg = scipy.sparse.linalg dtype = mesh fft_backend = 'fftw' fft_comm_backend = 'MPI'
[docs] @classmethod def setup_GPU(cls): """switch to GPU modules""" import cupy as cp import cupyx.scipy.sparse as sparse_lib import cupyx.scipy.sparse.linalg as linalg from pySDC.implementations.datatype_classes.cupy_mesh import cupy_mesh cls.xp = cp cls.sparse_lib = sparse_lib cls.linalg = linalg cls.fft_backend = 'cupy' cls.fft_comm_backend = 'NCCL' cls.dtype = cupy_mesh
def __init__(self, comm=None, useGPU=False, debug=False): """ Constructor Args: comm (mpi4py.Intracomm): MPI communicator useGPU (bool): Whether to use GPUs debug (bool): Perform additional checks at extra computational cost """ self.comm = comm self.debug = debug self.useGPU = useGPU if useGPU: self.setup_GPU() self.axes = [] self.components = [] self.full_BCs = [] self.BC_mat = None self.BCs = None self.fft_cache = {} self.fft_dealias_shape_cache = {} @property def u_init(self): """ Get empty data container in physical space """ return self.dtype(self.init) @property def u_init_forward(self): """ Get empty data container in spectral space """ return self.dtype(self.init_forward) @property def shape(self): """ Get shape of individual solution component """ return self.init[0][1:] @property def ndim(self): return len(self.axes) @property def ncomponents(self): return len(self.components) @property def V(self): """ Get domain volume """ return[me.L for me in self.axes])
[docs] def add_axis(self, base, *args, **kwargs): """ Add an axis to the domain by deciding on suitable 1D base. Arguments to the bases are forwarded using `*args` and `**kwargs`. Please refer to the documentation of the 1D bases for possible arguments. Args: base (str): 1D spectral method """ kwargs['useGPU'] = self.useGPU if base.lower() in ['chebychov', 'chebychev', 'cheby', 'chebychovhelper']: kwargs['transform_type'] = kwargs.get('transform_type', 'fft') self.axes.append(ChebychevHelper(*args, **kwargs)) elif base.lower() in ['fft', 'fourier', 'ffthelper']: self.axes.append(FFTHelper(*args, **kwargs)) elif base.lower() in ['ultraspherical', 'gegenbauer']: self.axes.append(UltrasphericalHelper(*args, **kwargs)) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'{base=!r} is not implemented!') self.axes[-1].xp = self.xp self.axes[-1].sparse_lib = self.sparse_lib
[docs] def add_component(self, name): """ Add solution component(s). Args: name (str or list of strings): Name(s) of component(s) """ if type(name) in [list, tuple]: for me in name: self.add_component(me) elif type(name) in [str]: if name in self.components: raise Exception(f'{name=!r} is already added to this problem!') self.components.append(name) else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def index(self, name): """ Get the index of component `name`. Args: name (str or list of strings): Name(s) of component(s) Returns: int: Index of the component """ if type(name) in [str, int]: return self.components.index(name) elif type(name) in [list, tuple]: return (self.index(me) for me in name) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Don\'t know how to compute index for {type(name)=}')
[docs] def get_empty_operator_matrix(self): """ Return a matrix of operators to be filled with the connections between the solution components. Returns: list containing sparse zeros """ S = len(self.components) O = self.get_Id() * 0 return [[O for _ in range(S)] for _ in range(S)]
[docs] def get_BC(self, axis, kind, line=-1, scalar=False, **kwargs): """ Use this method for boundary bordering. It gets the respective matrix row and embeds it into a matrix. Pay attention that if you have multiple BCs in a single equation, you need to put them in different lines. Typically, the last line that does not contain a BC is the best choice. Forward arguments for the boundary conditions using `kwargs`. Refer to documentation of 1D bases for details. Args: axis (int): Axis you want to add the BC to kind (str): kind of BC, e.g. Dirichlet line (int): Line you want the BC to go in scalar (bool): Put the BC in all space positions in the other direction Returns: sparse matrix containing the BC """ sp = scipy.sparse base = self.axes[axis] BC = sp.eye(base.N).tolil() * 0 if self.useGPU: BC[line, :] = base.get_BC(kind=kind, **kwargs).get() else: BC[line, :] = base.get_BC(kind=kind, **kwargs) ndim = len(self.axes) if ndim == 1: return self.sparse_lib.csc_matrix(BC) elif ndim == 2: axis2 = (axis + 1) % ndim if scalar: _Id = self.sparse_lib.diags(self.xp.append([1], self.xp.zeros(self.axes[axis2].N - 1))) else: _Id = self.axes[axis2].get_Id() Id = self.get_local_slice_of_1D_matrix(self.axes[axis2].get_Id() @ _Id, axis=axis2) if self.useGPU: Id = Id.get() mats = [ None, ] * ndim mats[axis] = self.get_local_slice_of_1D_matrix(BC, axis=axis) mats[axis2] = Id return self.sparse_lib.csc_matrix(sp.kron(*mats))
[docs] def remove_BC(self, component, equation, axis, kind, line=-1, scalar=False, **kwargs): """ Remove a BC from the matrix. This is useful e.g. when you add a non-scalar BC and then need to selectively remove single BCs again, as in incompressible Navier-Stokes, for instance. Forward arguments for the boundary conditions using `kwargs`. Refer to documentation of 1D bases for details. Args: component (str): Name of the component the BC should act on equation (str): Name of the equation for the component you want to put the BC in axis (int): Axis you want to add the BC to kind (str): kind of BC, e.g. Dirichlet v: Value of the BC line (int): Line you want the BC to go in scalar (bool): Put the BC in all space positions in the other direction """ _BC = self.get_BC(axis=axis, kind=kind, line=line, scalar=scalar, **kwargs) self.BC_mat[self.index(equation)][self.index(component)] -= _BC if scalar: slices = [self.index(equation)] + [ 0, ] * self.ndim slices[axis + 1] = line else: slices = ( [self.index(equation)] + [slice(0, self.init[0][i + 1]) for i in range(axis)] + [line] + [slice(0, self.init[0][i + 1]) for i in range(axis + 1, len(self.axes))] ) N = self.axes[axis].N if (N + line) % N in self.xp.arange(N)[self.local_slice[axis]]: self.BC_rhs_mask[(*slices,)] = False
[docs] def add_BC(self, component, equation, axis, kind, v, line=-1, scalar=False, **kwargs): """ Add a BC to the matrix. Note that you need to convert the list of lists of BCs that this method generates to a single sparse matrix by calling `setup_BCs` after adding/removing all BCs. Forward arguments for the boundary conditions using `kwargs`. Refer to documentation of 1D bases for details. Args: component (str): Name of the component the BC should act on equation (str): Name of the equation for the component you want to put the BC in axis (int): Axis you want to add the BC to kind (str): kind of BC, e.g. Dirichlet v: Value of the BC line (int): Line you want the BC to go in scalar (bool): Put the BC in all space positions in the other direction """ _BC = self.get_BC(axis=axis, kind=kind, line=line, scalar=scalar, **kwargs) self.BC_mat[self.index(equation)][self.index(component)] += _BC self.full_BCs += [ { 'component': component, 'equation': equation, 'axis': axis, 'kind': kind, 'v': v, 'line': line, 'scalar': scalar, **kwargs, } ] if scalar: slices = [self.index(equation)] + [ 0, ] * self.ndim slices[axis + 1] = line if self.comm: if self.comm.rank == 0: self.BC_rhs_mask[(*slices,)] = True else: self.BC_rhs_mask[(*slices,)] = True else: slices = ( [self.index(equation)] + [slice(0, self.init[0][i + 1]) for i in range(axis)] + [line] + [slice(0, self.init[0][i + 1]) for i in range(axis + 1, len(self.axes))] ) N = self.axes[axis].N if (N + line) % N in self.xp.arange(N)[self.local_slice[axis]]: slices[axis + 1] -= self.local_slice[axis].start self.BC_rhs_mask[(*slices,)] = True
[docs] def setup_BCs(self): """ Convert the list of lists of BCs to the boundary condition operator. Also, boundary bordering requires to zero out all other entries in the matrix in rows containing a boundary condition. This method sets up a suitable sparse matrix to do this. """ sp = self.sparse_lib self.BCs = self.convert_operator_matrix_to_operator(self.BC_mat) self.BC_zero_index = self.xp.arange([0]))[self.BC_rhs_mask.flatten()] diags = self.xp.ones(self.BCs.shape[0]) diags[self.BC_zero_index] = 0 self.BC_line_zero_matrix = sp.diags(diags) # prepare BCs in spectral space to easily add to the RHS rhs_BCs = self.put_BCs_in_rhs(self.u_init) self.rhs_BCs_hat = self.transform(rhs_BCs)
[docs] def check_BCs(self, u): """ Check that the solution satisfies the boundary conditions Args: u: The solution you want to check """ assert self.ndim < 3 for axis in range(self.ndim): BCs = [me for me in self.full_BCs if me["axis"] == axis and not me["scalar"]] if len(BCs) > 0: u_hat = self.transform(u, axes=(axis - self.ndim,)) for BC in BCs: kwargs = { key: value for key, value in BC.items() if key not in ['component', 'equation', 'axis', 'v', 'line', 'scalar'] } if axis == 0: get = self.axes[axis].get_BC(**kwargs) @ u_hat[self.index(BC['component'])] elif axis == 1: get = u_hat[self.index(BC['component'])] @ self.axes[axis].get_BC(**kwargs) want = BC['v'] assert self.xp.allclose( get, want ), f'Unexpected BC in {BC["component"]} in equation {BC["equation"]}, line {BC["line"]}! Got {get}, wanted {want}'
[docs] def put_BCs_in_matrix(self, A): """ Put the boundary conditions in a matrix by replacing rows with BCs. """ return self.BC_line_zero_matrix @ A + self.BCs
[docs] def put_BCs_in_rhs_hat(self, rhs_hat): """ Put the BCs in the right hand side in spectral space for solving. This function needs no transforms and caches a mask for faster subsequent use. Args: rhs_hat: Right hand side in spectral space Returns: rhs in spectral space with BCs """ if not hasattr(self, '_rhs_hat_zero_mask'): """ Generate a mask where we need to set values in the rhs in spectral space to zero, such that can replace them by the boundary conditions. The mask is then cached. """ self._rhs_hat_zero_mask = self.xp.zeros(shape=rhs_hat.shape, dtype=bool) for axis in range(self.ndim): for bc in self.full_BCs: slices = ( [slice(0, self.init[0][i + 1]) for i in range(axis)] + [bc['line']] + [slice(0, self.init[0][i + 1]) for i in range(axis + 1, len(self.axes))] ) if axis == bc['axis']: _slice = [self.index(bc['equation'])] + slices N = self.axes[axis].N if (N + bc['line']) % N in self.xp.arange(N)[self.local_slice[axis]]: _slice[axis + 1] -= self.local_slice[axis].start self._rhs_hat_zero_mask[(*_slice,)] = True rhs_hat[self._rhs_hat_zero_mask] = 0 return rhs_hat + self.rhs_BCs_hat
[docs] def put_BCs_in_rhs(self, rhs): """ Put the BCs in the right hand side for solving. This function will transform along each axis individually and add all BCs in that axis. Consider `put_BCs_in_rhs_hat` to add BCs with no extra transforms needed. Args: rhs: Right hand side in physical space Returns: rhs in physical space with BCs """ assert rhs.ndim > 1, 'rhs must not be flattened here!' ndim = self.ndim for axis in range(ndim): _rhs_hat = self.transform(rhs, axes=(axis - ndim,)) for bc in self.full_BCs: slices = ( [slice(0, self.init[0][i + 1]) for i in range(axis)] + [bc['line']] + [slice(0, self.init[0][i + 1]) for i in range(axis + 1, len(self.axes))] ) if axis == bc['axis']: _slice = [self.index(bc['equation'])] + slices N = self.axes[axis].N if (N + bc['line']) % N in self.xp.arange(N)[self.local_slice[axis]]: _slice[axis + 1] -= self.local_slice[axis].start _rhs_hat[(*_slice,)] = bc['v'] rhs = self.itransform(_rhs_hat, axes=(axis - ndim,)) return rhs
[docs] def add_equation_lhs(self, A, equation, relations): """ Add the left hand part (that you want to solve implicitly) of an equation to a list of lists of sparse matrices that you will convert to an operator later. Example: Setup linear operator `L` for 1D heat equation using Chebychev method in first order form and T-to-U preconditioning: .. code-block:: python helper = SpectralHelper() helper.add_axis(base='chebychev', N=8) helper.add_component(['u', 'ux']) helper.setup_fft() I = helper.get_Id() Dx = helper.get_differentiation_matrix(axes=(0,)) T2U = helper.get_basis_change_matrix('T2U') L_lhs = { 'ux': {'u': -T2U @ Dx, 'ux': T2U @ I}, 'u': {'ux': -(T2U @ Dx)}, } operator = helper.get_empty_operator_matrix() for line, equation in L_lhs.items(): helper.add_equation_lhs(operator, line, equation) L = helper.convert_operator_matrix_to_operator(operator) Args: A (list of lists of sparse matrices): The operator to be equation (str): The equation of the component you want this in relations: (dict): Relations between quantities """ for k, v in relations.items(): A[self.index(equation)][self.index(k)] = v
[docs] def convert_operator_matrix_to_operator(self, M): """ Promote the list of lists of sparse matrices to a single sparse matrix that can be used as linear operator. See documentation of `SpectralHelper.add_equation_lhs` for an example. Args: M (list of lists of sparse matrices): The operator to be Returns: sparse linear operator """ if len(self.components) == 1: return M[0][0] else: return self.sparse_lib.bmat(M, format='csc')
[docs] def get_wavenumbers(self): """ Get grid in spectral space """ grids = [self.axes[i].get_wavenumbers()[self.local_slice[i]] for i in range(len(self.axes))][::-1] return self.xp.meshgrid(*grids)
[docs] def get_grid(self): """ Get grid in physical space """ grids = [self.axes[i].get_1dgrid()[self.local_slice[i]] for i in range(len(self.axes))][::-1] return self.xp.meshgrid(*grids)
[docs] def get_fft(self, axes=None, direction='object', padding=None, shape=None): """ When using MPI, we use `PFFT` objects generated by mpi4py-fft Args: axes (tuple): Axes you want to transform over direction (str): use "forward" or "backward" to get functions for performing the transforms or "object" to get the PFFT object padding (tuple): Padding for dealiasing shape (tuple): Shape of the transform Returns: transform """ axes = tuple(-i - 1 for i in range(self.ndim)) if axes is None else axes shape = self.global_shape[1:] if shape is None else shape padding = ( [ 1, ] * self.ndim if padding is None else padding ) key = (axes, direction, tuple(padding), tuple(shape)) if key not in self.fft_cache.keys(): if self.comm is None: assert np.allclose(padding, 1), 'Zero padding is not implemented for non-MPI transforms' if direction == 'forward': self.fft_cache[key] = self.xp.fft.fftn elif direction == 'backward': self.fft_cache[key] = self.xp.fft.ifftn elif direction == 'object': self.fft_cache[key] = None else: if direction == 'object': from mpi4py_fft import PFFT _fft = PFFT( comm=self.comm, shape=shape, axes=sorted(axes), dtype='D', collapse=False, backend=self.fft_backend, comm_backend=self.fft_comm_backend, padding=padding, ) else: _fft = self.get_fft(axes=axes, direction='object', padding=padding, shape=shape) if direction == 'forward': self.fft_cache[key] = _fft.forward elif direction == 'backward': self.fft_cache[key] = _fft.backward elif direction == 'object': self.fft_cache[key] = _fft return self.fft_cache[key]
[docs] def setup_fft(self, real_spectral_coefficients=False): """ This function must be called after all axes have been setup in order to prepare the local shapes of the data. This must also be called before setting up any BCs. Args: real_spectral_coefficients (bool): Allow only real coefficients in spectral space """ if len(self.components) == 0: self.add_component('u') self.global_shape = (len(self.components),) + tuple(me.N for me in self.axes) self.local_slice = [slice(0, me.N) for me in self.axes] axes = tuple(i for i in range(len(self.axes))) self.fft_obj = self.get_fft(axes=axes, direction='object') if self.fft_obj is not None: self.local_slice = self.fft_obj.local_slice(False) self.init = ( np.empty(shape=self.global_shape)[ ( ..., *self.local_slice, ) ].shape, self.comm, np.dtype('float'), ) self.init_forward = ( np.empty(shape=self.global_shape)[ ( ..., *self.local_slice, ) ].shape, self.comm, np.dtype('float') if real_spectral_coefficients else np.dtype('complex128'), ) self.BC_mat = self.get_empty_operator_matrix() self.BC_rhs_mask = self.xp.zeros( shape=self.init[0], dtype=bool, )
def _transform_fft(self, u, axes, **kwargs): """ FFT along `axes` Args: u: The solution axes (tuple): Axes you want to transform over Returns: transformed solution """ # TODO: clean up and try putting more of this in the 1D bases fft = self.get_fft(axes, 'forward', **kwargs) return fft(u, axes=axes) def _transform_dct(self, u, axes, padding=None, **kwargs): ''' DCT along `axes`. This will only return real values! When padding the solution, we cannot just use the mpi4py-fft implementation, because of the unusual ordering of wavenumbers in FFTs. Args: u: The solution axes (tuple): Axes you want to transform over Returns: transformed solution ''' # TODO: clean up and try putting more of this in the 1D bases if self.debug: assert self.xp.allclose(u.imag, 0), 'This function can only handle real input.' if len(axes) > 1: v = self._transform_dct(self._transform_dct(u, axes[1:], **kwargs), (axes[0],), **kwargs) else: v = u.copy().astype(complex) axis = axes[0] base = self.axes[axis] shuffle = [slice(0, s, 1) for s in u.shape] shuffle[axis] = base.get_fft_shuffle(True, N=v.shape[axis]) v = v[(*shuffle,)] if padding is not None: shape = list(v.shape) if ('forward', *padding) in self.fft_dealias_shape_cache.keys(): shape[0] = self.fft_dealias_shape_cache[('forward', *padding)] elif self.comm: send_buf = np.array(v.shape[0]) recv_buf = np.array(v.shape[0]) self.comm.Allreduce(send_buf, recv_buf) shape[0] = int(recv_buf) fft = self.get_fft(axes, 'forward', shape=shape) else: fft = self.get_fft(axes, 'forward', **kwargs) v = fft(v, axes=axes) expansion = [np.newaxis for _ in u.shape] expansion[axis] = slice(0, v.shape[axis], 1) if padding is not None: shift = base.get_fft_shift(True, v.shape[axis]) if padding[axis] != 1: N = int(np.ceil(v.shape[axis] / padding[axis])) _expansion = [slice(0, n) for n in v.shape] _expansion[axis] = slice(0, N, 1) v = v[(*_expansion,)] else: shift = base.fft_utils['fwd']['shift'] v *= shift[(*expansion,)] return v.real
[docs] def transform_single_component(self, u, axes=None, padding=None): """ Transform a single component of the solution Args: u data to transform: axes (tuple): Axes over which to transform padding (list): Padding factor for transform. E.g. a padding factor of 2 will discard the upper half of modes after transforming Returns: Transformed data """ # TODO: clean up and try putting more of this in the 1D bases trfs = { ChebychevHelper: self._transform_dct, UltrasphericalHelper: self._transform_dct, FFTHelper: self._transform_fft, } axes = tuple(-i - 1 for i in range(self.ndim)[::-1]) if axes is None else axes padding = ( [ 1, ] * self.ndim if padding is None else padding ) # You know, sometimes I feel very strongly about Black still. This atrocious formatting is readable by Sauron only. result = u.copy().astype(complex) alignment = self.ndim - 1 axes_collapsed = [tuple(sorted(me for me in axes if type(self.axes[me]) == base)) for base in trfs.keys()] bases = [list(trfs.keys())[i] for i in range(len(axes_collapsed)) if len(axes_collapsed[i]) > 0] axes_collapsed = [me for me in axes_collapsed if len(me) > 0] shape = [max(u.shape[i], self.global_shape[1 + i]) for i in range(self.ndim)] fft = self.get_fft(axes=axes, padding=padding, direction='object') if fft is not None: shape = list(fft.global_shape(False)) for trf in range(len(axes_collapsed)): _axes = axes_collapsed[trf] base = bases[trf] if len(_axes) == 0: continue for _ax in _axes: shape[_ax] = self.global_shape[1 + self.ndim + _ax] fft = self.get_fft(_axes, 'object', padding=padding, shape=shape) _in = self.get_aligned( result, axis_in=alignment, axis_out=self.ndim + _axes[-1], forward=False, fft=fft, shape=shape ) alignment = self.ndim + _axes[-1] _out = trfs[base](_in, axes=_axes, padding=padding, shape=shape) if self.comm is not None: _out *=[self.axes[i].N for i in _axes]) axes_next_base = (axes_collapsed + [(-1,)])[trf + 1] alignment = alignment if len(axes_next_base) == 0 else self.ndim + axes_next_base[-1] result = self.get_aligned( _out, axis_in=self.ndim + _axes[0], axis_out=alignment, fft=fft, forward=True, shape=shape ) return result
[docs] def transform(self, u, axes=None, padding=None): """ Transform all components from physical space to spectral space Args: u data to transform: axes (tuple): Axes over which to transform padding (list): Padding factor for transform. E.g. a padding factor of 2 will discard the upper half of modes after transforming Returns: Transformed data """ axes = tuple(-i - 1 for i in range(self.ndim)[::-1]) if axes is None else axes padding = ( [ 1, ] * self.ndim if padding is None else padding ) result = [ None, ] * self.ncomponents for comp in self.components: i = self.index(comp) result[i] = self.transform_single_component(u[i], axes=axes, padding=padding) return self.xp.stack(result)
def _transform_ifft(self, u, axes, **kwargs): # TODO: clean up and try putting more of this in the 1D bases ifft = self.get_fft(axes, 'backward', **kwargs) return ifft(u, axes=axes) def _transform_idct(self, u, axes, padding=None, **kwargs): ''' This will only ever return real values! ''' # TODO: clean up and try putting more of this in the 1D bases if self.debug: assert self.xp.allclose(u.imag, 0), 'This function can only handle real input.' v = u.copy().astype(complex) if len(axes) > 1: v = self._transform_idct(self._transform_idct(u, axes[1:]), (axes[0],)) else: axis = axes[0] base = self.axes[axis] if padding is not None: if padding[axis] != 1: N_pad = int(np.ceil(v.shape[axis] * padding[axis])) _pad = [[0, 0] for _ in v.shape] _pad[axis] = [0, N_pad - base.N] v = self.xp.pad(v, _pad, 'constant') shift = self.xp.exp(1j * np.pi * self.xp.arange(N_pad) / (2 * N_pad)) * base.N else: shift = base.fft_utils['bck']['shift'] else: shift = base.fft_utils['bck']['shift'] expansion = [np.newaxis for _ in u.shape] expansion[axis] = slice(0, v.shape[axis], 1) v *= shift[(*expansion,)] if padding is not None: if padding[axis] != 1: shape = list(v.shape) if ('backward', *padding) in self.fft_dealias_shape_cache.keys(): shape[0] = self.fft_dealias_shape_cache[('backward', *padding)] elif self.comm: send_buf = np.array(v.shape[0]) recv_buf = np.array(v.shape[0]) self.comm.Allreduce(send_buf, recv_buf) shape[0] = int(recv_buf) ifft = self.get_fft(axes, 'backward', shape=shape) else: ifft = self.get_fft(axes, 'backward', padding=padding, **kwargs) else: ifft = self.get_fft(axes, 'backward', padding=padding, **kwargs) v = ifft(v, axes=axes) shuffle = [slice(0, s, 1) for s in v.shape] shuffle[axis] = base.get_fft_shuffle(False, N=v.shape[axis]) v = v[(*shuffle,)] return v.real
[docs] def itransform_single_component(self, u, axes=None, padding=None): """ Inverse transform over single component of the solution Args: u data to transform: axes (tuple): Axes over which to transform padding (list): Padding factor for transform. E.g. a padding factor of 2 will add as many zeros as there were modes before before transforming Returns: Transformed data """ # TODO: clean up and try putting more of this in the 1D bases trfs = { FFTHelper: self._transform_ifft, ChebychevHelper: self._transform_idct, UltrasphericalHelper: self._transform_idct, } axes = tuple(-i - 1 for i in range(self.ndim)[::-1]) if axes is None else axes padding = ( [ 1, ] * self.ndim if padding is None else padding ) result = u.copy().astype(complex) alignment = self.ndim - 1 axes_collapsed = [tuple(sorted(me for me in axes if type(self.axes[me]) == base)) for base in trfs.keys()] bases = [list(trfs.keys())[i] for i in range(len(axes_collapsed)) if len(axes_collapsed[i]) > 0] axes_collapsed = [me for me in axes_collapsed if len(me) > 0] shape = list(self.global_shape[1:]) for trf in range(len(axes_collapsed)): _axes = axes_collapsed[trf] base = bases[trf] if len(_axes) == 0: continue fft = self.get_fft(_axes, 'object', padding=padding, shape=shape) _in = self.get_aligned( result, axis_in=alignment, axis_out=self.ndim + _axes[0], forward=True, fft=fft, shape=shape ) if self.comm is not None: _in /=[self.axes[i].N for i in _axes]) alignment = self.ndim + _axes[0] _out = trfs[base](_in, axes=_axes, padding=padding, shape=shape) for _ax in _axes: if fft: shape[_ax] = fft._input_shape[_ax] else: shape[_ax] = _out.shape[_ax] axes_next_base = (axes_collapsed + [(-1,)])[trf + 1] alignment = alignment if len(axes_next_base) == 0 else self.ndim + axes_next_base[0] result = self.get_aligned( _out, axis_in=self.ndim + _axes[-1], axis_out=alignment, fft=fft, forward=False, shape=shape ) return result
[docs] def get_aligned(self, u, axis_in, axis_out, fft=None, forward=False, **kwargs): """ Realign the data along the axis when using distributed FFTs. `kwargs` will be used to get the correct PFFT object from `mpi4py-fft`, which has suitable transfer classes for the shape of data. Hence, they should include shape especially, if applicable. Args: u: The solution axis_in (int): Current alignment axis_out (int): New alignment fft (mpi4py_fft.PFFT), optional: parallel FFT object forward (bool): Whether the input is in spectral space or not Returns: solution aligned on `axis_in` """ if self.comm is None or axis_in == axis_out: return u.copy() if self.comm.size == 1: return u.copy() global_fft = self.get_fft(**kwargs) axisA = [me.axisA for me in global_fft.transfer] axisB = [me.axisB for me in global_fft.transfer] current_axis = axis_in if axis_in in axisA and axis_out in axisB: while current_axis != axis_out: transfer = global_fft.transfer[axisA.index(current_axis)] arrayB = self.xp.empty(shape=transfer.subshapeB, dtype=transfer.dtype) arrayA = self.xp.empty(shape=transfer.subshapeA, dtype=transfer.dtype) arrayA[:] = u[:] transfer.forward(arrayA=arrayA, arrayB=arrayB) current_axis = transfer.axisB u = arrayB return u elif axis_in in axisB and axis_out in axisA: while current_axis != axis_out: transfer = global_fft.transfer[axisB.index(current_axis)] arrayB = self.xp.empty(shape=transfer.subshapeB, dtype=transfer.dtype) arrayA = self.xp.empty(shape=transfer.subshapeA, dtype=transfer.dtype) arrayB[:] = u[:] transfer.backward(arrayA=arrayA, arrayB=arrayB) current_axis = transfer.axisA u = arrayA return u else: # go the potentially slower route of not reusing transfer classes from mpi4py_fft import newDistArray fft = self.get_fft(**kwargs) if fft is None else fft _in = newDistArray(fft, forward).redistribute(axis_in) _in[...] = u return _in.redistribute(axis_out)
[docs] def itransform(self, u, axes=None, padding=None): """ Inverse transform over all components of the solution Args: u data to transform: axes (tuple): Axes over which to transform padding (list): Padding factor for transform. E.g. a padding factor of 2 will add as many zeros as there were modes before before transforming Returns: Transformed data """ axes = tuple(-i - 1 for i in range(self.ndim)[::-1]) if axes is None else axes padding = ( [ 1, ] * self.ndim if padding is None else padding ) result = [ None, ] * self.ncomponents for comp in self.components: i = self.index(comp) result[i] = self.itransform_single_component(u[i], axes=axes, padding=padding) return self.xp.stack(result)
[docs] def get_local_slice_of_1D_matrix(self, M, axis): """ Get the local version of a 1D matrix. When using distributed FFTs, each rank will carry only a subset of modes, which you can sort out via the `SpectralHelper.local_slice` attribute. When constructing a 1D matrix, you can use this method to get the part corresponding to the modes carried by this rank. Args: M (sparse matrix): Global 1D matrix you want to get the local version of axis (int): Direction in which you want the local version. You will get the global matrix in other directions. This means slab decomposition only. Returns: sparse local matrix """ return M.tocsc()[self.local_slice[axis], self.local_slice[axis]]
[docs] def get_filter_matrix(self, axis, **kwargs): """ Get bandpass filter along `axis`. See the documentation `get_filter_matrix` in the 1D bases for what kwargs are admissible. Returns: sparse bandpass matrix """ if self.ndim == 1: return self.axes[0].get_filter_matrix(**kwargs) mats = [base.get_Id() for base in self.axes] mats[axis] = self.axes[axis].get_filter_matrix(**kwargs) return self.sparse_lib.kron(*mats)
[docs] def get_differentiation_matrix(self, axes, **kwargs): """ Get differentiation matrix along specified axis. `kwargs` are forwarded to the 1D base implementation. Args: axes (tuple): Axes along which to differentiate. Returns: sparse differentiation matrix """ sp = self.sparse_lib ndim = self.ndim if ndim == 1: D = self.axes[0].get_differentiation_matrix(**kwargs) elif ndim == 2: for axis in axes: axis2 = (axis + 1) % ndim D1D = self.axes[axis].get_differentiation_matrix(**kwargs) if len(axes) > 1: I1D = sp.eye(self.axes[axis2].N) else: I1D = self.axes[axis2].get_Id() mats = [None] * ndim mats[axis] = self.get_local_slice_of_1D_matrix(D1D, axis) mats[axis2] = self.get_local_slice_of_1D_matrix(I1D, axis2) if axis == axes[0]: D = sp.kron(*mats) else: D = D @ sp.kron(*mats) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Differentiation matrix not implemented for {ndim} dimension!') return D
[docs] def get_integration_matrix(self, axes): """ Get integration matrix to integrate along specified axis. Args: axes (tuple): Axes along which to integrate over. Returns: sparse integration matrix """ sp = self.sparse_lib ndim = len(self.axes) if ndim == 1: S = self.axes[0].get_integration_matrix() elif ndim == 2: for axis in axes: axis2 = (axis + 1) % ndim S1D = self.axes[axis].get_integration_matrix() if len(axes) > 1: I1D = sp.eye(self.axes[axis2].N) else: I1D = self.axes[axis2].get_Id() mats = [None] * ndim mats[axis] = self.get_local_slice_of_1D_matrix(S1D, axis) mats[axis2] = self.get_local_slice_of_1D_matrix(I1D, axis2) if axis == axes[0]: S = sp.kron(*mats) else: S = S @ sp.kron(*mats) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Integration matrix not implemented for {ndim} dimension!') return S
[docs] def get_Id(self): """ Get identity matrix Returns: sparse identity matrix """ sp = self.sparse_lib ndim = self.ndim I = sp.eye([0][1:]), dtype=complex) if ndim == 1: I = self.axes[0].get_Id() elif ndim == 2: for axis in range(ndim): axis2 = (axis + 1) % ndim I1D = self.axes[axis].get_Id() I1D2 = sp.eye(self.axes[axis2].N) mats = [None] * ndim mats[axis] = self.get_local_slice_of_1D_matrix(I1D, axis) mats[axis2] = self.get_local_slice_of_1D_matrix(I1D2, axis2) I = I @ sp.kron(*mats) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Identity matrix not implemented for {ndim} dimension!') return I
[docs] def get_Dirichlet_recombination_matrix(self, axis=-1): """ Get Dirichlet recombination matrix along axis. Not that it only makes sense in directions discretized with variations of Chebychev bases. Args: axis (int): Axis you discretized with Chebychev Returns: sparse matrix """ sp = self.sparse_lib ndim = len(self.axes) if ndim == 1: C = self.axes[0].get_Dirichlet_recombination_matrix() elif ndim == 2: axis2 = (axis + 1) % ndim C1D = self.axes[axis].get_Dirichlet_recombination_matrix() I1D = self.axes[axis2].get_Id() mats = [None] * ndim mats[axis] = self.get_local_slice_of_1D_matrix(C1D, axis) mats[axis2] = self.get_local_slice_of_1D_matrix(I1D, axis2) C = sp.kron(*mats) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Basis change matrix not implemented for {ndim} dimension!') return C
[docs] def get_basis_change_matrix(self, axes=None, **kwargs): """ Some spectral bases do a change between bases while differentiating. This method returns matrices that changes the basis to whatever you want. Refer to the methods of the same name of the 1D bases to learn what parameters you need to pass here as `kwargs`. Args: axes (tuple): Axes along which to change basis. Returns: sparse basis change matrix """ axes = tuple(-i - 1 for i in range(self.ndim)) if axes is None else axes sp = self.sparse_lib ndim = len(self.axes) if ndim == 1: C = self.axes[0].get_basis_change_matrix(**kwargs) elif ndim == 2: for axis in axes: axis2 = (axis + 1) % ndim C1D = self.axes[axis].get_basis_change_matrix(**kwargs) if len(axes) > 1: I1D = sp.eye(self.axes[axis2].N) else: I1D = self.axes[axis2].get_Id() mats = [None] * ndim mats[axis] = self.get_local_slice_of_1D_matrix(C1D, axis) mats[axis2] = self.get_local_slice_of_1D_matrix(I1D, axis2) if axis == axes[0]: C = sp.kron(*mats) else: C = C @ sp.kron(*mats) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Basis change matrix not implemented for {ndim} dimension!') return C