Source code for core.level
from pySDC.helpers.pysdc_helper import FrozenClass
# short helper class to add params as attributes
class _Pars(FrozenClass):
def __init__(self, params):
self.dt = None
self.dt_initial = None
self.restol = -1.0
self.nsweeps = 1
self.residual_type = 'full_abs'
for k, v in params.items():
setattr(self, k, v)
# freeze class, no further attributes allowed from this point
self.dt_initial = self.dt * 1.0 if self.dt is not None else None
# short helper class to bundle all status variables
class _Status(FrozenClass):
This class carries the status of the level. All variables that the core SDC / PFASST functionality depend on are
initialized here.
def __init__(self):
self.residual = None
self.unlocked = False
self.updated = False
self.time = None
self.dt_new = None
self.sweep = None
# freeze class, no further attributes allowed from this point
class Level(FrozenClass):
Level class containing all management functionality for a single level
A level contains all data structures, types and objects to perform sweeps on this particular level. It does not
know about other levels.
params (__Pars): parameter object containing the custom parameters passed by the user
status (__Status): status object
level_index (int): custom string naming this level
uend: dof values at the right end point of the interval
u (list of dtype_u): dof values at the nodes
uold (list of dtype_u): copy of dof values for saving data during restriction)
f (list of dtype_f): RHS values at the nodes
fold (list of dtype_f): copy of RHS values for saving data during restriction
tau (list of dtype_u): FAS correction, allocated via step class if necessary
def __init__(self, problem_class, problem_params, sweeper_class, sweeper_params, level_params, level_index):
Initialization routine
problem_class: problem class
problem_params (dict): parameters for the problem to be initialized
sweeper_class: sweeper class
sweeper_params (dict): parameters for the sweeper (contains collocation)
level_params (dict): parameters given by the user, will be added as attributes
level_index (int): custom name for this level
# instantiate sweeper, problem and hooks
self.__sweep = sweeper_class(sweeper_params)
self.__prob = problem_class(**problem_params)
# set level parameters and status
self.params = _Pars(level_params)
self.status = _Status()
# set name
self.level_index = level_index
# empty data at the nodes, the right end point and tau
self.uend = None
self.u = [None] * (self.sweep.coll.num_nodes + 1)
self.uold = [None] * (self.sweep.coll.num_nodes + 1)
self.f = [None] * (self.sweep.coll.num_nodes + 1)
self.fold = [None] * (self.sweep.coll.num_nodes + 1)
self.tau = [None] * self.sweep.coll.num_nodes
# pass this level to the sweeper for easy access
self.sweep.level = self
self.__tag = None
# freeze class, no further attributes allowed from this point
def reset_level(self, reset_status=True):
Routine to clean-up the level for the next time step
reset_status (bool): Reset the status or only the solution
# reset status
if reset_status:
self.status = _Status()
# all data back to None
self.uend = None
self.u = [None] * (self.sweep.coll.num_nodes + 1)
self.uold = [None] * (self.sweep.coll.num_nodes + 1)
self.f = [None] * (self.sweep.coll.num_nodes + 1)
self.fold = [None] * (self.sweep.coll.num_nodes + 1)
self.tau = [None] * self.sweep.coll.num_nodes
def sweep(self):
Getter for the sweeper
pySDC.Sweeper.sweeper: the sweeper associated to this level
return self.__sweep
def prob(self):
Getter for the problem
pySDC.Problem.ptype: the problem associated to this level
return self.__prob
def time(self):
Meta-getter for the current time
float: referencing status time for convenience
return self.status.time
def dt(self):
Meta-getter for the time-step size
float: referencing dt from parameters for convenience
return self.params.dt
def tag(self):
Getter for tag
tag for sending/receiving
return self.__tag
def tag(self, t):
Setter for tag
t: new tag for sending/receiving
self.__tag = t