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1import numpy as np 

2from pySDC.projects.Second_orderSDC.harmonic_oscillator_params import get_default_harmonic_oscillator_description 

3from pySDC.projects.Second_orderSDC.stability_simulation import compute_and_generate_table 


5if __name__ == '__main__': 

6 ''' 

7 Main script to compute maximum stable values for SDC and Picard iterations for the purely oscillatory case with no damping (mu=0). 


9 Additional parameters in the `compute_and_generate_table` function: 

10 - To save the stability table, set `save_interval_file=True`. 

11 - To change the filename, set `interval_filename='FILENAME'`. Default is './data/stab_interval.txt'. 


13 Output: 

14 The script generates data to compare different values of M (number of nodes) and K (maximal number of iterations). 

15 ''' 

16 # This code checks if the "data" folder exists or not. 

17 exec(open("").read()) 

18 # Get default parameters for the harmonic oscillator 

19 description = get_default_harmonic_oscillator_description() 


21 # Additional parameters to compute stability interval on the kappa 

22 # ============================================================================= 

23 # To get exactly the same as table in the paper set: 

24 # 'Num_iter': (500, 1) for the SDC iteration 

25 # 'Num_iter': (2000, 1) for the Picard iteration 

26 # ============================================================================= 

27 helper_params = { 

28 'quad_type_list': ('GAUSS',), # Type of quadrature 

29 'Num_iter': (500, 1), # Number of iterations 

30 'num_nodes_list': np.arange(2, 7, 1), # List of number of nodes 

31 'max_iter_list': np.arange(1, 11, 1), # List of maximum iterations 

32 } 


34 points = ((100, 1e-10),) # Stability parameters: (Num_iter, mu) 


36 # Iterate through points and perform stability check 

37 for ii in points: 

38 # If you want to get the table for the Picard iteration set Picard=True 

39 compute_and_generate_table( 

40 description, helper_params, ii, compute_interval=True, Picard=False, save_interval_file=True 

41 )