Step-7: pySDC with external libraries¶
pySDC can be used with external libraries, in particular for spatial discretization, parallelization and solving of linear and/or nonlinear systems. In the following, we show a few examples of pySDC + X.
Part A: pySDC and FEniCS¶
In this example, pySDC is coupled with the FEniCS framework for using finite elements in space. This implies significant changes to the algorithm, depending on whether or not the mass matrix should be inverted. SDC, MLSDC and PFASST can be used without changes when the right-hand side of the ODE is defined with the inverse of the mass matrix. Otherwise, the mass matrix has to be used for e.g. the tau-correction. This example tests different variants of this methodology for SDC, MLSDC and PFASST.
Important things to note:
This example shows that even core routines like the BaseTransfer can be overwritten if needed.
It is also valuable to check out the data type and transfer classes required to work with FEniCS. Both can be found in the implementations folder.
Full code: pySDC/tutorial/step_7/
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from pySDC.helpers.stats_helper import get_sorted
from pySDC.implementations.controller_classes.controller_nonMPI import controller_nonMPI
from pySDC.implementations.problem_classes.HeatEquation_1D_FEniCS_matrix_forced import (
from pySDC.implementations.sweeper_classes.imex_1st_order_mass import imex_1st_order_mass, imex_1st_order
from pySDC.implementations.transfer_classes.TransferFenicsMesh import mesh_to_mesh_fenics
def setup(t0=None, ml=None):
Helper routine to set up parameters
t0 (float): initial time
ml (bool): use single or multiple levels
description and controller_params parameter dictionaries
# initialize level parameters
level_params = dict()
level_params['restol'] = 5e-10
level_params['dt'] = 0.2
# initialize step parameters
step_params = dict()
step_params['maxiter'] = 20
# initialize sweeper parameters
sweeper_params = dict()
sweeper_params['quad_type'] = 'RADAU-RIGHT'
if ml:
# Note that coarsening in the nodes actually HELPS MLSDC to converge (M=1 is exact on the coarse level)
sweeper_params['num_nodes'] = [3, 1]
sweeper_params['num_nodes'] = [3]
problem_params = dict()
problem_params['nu'] = 0.1
problem_params['t0'] = t0 # ugly, but necessary to set up this ProblemClass
problem_params['c_nvars'] = [128]
problem_params['family'] = 'CG'
problem_params['c'] = 1.0
if ml:
# We can do rather aggressive coarsening here. As long as we have 1 node on the coarse level, all is "well" (ie.
# MLSDC does not take more iterations than SDC, but also not less). If we just coarsen in the refinement (and
# not in the nodes and order, the mass inverse approach is way better, ie. halves the number of iterations!
problem_params['order'] = [4, 1]
problem_params['refinements'] = [1, 0]
problem_params['order'] = [4]
problem_params['refinements'] = [1]
# initialize controller parameters
controller_params = dict()
controller_params['logger_level'] = 30
base_transfer_params = dict()
base_transfer_params['finter'] = True
# Fill description dictionary for easy hierarchy creation
description = dict()
description['problem_class'] = None
description['problem_params'] = problem_params
description['sweeper_class'] = None
description['sweeper_params'] = sweeper_params
description['level_params'] = level_params
description['step_params'] = step_params
description['space_transfer_class'] = mesh_to_mesh_fenics
description['base_transfer_params'] = base_transfer_params
return description, controller_params
def run_variants(variant=None, ml=None, num_procs=None):
Main routine to run the different implementations of the heat equation with FEniCS
variant (str): specifies the variant
ml (bool): use single or multiple levels
num_procs (int): number of processors in time
Tend = 1.0
t0 = 0.0
description, controller_params = setup(t0=t0, ml=ml)
if variant == 'mass':
# Note that we need to reduce the tolerance for the residual here, since otherwise the error will be too high
description['level_params']['restol'] /= 500
description['problem_class'] = fenics_heat_mass
description['sweeper_class'] = imex_1st_order_mass
elif variant == 'mass_inv':
description['problem_class'] = fenics_heat
description['sweeper_class'] = imex_1st_order
elif variant == 'mass_timebc':
# Can increase the tolerance here, errors are higher anyway
description['level_params']['restol'] *= 20
description['problem_class'] = fenics_heat_mass_timebc
description['sweeper_class'] = imex_1st_order_mass
raise NotImplementedError('Variant %s is not implemented' % variant)
# quickly generate block of steps
controller = controller_nonMPI(num_procs=num_procs, controller_params=controller_params, description=description)
# get initial values on finest level
P = controller.MS[0].levels[0].prob
uinit = P.u_exact(0.0)
# call main function to get things done...
uend, stats =, t0=t0, Tend=Tend)
# compute exact solution and compare
uex = P.u_exact(Tend)
err = abs(uex - uend) / abs(uex)
Path("data").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
f = open('data/step_7_A_out.txt', 'a')
out = f'Variant {variant} with ml={ml} and num_procs={num_procs} -- error at time {Tend}: {err}'
f.write(out + '\n')
# filter statistics by type (number of iterations)
iter_counts = get_sorted(stats, type='niter', sortby='time')
niters = np.array([item[1] for item in iter_counts])
out = ' Mean number of iterations: %4.2f' % np.mean(niters)
f.write(out + '\n')
out = ' Range of values for number of iterations: %2i ' % np.ptp(niters)
f.write(out + '\n')
out = ' Position of max/min number of iterations: %2i -- %2i' % (int(np.argmax(niters)), int(np.argmin(niters)))
f.write(out + '\n')
out = ' Std and var for number of iterations: %4.2f -- %4.2f' % (float(np.std(niters)), float(np.var(niters)))
f.write(out + '\n')
timing = get_sorted(stats, type='timing_run', sortby='time')
out = f'Time to solution: {timing[0][1]:6.4f} sec.'
f.write(out + '\n')
if num_procs == 1:
assert np.mean(niters) <= 6.0, 'Mean number of iterations is too high, got %s' % np.mean(niters)
if variant == 'mass' or variant == 'mass_inv':
assert err <= 1.14e-08, 'Error is too high, got %s' % err
assert err <= 3.25e-07, 'Error is too high, got %s' % err
assert np.mean(niters) <= 11.6, 'Mean number of iterations is too high, got %s' % np.mean(niters)
assert err <= 1.14e-08, 'Error is too high, got %s' % err
def main():
run_variants(variant='mass_inv', ml=False, num_procs=1)
run_variants(variant='mass', ml=False, num_procs=1)
run_variants(variant='mass_timebc', ml=False, num_procs=1)
run_variants(variant='mass_inv', ml=True, num_procs=1)
run_variants(variant='mass', ml=True, num_procs=1)
run_variants(variant='mass_timebc', ml=True, num_procs=1)
run_variants(variant='mass_inv', ml=True, num_procs=5)
# WARNING: all other variants do NOT work, either because of FEniCS restrictions (weak forms with different meshes
# will not work together) or because of inconsistent use of the mass matrix (locality condition for the tau
# correction is not satisfied, mass matrix does not permute with restriction).
# run_pfasst_variants(variant='mass', ml=True, num_procs=5)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Variant mass_inv with ml=False and num_procs=1 -- error at time 1.0: 1.1387407230222816e-08
Mean number of iterations: 6.00
Range of values for number of iterations: 0
Position of max/min number of iterations: 0 -- 0
Std and var for number of iterations: 0.00 -- 0.00
Time to solution: 2.0892 sec.
Variant mass with ml=False and num_procs=1 -- error at time 1.0: 1.1387594756569534e-08
Mean number of iterations: 6.00
Range of values for number of iterations: 0
Position of max/min number of iterations: 0 -- 0
Std and var for number of iterations: 0.00 -- 0.00
Time to solution: 1.4478 sec.
Variant mass_timebc with ml=False and num_procs=1 -- error at time 1.0: 3.2473562155116167e-07
Mean number of iterations: 6.00
Range of values for number of iterations: 3
Position of max/min number of iterations: 3 -- 0
Std and var for number of iterations: 1.10 -- 1.20
Time to solution: 1.4346 sec.
Variant mass_inv with ml=True and num_procs=1 -- error at time 1.0: 1.138768636885694e-08
Mean number of iterations: 6.00
Range of values for number of iterations: 0
Position of max/min number of iterations: 0 -- 0
Std and var for number of iterations: 0.00 -- 0.00
Time to solution: 2.5730 sec.
Variant mass with ml=True and num_procs=1 -- error at time 1.0: 1.1387216566052821e-08
Mean number of iterations: 6.00
Range of values for number of iterations: 0
Position of max/min number of iterations: 0 -- 0
Std and var for number of iterations: 0.00 -- 0.00
Time to solution: 2.2022 sec.
Variant mass_timebc with ml=True and num_procs=1 -- error at time 1.0: 3.2473561574763597e-07
Mean number of iterations: 6.00
Range of values for number of iterations: 3
Position of max/min number of iterations: 3 -- 0
Std and var for number of iterations: 1.10 -- 1.20
Time to solution: 2.2106 sec.
Variant mass_inv with ml=True and num_procs=5 -- error at time 1.0: 1.1150087179536389e-08
Mean number of iterations: 11.60
Range of values for number of iterations: 9
Position of max/min number of iterations: 4 -- 0
Std and var for number of iterations: 3.26 -- 10.64
Time to solution: 4.3156 sec.
Part B: mpi4py-fft for parallel Fourier transforms¶
The most prominent parallel solver is, probably, the FFT. While many implementations or wrappers for Python exist, we decided to use mpi4py-fft, which provided the easiest installation, a simple API and good parallel scaling. As an example, we here test the nonlinear Schrödinger equation, using the IMEX sweeper to treat the nonlinear parts explicitly. The code allows to work both in real and spectral space, while the latter is usually faster. This example tests SDC, MLSDC and PFASST.
Important things to note:
The code runs both in serial using just python and also in parallel using mpirun -np 2 python
The nonlinear Schrödinger example is not expected to work well with PFASST. In fact, SDC and MLSDC converge for larger time-steps, but PFASST does not.
Full code: pySDC/tutorial/step_7/
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
from mpi4py import MPI
from pySDC.helpers.stats_helper import get_sorted
from pySDC.implementations.controller_classes.controller_nonMPI import controller_nonMPI
from pySDC.implementations.sweeper_classes.imex_1st_order import imex_1st_order
from pySDC.implementations.problem_classes.NonlinearSchroedinger_MPIFFT import nonlinearschroedinger_imex
from pySDC.implementations.transfer_classes.TransferMesh_MPIFFT import fft_to_fft
def run_simulation(spectral=None, ml=None, num_procs=None):
A test program to do SDC, MLSDC and PFASST runs for the 2D NLS equation
spectral (bool): run in real or spectral space
ml (bool): single or multiple levels
num_procs (int): number of parallel processors
rank = comm.Get_rank()
# initialize level parameters
level_params = dict()
level_params['restol'] = 1e-08
level_params['dt'] = 1e-01 / 2
level_params['nsweeps'] = [1]
# initialize sweeper parameters
sweeper_params = dict()
sweeper_params['quad_type'] = 'RADAU-RIGHT'
sweeper_params['num_nodes'] = [3]
sweeper_params['QI'] = ['LU'] # For the IMEX sweeper, the LU-trick can be activated for the implicit part
sweeper_params['initial_guess'] = 'zero'
# initialize problem parameters
problem_params = dict()
if ml:
problem_params['nvars'] = [(128, 128), (32, 32)]
problem_params['nvars'] = [(128, 128)]
problem_params['spectral'] = spectral
problem_params['comm'] = comm
# initialize step parameters
step_params = dict()
step_params['maxiter'] = 50
# initialize controller parameters
controller_params = dict()
controller_params['logger_level'] = 30 if rank == 0 else 99
# controller_params['predict_type'] = 'fine_only'
# fill description dictionary for easy step instantiation
description = dict()
description['problem_params'] = problem_params # pass problem parameters
description['problem_class'] = nonlinearschroedinger_imex
description['sweeper_class'] = imex_1st_order
description['sweeper_params'] = sweeper_params # pass sweeper parameters
description['level_params'] = level_params # pass level parameters
description['step_params'] = step_params # pass step parameters
description['space_transfer_class'] = fft_to_fft
# set time parameters
t0 = 0.0
Tend = 1.0
f = None
if rank == 0:
Path("data").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
f = open('data/step_7_B_out.txt', 'a')
out = f'Running with ml={ml} and num_procs={num_procs}...'
f.write(out + '\n')
# instantiate controller
controller = controller_nonMPI(num_procs=num_procs, controller_params=controller_params, description=description)
# get initial values on finest level
P = controller.MS[0].levels[0].prob
uinit = P.u_exact(t0)
# call main function to get things done...
uend, stats =, t0=t0, Tend=Tend)
uex = P.u_exact(Tend)
err = abs(uex - uend)
if rank == 0:
# filter statistics by type (number of iterations)
iter_counts = get_sorted(stats, type='niter', sortby='time')
niters = np.array([item[1] for item in iter_counts])
out = (
f' Min/Mean/Max number of iterations: '
f'{np.min(niters):4.2f} / {np.mean(niters):4.2f} / {np.max(niters):4.2f}'
f.write(out + '\n')
out = ' Range of values for number of iterations: %2i ' % np.ptp(niters)
f.write(out + '\n')
out = ' Position of max/min number of iterations: %2i -- %2i' % (
f.write(out + '\n')
out = ' Std and var for number of iterations: %4.2f -- %4.2f' % (float(np.std(niters)), float(np.var(niters)))
f.write(out + '\n')
out = f'Error: {err:6.4e}'
f.write(out + '\n')
timing = get_sorted(stats, type='timing_run', sortby='time')
out = f'Time to solution: {timing[0][1]:6.4f} sec.'
f.write(out + '\n')
assert err <= 1.133e-05, 'Error is too high, got %s' % err
if ml:
if num_procs > 1:
maxmean = 12.5
maxmean = 6.6
maxmean = 12.7
assert np.mean(niters) <= maxmean, 'Mean number of iterations is too high, got %s' % np.mean(niters)
def main():
Little helper routine to run the whole thing
Note: This can also be run with "mpirun -np 2 python"
run_simulation(spectral=False, ml=False, num_procs=1)
run_simulation(spectral=True, ml=False, num_procs=1)
run_simulation(spectral=False, ml=True, num_procs=1)
run_simulation(spectral=True, ml=True, num_procs=1)
run_simulation(spectral=False, ml=True, num_procs=10)
run_simulation(spectral=True, ml=True, num_procs=10)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Running with ml=False and num_procs=1...
Min/Mean/Max number of iterations: 9.00 / 12.70 / 16.00
Range of values for number of iterations: 7
Position of max/min number of iterations: 0 -- 19
Std and var for number of iterations: 2.10 -- 4.41
Error: 1.1321e-05
Time to solution: 1.4760 sec.
Running with ml=False and num_procs=1...
Min/Mean/Max number of iterations: 8.00 / 11.40 / 15.00
Range of values for number of iterations: 7
Position of max/min number of iterations: 0 -- 19
Std and var for number of iterations: 2.03 -- 4.14
Error: 4.1749e-06
Time to solution: 1.2167 sec.
Running with ml=True and num_procs=1...
Min/Mean/Max number of iterations: 5.00 / 6.60 / 8.00
Range of values for number of iterations: 3
Position of max/min number of iterations: 0 -- 16
Std and var for number of iterations: 1.07 -- 1.14
Error: 1.1316e-05
Time to solution: 1.4191 sec.
Running with ml=True and num_procs=1...
Min/Mean/Max number of iterations: 4.00 / 5.95 / 8.00
Range of values for number of iterations: 4
Position of max/min number of iterations: 0 -- 19
Std and var for number of iterations: 1.02 -- 1.05
Error: 4.1744e-06
Time to solution: 1.3084 sec.
Running with ml=True and num_procs=10...
Min/Mean/Max number of iterations: 7.00 / 12.45 / 18.00
Range of values for number of iterations: 11
Position of max/min number of iterations: 9 -- 10
Std and var for number of iterations: 3.11 -- 9.65
Error: 1.1306e-05
Time to solution: 2.9721 sec.
Running with ml=True and num_procs=10...
Min/Mean/Max number of iterations: 6.00 / 11.50 / 17.00
Range of values for number of iterations: 11
Position of max/min number of iterations: 9 -- 10
Std and var for number of iterations: 3.04 -- 9.25
Error: 4.1688e-06
Time to solution: 2.8015 sec.
Part C: Time-parallel pySDC with space-parallel PETSc¶
With rather unfavorable scaling properties, parallel-in-time methods are only really useful when spatial parallelization is maxed out. To work with spatial parallelization, this part shows how to (1) include and work with an external library and (2) set up space- and time-parallel runs. We use again the forced heat equation as our testbed and PETSc for the space-parallel data structures and linear solver. See implementations/datatype_classes/ and implementations/problem_classes/ for details on the PETSc bindings.
Important things to note:
We need processors in space and time, which can be achieved by comm.Split and coloring. The space-communicator is then passed to the problem class.
Below, we run the code 3 times: with 1 and 2 processors in space as well as 4 processors (2 in time and 2 in space). Do not expect scaling due to the CI environment.
Full code: pySDC/tutorial/step_7/
import sys
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI
from pySDC.helpers.stats_helper import get_sorted
from pySDC.implementations.controller_classes.controller_MPI import controller_MPI
from pySDC.implementations.problem_classes.HeatEquation_2D_PETSc_forced import heat2d_petsc_forced
from pySDC.implementations.sweeper_classes.imex_1st_order import imex_1st_order
from pySDC.implementations.transfer_classes.TransferPETScDMDA import mesh_to_mesh_petsc_dmda
def main():
Program to demonstrate usage of PETSc data structures and spatial parallelization,
combined with parallelization in time.
# set MPI communicator
world_rank = comm.Get_rank()
world_size = comm.Get_size()
# split world communicator to create space-communicators
if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
color = int(world_rank / int(sys.argv[1]))
color = int(world_rank / 1)
space_comm = comm.Split(color=color)
space_rank = space_comm.Get_rank()
# split world communicator to create time-communicators
if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
color = int(world_rank % int(sys.argv[1]))
color = int(world_rank / world_size)
time_comm = comm.Split(color=color)
time_rank = time_comm.Get_rank()
# initialize level parameters
level_params = dict()
level_params['restol'] = 1e-08
level_params['dt'] = 0.125
level_params['nsweeps'] = [1]
# initialize sweeper parameters
sweeper_params = dict()
sweeper_params['quad_type'] = 'RADAU-RIGHT'
sweeper_params['num_nodes'] = [3]
sweeper_params['QI'] = ['LU'] # For the IMEX sweeper, the LU-trick can be activated for the implicit part
sweeper_params['initial_guess'] = 'zero'
# initialize problem parameters
problem_params = dict()
problem_params['nu'] = 1.0 # diffusion coefficient
problem_params['freq'] = 2 # frequency for the test value
problem_params['cnvars'] = [(65, 65)] # number of degrees of freedom for the coarsest level
problem_params['refine'] = [1, 0] # number of refinements
problem_params['comm'] = space_comm # pass space-communicator to problem class
problem_params['sol_tol'] = 1e-12 # set tolerance to PETSc' linear solver
# initialize step parameters
step_params = dict()
step_params['maxiter'] = 50
# initialize space transfer parameters
space_transfer_params = dict()
space_transfer_params['rorder'] = 2
space_transfer_params['iorder'] = 2
space_transfer_params['periodic'] = False
# initialize controller parameters
controller_params = dict()
controller_params['logger_level'] = 20 if space_rank == 0 else 99 # set level depending on rank
controller_params['dump_setup'] = False
# fill description dictionary for easy step instantiation
description = dict()
description['problem_class'] = heat2d_petsc_forced # pass problem class
description['problem_params'] = problem_params # pass problem parameters
description['sweeper_class'] = imex_1st_order # pass sweeper (see part B)
description['sweeper_params'] = sweeper_params # pass sweeper parameters
description['level_params'] = level_params # pass level parameters
description['step_params'] = step_params # pass step parameters
description['space_transfer_class'] = mesh_to_mesh_petsc_dmda # pass spatial transfer class
description['space_transfer_params'] = space_transfer_params # pass parameters for spatial transfer
# set time parameters
t0 = 0.0
Tend = 0.25
# instantiate controller
controller = controller_MPI(controller_params=controller_params, description=description, comm=time_comm)
# get initial values on finest level
P = controller.S.levels[0].prob
uinit = P.u_exact(t0)
# call main function to get things done...
uend, stats =, t0=t0, Tend=Tend)
# compute exact solution and compare
uex = P.u_exact(Tend)
err = abs(uex - uend)
# filter statistics by type (number of iterations)
iter_counts = get_sorted(stats, type='niter', sortby='time')
niters = np.array([item[1] for item in iter_counts])
# limit output to space-rank 0 (as before when setting the logger level)
if space_rank == 0:
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
fname = str(sys.argv[2])
fname = 'step_7_C_out.txt'
Path("data").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
f = open('data/' + fname, 'a+')
out = 'This is time-rank %i...' % time_rank
f.write(out + '\n')
# compute and print statistics
for item in iter_counts:
out = 'Number of iterations for time %4.2f: %2i' % item
f.write(out + '\n')
out = ' Mean number of iterations: %4.2f' % np.mean(niters)
f.write(out + '\n')
out = ' Range of values for number of iterations: %2i ' % np.ptp(niters)
f.write(out + '\n')
out = ' Position of max/min number of iterations: %2i -- %2i' % (
f.write(out + '\n')
out = ' Std and var for number of iterations: %4.2f -- %4.2f' % (float(np.std(niters)), float(np.var(niters)))
f.write(out + '\n')
timing = get_sorted(stats, type='timing_run', sortby='time')
out = 'Time to solution: %6.4f sec.' % timing[0][1]
f.write(out + '\n')
out = 'Error vs. PDE solution: %6.4e' % err
f.write(out + '\n')
assert err < 2e-04, 'ERROR: did not match error tolerance, got %s' % err
assert np.mean(niters) <= 12, 'ERROR: number of iterations is too high, got %s' % np.mean(niters)
if __name__ == "__main__":
1 processor in time, 1 processor in space
This is time-rank 0...
Number of iterations for time 0.00: 12
Number of iterations for time 0.12: 12
Mean number of iterations: 12.00
Range of values for number of iterations: 0
Position of max/min number of iterations: 0 -- 0
Std and var for number of iterations: 0.00 -- 0.00
Time to solution: 1.2777 sec.
Error vs. PDE solution: 1.9479e-04
1 processor in time, 2 processors in space
This is time-rank 0...
Number of iterations for time 0.00: 12
Number of iterations for time 0.12: 12
Mean number of iterations: 12.00
Range of values for number of iterations: 0
Position of max/min number of iterations: 0 -- 0
Std and var for number of iterations: 0.00 -- 0.00
Time to solution: 0.8681 sec.
Error vs. PDE solution: 1.9479e-04
2 processor in time, 2 processors in space
This is time-rank 0...
Number of iterations for time 0.00: 12
Mean number of iterations: 12.00
Range of values for number of iterations: 0
Position of max/min number of iterations: 0 -- 0
Std and var for number of iterations: 0.00 -- 0.00
Time to solution: 0.7337 sec.
Error vs. PDE solution: 1.9479e-04
This is time-rank 1...
Number of iterations for time 0.12: 12
Mean number of iterations: 12.00
Range of values for number of iterations: 0
Position of max/min number of iterations: 0 -- 0
Std and var for number of iterations: 0.00 -- 0.00
Time to solution: 0.7331 sec.
Error vs. PDE solution: 1.9479e-04
Part D: pySDC and PyTorch¶
PyTorch is a library for machine learning. The data structure is called tensor and allows to run on CPUs as well as GPUs in addition to access to various machine learning methods. Since the potential for use in pySDC is very large, we have started on a datatype that allows to use PyTorch tensors throughout pySDC.
This example trains a network to predict the results of implicit Euler solves for the heat equation. It is too simple to do anything useful, but demonstrates how to use tensors in pySDC and then apply the enormous PyTorch infrastructure. This is work in progress in very early stages! The tensor datatype is the simplest possible implementation, rather than an efficient one. If you want to work on this, your input is appreciated!
Full code: pySDC/tutorial/step_7/
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
from pySDC.playgrounds.ML_initial_guess.ml_heat import HeatEquationModel, Train_pySDC
from pySDC.playgrounds.ML_initial_guess.heat import Heat1DFDTensor
def train_at_collocation_nodes():
For the first proof of concept, we want to train the model specifically to the collocation nodes we use in SDC.
If successful, the initial guess would already be the exact solution and we would need no SDC iterations.
What we find is that we can train the network to predict the solution to one very specific problem rather well.
See the error during training for what happens when we ask the network to solve for exactly what it just trained.
However, if we train for something else, i.e. solving to a different step size in this case, we can only use the
model to predict the solution of what it's been trained for last and it loses the ability to solve for previously
learned things. This is solely because we chose an overly simple model that is unsuitable to the task at hand and
is likely easily solved with a bit of patience. This is just a demonstration of the interface between pySDC and
PyTorch. If you want to do a project with this, feel free to take this as a starting point and do things that
actually do something!
The output shows the training loss during training and, after each of three training sessions is complete, the error
of the prediction with the current state of the network. To demonstrate the forgetfulness, we finally print the
error of all learned predictions after training is complete.
out = ''
errors_mid_training = []
errors_post_training = []
# instantiate the pySDC problem and a model for PyTorch
problem = Heat1DFDTensor()
model = HeatEquationModel(problem)
# setup neural network
lr = 0.001
num_epochs = 250
criterion = nn.MSELoss()
optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr)
# setup initial conditions
t = 0
initial_condition = problem.u_exact(t)
# train the model to predict the solution at certain collocation nodes
collocation_nodes = np.array([0.15505102572168285, 0.6449489742783183, 1]) * 1e-2
for dt in collocation_nodes:
# get target condition from implicit Euler step
target_condition = problem.solve_system(initial_condition, dt, initial_condition, t)
# do the training
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
predicted_state = model(initial_condition, t, dt)
loss = criterion(predicted_state.float(), target_condition.float())
if (epoch + 1) % 50 == 0:
out += f'Training for {dt=:.2e}: Epoch [{epoch+1:4d}/{num_epochs:4d}], Loss: {loss.item():.4e}\n'
# evaluate model to compute error
model_prediction = model(initial_condition, t, dt)
errors_mid_training += [abs(target_condition - model_prediction)]
out += f'Error of prediction at {dt:.2e} during training: {abs(target_condition-model_prediction):.2e}\n'
# compare model and problem
for dt in collocation_nodes:
target_condition = problem.solve_system(initial_condition, dt, initial_condition, t)
model_prediction = model(initial_condition, t, dt)
errors_post_training += [abs(target_condition - model_prediction)]
out += f'Error of prediction at {dt:.2e} after training: {abs(target_condition-model_prediction):.2e}\n'
with open('data/step_7_D_out.txt', 'w') as file:
# test that the training went as expected
assert np.greater([1e-2, 1e-4, 1e-5], errors_mid_training).all(), 'Errors during training are larger than expected'
assert np.greater([1e0, 1e0, 1e-5], errors_post_training).all(), 'Errors after training are larger than expected'
# save the model to use it throughout pySDC, 'data/heat_equation_model.pth')
if __name__ == '__main__':
Training for dt=1.55e-03: Epoch [ 50/ 250], Loss: 1.1043e-02
Training for dt=1.55e-03: Epoch [ 100/ 250], Loss: 6.9693e-05
Training for dt=1.55e-03: Epoch [ 150/ 250], Loss: 2.1398e-07
Training for dt=1.55e-03: Epoch [ 200/ 250], Loss: 1.4438e-09
Training for dt=1.55e-03: Epoch [ 250/ 250], Loss: 1.0491e-11
Error of prediction at 1.55e-03 during training: 3.03e-05
Training for dt=6.45e-03: Epoch [ 50/ 250], Loss: 1.0168e-04
Training for dt=6.45e-03: Epoch [ 100/ 250], Loss: 5.2729e-07
Training for dt=6.45e-03: Epoch [ 150/ 250], Loss: 4.5501e-09
Training for dt=6.45e-03: Epoch [ 200/ 250], Loss: 1.6758e-11
Training for dt=6.45e-03: Epoch [ 250/ 250], Loss: 8.5750e-14
Error of prediction at 6.45e-03 during training: 9.46e-07
Training for dt=1.00e-02: Epoch [ 50/ 250], Loss: 1.7369e-05
Training for dt=1.00e-02: Epoch [ 100/ 250], Loss: 1.2319e-07
Training for dt=1.00e-02: Epoch [ 150/ 250], Loss: 9.3345e-10
Training for dt=1.00e-02: Epoch [ 200/ 250], Loss: 9.3085e-13
Training for dt=1.00e-02: Epoch [ 250/ 250], Loss: 1.2307e-14
Error of prediction at 1.00e-02 during training: 3.76e-07
Error of prediction at 1.55e-03 after training: 4.26e-01
Error of prediction at 6.45e-03 after training: 1.12e-01
Error of prediction at 1.00e-02 after training: 3.76e-07
Part E: pySDC and Firedrake¶
Firedrake is a finite element library with similar features as FEniCS. The below example runs the same heat equation as in the FEniCS example, but implemented in Firedrake. See the problem class implementation as a blueprint for how to implement problems with Firedrake in a way that pySDC can understand: pySDC/implementations/problem_classes/
Full code: pySDC/tutorial/step_7/
Simple example running a forced heat equation in Firedrake.
The function `setup` generates the description and controller_params dictionaries needed to run SDC with diagonal preconditioner.
This proceeds very similar to earlier tutorials. The interesting part of this tutorial is rather in the problem class.
See `pySDC/implementations/problem_classes/HeatFiredrake` for an easy example of how to use Firedrake within pySDC.
The script allows to run in three different ways. Use
- `python` for single-level serial SDC
- `mpiexec -np 3 E_pySDC_with_Firedrake --useMPIsweeper` for single-level MPI-parallel diagonal SDC
- `python E_pySDC_with_Firedrake --ML` for three-level serial SDC
You should notice that speedup of MPI parallelisation is quite good and that, while multi-level SDC reduces the number
of SDC iterations quite a bit, it does not reduce time to solution in this case. This is partly due to more solvers being
constructed when using coarse levels. Also, we do not claim to have found the best parameters, though. This is just an
example to demonstrate how to use it.
import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI
def setup(useMPIsweeper):
Helper routine to set up parameters
description and controller_params parameter dictionaries
from pySDC.implementations.problem_classes.HeatFiredrake import Heat1DForcedFiredrake
from pySDC.implementations.sweeper_classes.imex_1st_order import imex_1st_order
from pySDC.implementations.sweeper_classes.imex_1st_order_MPI import imex_1st_order_MPI
from pySDC.implementations.hooks.log_errors import LogGlobalErrorPostRun
from pySDC.implementations.hooks.log_work import LogWork
from pySDC.helpers.firedrake_ensemble_communicator import FiredrakeEnsembleCommunicator
# setup space-time parallelism via ensemble for Firedrake, see
num_nodes = 3
ensemble = FiredrakeEnsembleCommunicator(MPI.COMM_WORLD, max([MPI.COMM_WORLD.size // num_nodes, 1]))
level_params = dict()
level_params['restol'] = 5e-10
level_params['dt'] = 0.2
step_params = dict()
step_params['maxiter'] = 20
sweeper_params = dict()
sweeper_params['quad_type'] = 'RADAU-RIGHT'
sweeper_params['num_nodes'] = num_nodes
sweeper_params['QI'] = 'MIN-SR-S'
sweeper_params['QE'] = 'PIC'
sweeper_params['comm'] = ensemble
problem_params = dict()
problem_params['nu'] = 0.1
problem_params['n'] = 128
problem_params['c'] = 1.0
problem_params['comm'] = ensemble.space_comm
controller_params = dict()
controller_params['logger_level'] = 15 if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0 else 30
controller_params['hook_class'] = [LogGlobalErrorPostRun, LogWork]
description = dict()
description['problem_class'] = Heat1DForcedFiredrake
description['problem_params'] = problem_params
description['sweeper_class'] = imex_1st_order_MPI if useMPIsweeper else imex_1st_order
description['sweeper_params'] = sweeper_params
description['level_params'] = level_params
description['step_params'] = step_params
return description, controller_params
def setup_ML():
Helper routine to set up parameters
description and controller_params parameter dictionaries
from pySDC.implementations.problem_classes.HeatFiredrake import Heat1DForcedFiredrake
from pySDC.implementations.sweeper_classes.imex_1st_order import imex_1st_order
from pySDC.implementations.sweeper_classes.imex_1st_order_MPI import imex_1st_order_MPI
from pySDC.implementations.transfer_classes.TransferFiredrakeMesh import MeshToMeshFiredrake
from pySDC.implementations.hooks.log_errors import LogGlobalErrorPostRun
from pySDC.implementations.hooks.log_work import LogWork
from pySDC.helpers.firedrake_ensemble_communicator import FiredrakeEnsembleCommunicator
level_params = dict()
level_params['restol'] = 5e-10
level_params['dt'] = 0.2
step_params = dict()
step_params['maxiter'] = 20
sweeper_params = dict()
sweeper_params['quad_type'] = 'RADAU-RIGHT'
sweeper_params['num_nodes'] = 3
sweeper_params['QI'] = 'MIN-SR-S'
sweeper_params['QE'] = 'PIC'
problem_params = dict()
problem_params['nu'] = 0.1
problem_params['n'] = [128, 32, 4]
problem_params['c'] = 1.0
base_transfer_params = dict()
base_transfer_params['finter'] = True
controller_params = dict()
controller_params['logger_level'] = 15 if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0 else 30
controller_params['hook_class'] = [LogGlobalErrorPostRun, LogWork]
description = dict()
description['problem_class'] = Heat1DForcedFiredrake
description['problem_params'] = problem_params
description['sweeper_class'] = imex_1st_order
description['sweeper_params'] = sweeper_params
description['level_params'] = level_params
description['step_params'] = step_params
description['space_transfer_class'] = MeshToMeshFiredrake
description['base_transfer_params'] = base_transfer_params
return description, controller_params
def runHeatFiredrake(useMPIsweeper=False, ML=False):
Run the example defined by the above parameters
from pySDC.implementations.controller_classes.controller_nonMPI import controller_nonMPI
from pySDC.helpers.stats_helper import get_sorted
Tend = 1.0
t0 = 0.0
if ML:
assert not useMPIsweeper, 'MPI parallel diagonal SDC and ML SDC are not compatible at the moment'
description, controller_params = setup_ML()
description, controller_params = setup(useMPIsweeper)
controller = controller_nonMPI(num_procs=1, controller_params=controller_params, description=description)
# get initial values
P = controller.MS[0].levels[0].prob
uinit = P.u_exact(0.0)
# call main function to get things done...
uend, stats =, t0=t0, Tend=Tend)
# see what we get
error = get_sorted(stats, type='e_global_post_run')
work_solver_setup = get_sorted(stats, type='work_solver_setup')
work_solves = get_sorted(stats, type='work_solves')
work_rhs = get_sorted(stats, type='work_rhs')
niter = get_sorted(stats, type='niter')
tot_iter = np.sum([me[1] for me in niter])
tot_solver_setup = np.sum([me[1] for me in work_solver_setup])
tot_solves = np.sum([me[1] for me in work_solves])
tot_rhs = np.sum([me[1] for me in work_rhs])
time_rank = description["sweeper_params"]["comm"].rank if useMPIsweeper else 0
f'Finished with error {error[0][1]:.2e}. Used {tot_iter} SDC iterations, with {tot_solver_setup} solver setups, {tot_solves} solves and {tot_rhs} right hand side evaluations on the finest level of time task {time_rank}.'
# do tests that we got the same as last time
n_nodes = 1 if useMPIsweeper else description['sweeper_params']['num_nodes']
assert error[0][1] < 2e-8
assert tot_iter == 10 if ML else 29
assert tot_solver_setup == n_nodes
assert tot_solves == n_nodes * tot_iter
assert tot_rhs == n_nodes * tot_iter + (n_nodes + 1) * len(niter)
if __name__ == "__main__":
from argparse import ArgumentParser
parser = ArgumentParser()
help='Whether you want to run multi-level',
help='Whether you want to use MPI parallel diagonal SDC',
args = parser.parse_args()
Part F: pySDC and Gusto¶
Gusto is a toolkit for geophysical simulations that uses Firedrake for spatial discretization. The below example is an adaptation of the Williamson 5 test case as implemented in Gusto. This coupling works slightly different to the other examples within this tutorial, as timestepping is part of Gusto. The aim of the coupling is not a spatial discretization, but to use the equations that are implemented in Gusto. A Gusto equation includes the basic form of the equation set, but a crucial part is to modify terms in the discretized equations with spatial methods, such as upwinding schemes. We get the finished equation set into pySDC by setting up pySDC as a time discretization for Gusto and instantiating a Gusto timestepper. During this instantiation the equation, and the residual that is used for solving systems, is modified with all the spatial methods. Afterwards, you have a Gusto timestepping scheme that you can run in Gusto and a pySDC controller that you can run by itself.
Full code: pySDC/tutorial/step_7/ Find a suitable plotting script here: pySDC/tutorial/step_7/
Example for running pySDC together with Gusto. This test runs a shallow water equation and may take a considerable
amount of time. After you have run it, move on to step F_2, which includes a plotting script.
This is Test Case 5 (flow over a mountain) of Williamson et al, 1992:
``A standard test set for numerical approximations to the shallow water
equations in spherical geometry'', JCP.
This script is adapted from the Gusto example:
The pySDC coupling works by setting up pySDC as a time integrator within Gusto.
To this end, you need to construct a pySDC description and controller parameters as usual and pass them when
constructing the pySDC time discretization.
After passing this to a Gusto timestepper, you have two choices:
- Access the `.scheme.controller` variable of the timestepper, which is the pySDC controller and use pySDC for
- Use the Gusto timestepper for running
You may wonder why it is necessary to construct a Gusto timestepper if you don't want to use it. The reason is the
setup of spatial methods, such as upwinding. These are passed to the Gusto timestepper and modify the residual of the
equations during its instantiation. Once the residual is modified, we can choose whether to continue in Gusto or pySDC.
This script supports space-time parallelism, as well as running the Gusto SDC implementation or the pySDC-Gusto coupling.
Please run with `--help` to learn how to configure this script.
import firedrake as fd
from pySDC.helpers.pySDC_as_gusto_time_discretization import pySDC_integrator
from pySDC.helpers.firedrake_ensemble_communicator import FiredrakeEnsembleCommunicator
from gusto import SDC, BackwardEuler
from gusto.core.labels import implicit, time_derivative
from gusto.core.logging import logger, INFO
from argparse import ArgumentParser, ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter
from firedrake import SpatialCoordinate, as_vector, pi, sqrt, min_value, Function
from gusto import (
williamson_5_defaults = {
'ncells_per_edge': 12, # number of cells per icosahedron edge
'dt': 900.0,
'tmax': 50.0 * 24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0, # 50 days
'dumpfreq': 10, # output every <dumpfreq> steps
'dirname': 'williamson_5', # results will go into ./results/<dirname>
'time_parallelism': False, # use parallel diagonal SDC or not
'QI': 'MIN-SR-S', # implicit preconditioner
'M': '3', # number of collocation nodes
'kmax': '5', # use fixed number of iteration up to this value
'use_pySDC': True, # whether to use pySDC for time integration
'use_adaptivity': True, # whether to use adaptive step size selection
'Nlevels': 1, # number of levels in SDC
'logger_level': 15, # pySDC logger level
def williamson_5(
Run the Williamson 5 test case.
ncells_per_edge (int): number of cells per icosahedron edge
dt (float): Initial step size
tmax (float): Time to integrate to
dumpfreq (int): Output every <dumpfreq> time steps
dirname (str): Output will go into ./results/<dirname>
time_parallelism (bool): True for parallel SDC, False for serial
M (int): Number of collocation nodes
kmax (int): Max number of SDC iterations
use_pySDC (bool): Use pySDC as Gusto time integrator or Gusto SDC implementation
Nlevels (int): Number of SDC levels
logger_level (int): Logger level
if not use_pySDC and use_adaptivity:
raise NotImplementedError('Adaptive step size selection not yet implemented in Gusto')
if not use_pySDC and Nlevels > 1:
raise NotImplementedError('Multi-level SDC not yet implemented in Gusto')
if time_parallelism and Nlevels > 1:
raise NotImplementedError('Multi-level SDC does not work with MPI parallel sweeper yet')
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Parameters for test case
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
radius = 6371220.0 # planetary radius (m)
mean_depth = 5960 # reference depth (m)
g = 9.80616 # acceleration due to gravity (m/s^2)
u_max = 20.0 # max amplitude of the zonal wind (m/s)
mountain_height = 2000.0 # height of mountain (m)
R0 = pi / 9.0 # radius of mountain (rad)
lamda_c = -pi / 2.0 # longitudinal centre of mountain (rad)
phi_c = pi / 6.0 # latitudinal centre of mountain (rad)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Our settings for this set up
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
element_order = 1
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Set up model objects
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# parallelism
if time_parallelism:
ensemble_comm = FiredrakeEnsembleCommunicator(fd.COMM_WORLD, fd.COMM_WORLD.size // M)
space_comm = ensemble_comm.space_comm
from pySDC.implementations.sweeper_classes.generic_implicit_MPI import generic_implicit_MPI as sweeper_class
if ensemble_comm.time_comm.rank > 0:
dirname = f'{dirname}-{ensemble_comm.time_comm.rank}'
ensemble_comm = None
space_comm = fd.COMM_WORLD
from pySDC.implementations.sweeper_classes.generic_implicit import generic_implicit as sweeper_class
# Domain
mesh = GeneralIcosahedralSphereMesh(radius, ncells_per_edge, degree=2, comm=space_comm) if mesh is None else mesh
if Nlevels > 1:
hierarchy = fd.MeshHierarchy(mesh, Nlevels - 1)
mesh = hierarchy[-1]
domain = Domain(mesh, dt, 'BDM', element_order)
x, y, z = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
lamda, phi, _ = lonlatr_from_xyz(x, y, z)
# Equation: coriolis
parameters = ShallowWaterParameters(H=mean_depth, g=g)
Omega = parameters.Omega
fexpr = 2 * Omega * z / radius
# Equation: topography
rsq = min_value(R0**2, (lamda - lamda_c) ** 2 + (phi - phi_c) ** 2)
r = sqrt(rsq)
tpexpr = mountain_height * (1 - r / R0)
eqns = ShallowWaterEquations(domain, parameters, fexpr=fexpr, topog_expr=tpexpr)
eqns.label_terms(lambda t: not t.has_label(time_derivative), implicit)
# I/O
output = OutputParameters(
dumplist=['D', 'topography'],
diagnostic_fields = [Sum('D', 'topography'), RelativeVorticity(), MeridionalComponent('u'), ZonalComponent('u')]
io = IO(domain, output, diagnostic_fields=diagnostic_fields)
# Transport schemes
transport_methods = [DGUpwind(eqns, "u"), DGUpwind(eqns, "D")]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# pySDC parameters: description and controller parameters
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
level_params = dict()
level_params['restol'] = -1
level_params['dt'] = dt
level_params['residual_type'] = 'full_rel'
step_params = dict()
step_params['maxiter'] = kmax
sweeper_params = dict()
sweeper_params['quad_type'] = 'RADAU-RIGHT'
sweeper_params['node_type'] = 'LEGENDRE'
sweeper_params['num_nodes'] = M
sweeper_params['QI'] = QI
sweeper_params['QE'] = 'PIC'
sweeper_params['comm'] = ensemble_comm
sweeper_params['initial_guess'] = 'copy'
problem_params = dict()
convergence_controllers = {}
if use_adaptivity:
from pySDC.implementations.convergence_controller_classes.adaptivity import Adaptivity
from pySDC.implementations.convergence_controller_classes.spread_step_sizes import (
convergence_controllers[Adaptivity] = {'e_tol': 1e-6, 'rel_error': True, 'dt_max': 1e4, 'dt_rel_min_slope': 0.5}
# this is needed because the coupling runs on the controller level and this will almost always overwrite
convergence_controllers[SpreadStepSizesBlockwiseNonMPI] = {'overwrite_to_reach_Tend': False}
controller_params = dict()
controller_params['logger_level'] = logger_level if fd.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0 else 30
controller_params['mssdc_jac'] = False
description = dict()
description['problem_params'] = problem_params
description['sweeper_class'] = sweeper_class
description['sweeper_params'] = sweeper_params
description['level_params'] = level_params
description['step_params'] = step_params
description['convergence_controllers'] = convergence_controllers
from pySDC.implementations.transfer_classes.TransferFiredrakeMesh import MeshToMeshFiredrakeHierarchy
description['space_transfer_class'] = MeshToMeshFiredrakeHierarchy
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# petsc solver parameters
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
solver_parameters = {
'snes_type': 'newtonls',
'ksp_type': 'gmres',
'pc_type': 'bjacobi',
'sub_pc_type': 'ilu',
'ksp_rtol': 1e-12,
'snes_rtol': 1e-12,
'ksp_atol': 1e-30,
'snes_atol': 1e-30,
'ksp_divtol': 1e30,
'snes_divtol': 1e30,
'snes_max_it': 999,
'ksp_max_it': 999,
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Set Gusto SDC parameters to match the pySDC ones
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
SDC_params = {
'base_scheme': BackwardEuler(domain, solver_parameters=solver_parameters),
'M': sweeper_params['num_nodes'],
'maxk': step_params['maxiter'],
'quad_type': sweeper_params['quad_type'],
'node_type': sweeper_params['node_type'],
'qdelta_imp': sweeper_params['QI'],
'qdelta_exp': sweeper_params['QE'],
'formulation': 'Z2N',
'initial_guess': 'copy',
'nonlinear_solver_parameters': solver_parameters,
'linear_solver_parameters': solver_parameters,
'final_update': False,
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Setup time stepper
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
if use_pySDC:
method = pySDC_integrator(description, controller_params, domain=domain, solver_parameters=solver_parameters)
method = SDC(**SDC_params, domain=domain)
stepper = Timestepper(eqns, method, io, spatial_methods=transport_methods)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Setup multi-level SDC
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
if not _ML_is_setup:
return stepper
if Nlevels > 1:
steppers = [
] * (Nlevels)
steppers[0] = stepper
# get different steppers on the different levels
# recall that the setup of the problems is only finished when the stepper is setup
for i in range(1, Nlevels):
steppers[i] = williamson_5(
mesh=hierarchy[-i - 1], # mind that the finest level in pySDC is 0, but -1 in hierarchy
# update description and setup pySDC again with the discretizations from different steppers
description['problem_params']['residual'] = [me.scheme.residual for me in steppers]
description['problem_params']['equation'] = [me.scheme.equation for me in steppers]
method = pySDC_integrator(description, controller_params, domain=domain, solver_parameters=solver_parameters)
stepper = Timestepper(eqns, method, io, spatial_methods=transport_methods)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Initial conditions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
u0 = stepper.fields('u')
D0 = stepper.fields('D')
uexpr = as_vector([-u_max * y / radius, u_max * x / radius, 0.0])
Dexpr = mean_depth - tpexpr - (radius * Omega * u_max + 0.5 * u_max**2) * (z / radius) ** 2 / g
Dbar = Function(D0.function_space()).assign(mean_depth)
stepper.set_reference_profiles([('D', Dbar)])
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Run
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
if use_pySDC and use_adaptivity:
# we have to do this for adaptive time stepping, because it is a bit of a mess
method.timestepper = stepper, tmax=tmax)
return stepper, mesh
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, formatter_class=ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
help="The number of cells per edge of icosahedron",
parser.add_argument('--dt', help="The time step in seconds.", type=float, default=williamson_5_defaults['dt'])
"--tmax", help="The end time for the simulation in seconds.", type=float, default=williamson_5_defaults['tmax']
help="The frequency at which to dump field output.",
'--dirname', help="The name of the directory to write to.", type=str, default=williamson_5_defaults['dirname']
help="Whether to use parallel diagonal SDC or not.",
parser.add_argument('--kmax', help='SDC iteration count', type=int, default=williamson_5_defaults['kmax'])
parser.add_argument('-M', help='SDC node count', type=int, default=williamson_5_defaults['M'])
help='whether to use pySDC or Gusto SDC implementation',
help='whether to use adaptive step size selection',
parser.add_argument('--QI', help='Implicit preconditioner', type=str, default=williamson_5_defaults['QI'])
help="Number of SDC levels.",
args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()
options = vars(args)
for key in ['use_pySDC', 'use_adaptivity', 'time_parallelism']:
options[key] = options[key] not in ['False', 0, False, 'false']