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1from pySDC.core.problem import Problem, WorkCounter 

2from pySDC.helpers.spectral_helper import SpectralHelper 

3import numpy as np 

4from pySDC.core.errors import ParameterError 



7class GenericSpectralLinear(Problem): 

8 """ 

9 Generic class to solve problems of the form M u_t + L u = y, with mass matrix M, linear operator L and some right 

10 hand side y using spectral methods. 

11 L may contain algebraic conditions, as long as (M + dt L) is invertible. 


13 Note that the `__getattr__` method is overloaded to pass requests on to the spectral helper if they are not 

14 attributes of this class itself. For instance, you can add a BC by calling `self.spectral.add_BC` or equivalently 

15 `self.add_BC`. 


17 You can port problems derived from this more or less seamlessly to GPU by using the numerical libraries that are 

18 class attributes of the spectral helper. This class will automatically switch the datatype using the `setup_GPU` class method. 


20 Attributes: 

21 spectral (pySDC.helpers.spectral_helper.SpectralHelper): Spectral helper 

22 work_counters (dict): Dictionary for counting work 

23 cached_factorizations (dict): Dictionary of cached matrix factorizations for solving 

24 L (sparse matrix): Linear operator 

25 M (sparse matrix): Mass matrix 

26 diff_mask (list): Mask for separating differential and algebraic terms 

27 Pl (sparse matrix): Left preconditioner 

28 Pr (sparse matrix): Right preconditioner 

29 """ 


31 def setup_GPU(self): 

32 """switch to GPU modules""" 

33 import cupy as cp 

34 from pySDC.implementations.datatype_classes.cupy_mesh import cupy_mesh, imex_cupy_mesh 

35 from pySDC.implementations.datatype_classes.mesh import mesh, imex_mesh 


37 self.dtype_u = cupy_mesh 


39 GPU_versions = { 

40 mesh: cupy_mesh, 

41 imex_mesh: imex_cupy_mesh, 

42 } 


44 self.dtype_f = GPU_versions[self.dtype_f] 


46 if self.comm is not None: 

47 from pySDC.helpers.NCCL_communicator import NCCLComm 


49 if not isinstance(self.comm, NCCLComm): 

50 self.__dict__['comm'] = NCCLComm(self.comm) 


52 def __init__( 

53 self, 

54 bases, 

55 components, 

56 comm=None, 

57 Dirichlet_recombination=True, 

58 left_preconditioner=True, 

59 solver_type='cached_direct', 

60 solver_args=None, 

61 useGPU=False, 

62 max_cached_factorizations=12, 

63 spectral_space=True, 

64 real_spectral_coefficients=False, 

65 debug=False, 

66 ): 

67 """ 

68 Base class for problems discretized with spectral methods. 


70 Args: 

71 bases (list of dictionaries): 1D Bases 

72 components (list of strings): Components of the equations 

73 comm (mpi4py.Intracomm or None): MPI communicator 

74 Dirichlet_recombination (bool): Use Dirichlet recombination in the last axis as right preconditioner 

75 left_preconditioner (bool): Reverse the Kronecker product if yes 

76 solver_type (str): Solver for linear systems 

77 solver_args (dict): Arguments for linear solver 

78 useGPU (bool): Run on GPU or CPU 

79 max_cached_factorizations (int): Number of matrix decompositions to cache before starting eviction 

80 spectral_space (bool): If yes, the solution will not be transformed back after solving and evaluating the RHS, and is expected as input in spectral space to these functions 

81 real_spectral_coefficients (bool): If yes, allow only real values in spectral space, otherwise, allow complex. 

82 debug (bool): Make additional tests at extra computational cost 

83 """ 

84 solver_args = {} if solver_args is None else solver_args 

85 self._makeAttributeAndRegister( 

86 'max_cached_factorizations', 

87 'useGPU', 

88 'solver_type', 

89 'solver_args', 

90 'left_preconditioner', 

91 'Dirichlet_recombination', 

92 'comm', 

93 'spectral_space', 

94 'real_spectral_coefficients', 

95 'debug', 

96 localVars=locals(), 

97 ) 

98 self.spectral = SpectralHelper(comm=comm, useGPU=useGPU, debug=debug) 


100 if useGPU: 

101 self.setup_GPU() 

102 if self.solver_args is not None: 

103 if 'rtol' in self.solver_args.keys(): 

104 self.solver_args['tol'] = self.solver_args.pop('rtol') 


106 for base in bases: 

107 self.spectral.add_axis(**base) 

108 self.spectral.add_component(components) 


110 self.spectral.setup_fft(real_spectral_coefficients) 


112 super().__init__(init=self.spectral.init_forward if spectral_space else self.spectral.init) 


114 self.work_counters[solver_type] = WorkCounter() 

115 self.work_counters['factorizations'] = WorkCounter() 


117 self.setup_preconditioner(Dirichlet_recombination, left_preconditioner) 


119 self.cached_factorizations = {} 


121 def __getattr__(self, name): 

122 """ 

123 Pass requests on to the helper if they are not directly attributes of this class for convenience. 


125 Args: 

126 name (str): Name of the attribute you want 


128 Returns: 

129 request 

130 """ 

131 return getattr(self.spectral, name) 


133 def _setup_operator(self, LHS): 

134 """ 

135 Setup a sparse linear operator by adding relationships. See documentation for ``GenericSpectralLinear.setup_L`` to learn more. 


137 Args: 

138 LHS (dict): Equations to be added to the operator 


140 Returns: 

141 sparse linear operator 

142 """ 

143 operator = self.spectral.get_empty_operator_matrix() 

144 for line, equation in LHS.items(): 

145 self.spectral.add_equation_lhs(operator, line, equation) 

146 return self.spectral.convert_operator_matrix_to_operator(operator) 


148 def setup_L(self, LHS): 

149 """ 

150 Setup the left hand side of the linear operator L and store it in ``self.L``. 


152 The argument is meant to be a dictionary with the line you want to write the equation in as the key and the relationship between components as another dictionary. For instance, you can add an algebraic condition capturing a first derivative relationship between u and ux as follows: 


154 ``` 

155 Dx = self.get_differentiation_matrix(axes=(0,)) 

156 I = self.get_Id() 

157 LHS = {'ux': {'u': Dx, 'ux': -I}} 

158 self.setup_L(LHS) 

159 ``` 


161 If you put zero as right hand side for the solver in the line for ux, ux will contain the x-derivative of u afterwards. 


163 Args: 

164 LHS (dict): Dictionary containing the equations. 

165 """ 

166 self.L = self._setup_operator(LHS) 


168 def setup_M(self, LHS): 

169 ''' 

170 Setup mass matrix, see documentation of ``GenericSpectralLinear.setup_L``. 

171 ''' 

172 diff_index = list(LHS.keys()) 

173 self.diff_mask = [me in diff_index for me in self.components] 

174 self.M = self._setup_operator(LHS) 


176 def setup_preconditioner(self, Dirichlet_recombination=True, left_preconditioner=True): 

177 """ 

178 Get left and right preconditioners. 


180 Args: 

181 Dirichlet_recombination (bool): Basis conversion for right preconditioner. Useful for Chebychev and Ultraspherical methods. 10/10 would recommend. 

182 left_preconditioner (bool): If True, it will interleave the variables and reverse the Kronecker product 

183 """ 

184 sp = self.spectral.sparse_lib 

185 N =[0][1:]) 


187 Id = sp.eye(N) 

188 Pl_lhs = {comp: {comp: Id} for comp in self.components} 

189 self.Pl = self._setup_operator(Pl_lhs) 


191 if left_preconditioner: 

192 # reverse Kronecker product 


194 if self.spectral.useGPU: 

195 R = self.Pl.get().tolil() * 0 

196 else: 

197 R = self.Pl.tolil() * 0 


199 for j in range(self.ncomponents): 

200 for i in range(N): 

201 R[i * self.ncomponents + j, j * N + i] = 1.0 


203 self.Pl = self.spectral.sparse_lib.csc_matrix(R) 


205 if Dirichlet_recombination and type(self.axes[-1]).__name__ in ['ChebychevHelper, Ultraspherical']: 

206 _Pr = self.spectral.get_Dirichlet_recombination_matrix(axis=-1) 

207 else: 

208 _Pr = Id 


210 Pr_lhs = {comp: {comp: _Pr} for comp in self.components} 

211 self.Pr = self._setup_operator(Pr_lhs) @ self.Pl.T 


213 def solve_system(self, rhs, dt, u0=None, *args, skip_itransform=False, **kwargs): 

214 """ 

215 Do an implicit Euler step to solve M u_t + Lu = rhs, with M the mass matrix and L the linear operator as setup by 

216 ``GenericSpectralLinear.setup_L`` and ``GenericSpectralLinear.setup_M``. 


218 The implicit Euler step is (M - dt L) u = M rhs. Note that M need not be invertible as long as (M + dt*L) is. 

219 This means solving with dt=0 to mimic explicit methods does not work for all problems, in particular simple DAEs. 


221 Note that by putting M rhs on the right hand side, this function can only solve algebraic conditions equal to 

222 zero. If you want something else, it should be easy to overload this function. 

223 """ 


225 sp = self.spectral.sparse_lib 


227 if self.spectral_space: 

228 rhs_hat = rhs.copy() 

229 if u0 is not None: 

230 u0_hat = self.Pr.T @ u0.copy().flatten() 

231 else: 

232 rhs_hat = self.spectral.transform(rhs) 

233 if u0 is not None: 

234 u0_hat = self.Pr.T @ self.spectral.transform(u0).flatten() 


236 if self.useGPU: 

237 self.xp.cuda.Device().synchronize() 


239 rhs_hat = (self.M @ rhs_hat.flatten()).reshape(rhs_hat.shape) 

240 rhs_hat = self.spectral.put_BCs_in_rhs_hat(rhs_hat) 

241 rhs_hat = self.Pl @ rhs_hat.flatten() 


243 if dt not in self.cached_factorizations.keys() or not self.solver_type.lower() == 'cached_direct': 

244 A = self.M + dt * self.L 

245 A = self.Pl @ self.spectral.put_BCs_in_matrix(A) @ self.Pr 


247 # import numpy as np 

248 # if A.shape[0] < 200: 

249 # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 


251 # # M = self.spectral.put_BCs_in_matrix(self.L.copy()) 

252 # M = A # self.L 

253 # im = plt.imshow((M / abs(M)).real) 

254 # # im = plt.imshow(np.log10(abs(A.toarray())).real) 

255 # # im = plt.imshow(((A.toarray())).real) 

256 # plt.colorbar(im) 

257 # 


259 if self.solver_type.lower() == 'cached_direct': 

260 if dt not in self.cached_factorizations.keys(): 

261 if len(self.cached_factorizations) >= self.max_cached_factorizations: 

262 self.cached_factorizations.pop(list(self.cached_factorizations.keys())[0]) 

263 self.logger.debug(f'Evicted matrix factorization for {dt=:.6f} from cache') 

264 self.cached_factorizations[dt] = self.spectral.linalg.factorized(A) 

265 self.logger.debug(f'Cached matrix factorization for {dt=:.6f}') 

266 self.work_counters['factorizations']() 


268 _sol_hat = self.cached_factorizations[dt](rhs_hat) 

269 self.logger.debug(f'Used cached matrix factorization for {dt=:.6f}') 


271 elif self.solver_type.lower() == 'direct': 

272 _sol_hat = sp.linalg.spsolve(A, rhs_hat) 

273 elif self.solver_type.lower() == 'lsqr': 

274 lsqr = sp.linalg.lsqr( 

275 A, 

276 rhs_hat, 

277 x0=u0_hat, 

278 **self.solver_args, 

279 ) 

280 _sol_hat = lsqr[0] 

281 elif self.solver_type.lower() == 'gmres': 

282 _sol_hat, _ = sp.linalg.gmres( 

283 A, 

284 rhs_hat, 

285 x0=u0_hat, 

286 **self.solver_args, 

287 callback=self.work_counters[self.solver_type], 

288 callback_type='pr_norm', 

289 ) 

290 elif self.solver_type.lower() == 'gmres+ilu': 

291 linalg = self.spectral.linalg 


293 if dt not in self.cached_factorizations.keys(): 

294 if len(self.cached_factorizations) >= self.max_cached_factorizations: 

295 to_evict = list(self.cached_factorizations.keys())[0] 

296 self.cached_factorizations.pop(to_evict) 

297 self.logger.debug(f'Evicted matrix factorization for {to_evict=:.6f} from cache') 

298 iLU = linalg.spilu(A, drop_tol=dt * 1e-4, fill_factor=100) 

299 self.cached_factorizations[dt] = linalg.LinearOperator(A.shape, iLU.solve) 

300 self.logger.debug(f'Cached matrix factorization for {dt=:.6f}') 

301 self.work_counters['factorizations']() 


303 _sol_hat, _ = linalg.gmres( 

304 A, 

305 rhs_hat, 

306 x0=u0_hat, 

307 **self.solver_args, 

308 callback=self.work_counters[self.solver_type], 

309 callback_type='pr_norm', 

310 M=self.cached_factorizations[dt], 

311 ) 

312 elif self.solver_type.lower() == 'cg': 

313 _sol_hat, _ = 

314 A, rhs_hat, x0=u0_hat, **self.solver_args, callback=self.work_counters[self.solver_type] 

315 ) 

316 else: 

317 raise NotImplementedError(f'Solver {self.solver_type=} not implemented in {type(self).__name__}!') 


319 sol_hat = self.spectral.u_init_forward 

320 sol_hat[...] = (self.Pr @ _sol_hat).reshape(sol_hat.shape) 


322 if self.useGPU: 

323 self.xp.cuda.Device().synchronize() 


325 if self.spectral_space: 

326 return sol_hat 

327 else: 

328 sol = self.spectral.u_init 

329 sol[:] = self.spectral.itransform(sol_hat).real 


331 if self.spectral.debug: 

332 self.spectral.check_BCs(sol) 


334 return sol 



337def compute_residual_DAE(self, stage=''): 

338 """ 

339 Computation of the residual that does not add u_0 - u_m in algebraic equations. 


341 Args: 

342 stage (str): The current stage of the step the level belongs to 

343 """ 


345 # get current level and problem description 

346 L = self.level 


348 # Check if we want to skip the residual computation to gain performance 

349 # Keep in mind that skipping any residual computation is likely to give incorrect outputs of the residual! 

350 if stage in self.params.skip_residual_computation: 

351 L.status.residual = 0.0 if L.status.residual is None else L.status.residual 

352 return None 


354 # check if there are new values (e.g. from a sweep) 

355 # assert L.status.updated 


357 # compute the residual for each node 


359 # build QF(u) 

360 res_norm = [] 

361 res = self.integrate() 

362 mask = L.prob.diff_mask 

363 for m in range(self.coll.num_nodes): 

364 res[m][mask] += L.u[0][mask] - L.u[m + 1][mask] 

365 # add tau if associated 

366 if L.tau[m] is not None: 

367 res[m] += L.tau[m] 

368 # use abs function from data type here 

369 res_norm.append(abs(res[m])) 


371 # find maximal residual over the nodes 

372 if L.params.residual_type == 'full_abs': 

373 L.status.residual = max(res_norm) 

374 elif L.params.residual_type == 'last_abs': 

375 L.status.residual = res_norm[-1] 

376 elif L.params.residual_type == 'full_rel': 

377 L.status.residual = max(res_norm) / abs(L.u[0]) 

378 elif L.params.residual_type == 'last_rel': 

379 L.status.residual = res_norm[-1] / abs(L.u[0]) 

380 else: 

381 raise ParameterError( 

382 f'residual_type = {L.params.residual_type} not implemented, choose ' 

383 f'full_abs, last_abs, full_rel or last_rel instead' 

384 ) 


386 # indicate that the residual has seen the new values 

387 L.status.updated = False 


389 return None 



392def compute_residual_DAE_MPI(self, stage=None): 

393 """ 

394 Computation of the residual using the collocation matrix Q 


396 Args: 

397 stage (str): The current stage of the step the level belongs to 

398 """ 

399 from mpi4py import MPI 


401 L = self.level 


403 # Check if we want to skip the residual computation to gain performance 

404 # Keep in mind that skipping any residual computation is likely to give incorrect outputs of the residual! 

405 if stage in self.params.skip_residual_computation: 

406 L.status.residual = 0.0 if L.status.residual is None else L.status.residual 

407 return None 


409 # compute the residual for each node 


411 # build QF(u) 

412 res = self.integrate(last_only=L.params.residual_type[:4] == 'last') 

413 mask = L.prob.diff_mask 

414 res[mask] += L.u[0][mask] - L.u[self.rank + 1][mask] 

415 # add tau if associated 

416 if L.tau[self.rank] is not None: 

417 res += L.tau[self.rank] 

418 # use abs function from data type here 

419 res_norm = abs(res) 


421 # find maximal residual over the nodes 

422 if L.params.residual_type == 'full_abs': 

423 L.status.residual = self.comm.allreduce(res_norm, op=MPI.MAX) 

424 elif L.params.residual_type == 'last_abs': 

425 L.status.residual = self.comm.bcast(res_norm, root=self.comm.size - 1) 

426 elif L.params.residual_type == 'full_rel': 

427 L.status.residual = self.comm.allreduce(res_norm / abs(L.u[0]), op=MPI.MAX) 

428 elif L.params.residual_type == 'last_rel': 

429 L.status.residual = self.comm.bcast(res_norm / abs(L.u[0]), root=self.comm.size - 1) 

430 else: 

431 raise NotImplementedError(f'residual type \"{L.params.residual_type}\" not implemented!') 


433 # indicate that the residual has seen the new values 

434 L.status.updated = False 


436 return None 



439def get_extrapolated_error_DAE(self, S, **kwargs): 

440 """ 

441 The extrapolation estimate combines values of u and f from multiple steps to extrapolate and compare to the 

442 solution obtained by the time marching scheme. This function can be used in `EstimateExtrapolationError`. 


444 Args: 

445 S (pySDC.Step): The current step 


447 Returns: 

448 None 

449 """ 

450 u_ex = self.get_extrapolated_solution(S) 

451 diff_mask = S.levels[0].prob.diff_mask 

452 if u_ex is not None: 

453 S.levels[0].status.error_extrapolation_estimate = ( 

454 abs((u_ex - S.levels[0].u[-1])[diff_mask]) * self.coeff.prefactor 

455 ) 

456 # print([abs(me) for me in (u_ex - S.levels[0].u[-1]) * self.coeff.prefactor]) 

457 else: 

458 S.levels[0].status.error_extrapolation_estimate = None