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1import logging 

2import warnings 


4import numpy as np 

5import scipy as sp 

6import scipy.linalg 

7import scipy.optimize as opt 


9from pySDC.core.Errors import ParameterError 

10from pySDC.core.Level import level 

11from pySDC.core.Collocation import CollBase 

12from pySDC.helpers.pysdc_helper import FrozenClass 



15# short helper class to add params as attributes 

16class _Pars(FrozenClass): 

17 def __init__(self, pars): 

18 self.do_coll_update = False 

19 self.initial_guess = 'spread' # default value (see also below) 

20 self.skip_residual_computation = () # gain performance at the cost of correct residual output 


22 for k, v in pars.items(): 

23 if k != 'collocation_class': 

24 setattr(self, k, v) 


26 self._freeze() 



29class sweeper(object): 

30 """ 

31 Base abstract sweeper class 


33 Attributes: 

34 logger: custom logger for sweeper-related logging 

35 params (__Pars): parameter object containing the custom parameters passed by the user 

36 coll (pySDC.Collocation.CollBase): collocation object 

37 """ 


39 def __init__(self, params): 

40 """ 

41 Initialization routine for the base sweeper 


43 Args: 

44 params (dict): parameter object 


46 """ 


48 # set up logger 

49 self.logger = logging.getLogger('sweeper') 


51 essential_keys = ['num_nodes'] 

52 for key in essential_keys: 

53 if key not in params: 

54 msg = 'need %s to instantiate step, only got %s' % (key, str(params.keys())) 

55 self.logger.error(msg) 

56 raise ParameterError(msg) 


58 if 'collocation_class' not in params: 

59 params['collocation_class'] = CollBase 


61 # prepare random generator for initial guess 

62 if params.get('initial_guess', 'spread') == 'random': # default value (see also above) 

63 params['random_seed'] = params.get('random_seed', 1984) 

64 self.rng = np.random.RandomState(params['random_seed']) 


66 self.params = _Pars(params) 


68 self.coll: CollBase = params['collocation_class'](**params) 


70 if not self.coll.right_is_node and not self.params.do_coll_update: 

71 self.logger.warning( 

72 'we need to do a collocation update here, since the right end point is not a node. Changing this!' 

73 ) 

74 self.params.do_coll_update = True 


76 # This will be set as soon as the sweeper is instantiated at the level 

77 self.__level = None 


79 self.parallelizable = False 


81 def get_Qdelta_implicit(self, coll, qd_type): 

82 def rho(x): 

83 return max(abs(np.linalg.eigvals(np.eye(m) - np.diag([x[i] for i in range(m)]).dot(coll.Qmat[1:, 1:])))) 


85 QDmat = np.zeros(coll.Qmat.shape) 

86 if qd_type == 'LU': 

87 QT = coll.Qmat[1:, 1:].T 

88 [_, _, U] =, overwrite_a=True) 

89 QDmat[1:, 1:] = U.T 

90 elif qd_type == 'LU2': 

91 QT = coll.Qmat[1:, 1:].T 

92 [_, _, U] =, overwrite_a=True) 

93 QDmat[1:, 1:] = 2 * U.T 

94 elif qd_type == 'TRAP': 

95 for m in range(coll.num_nodes + 1): 

96 QDmat[m, 1 : m + 1] = coll.delta_m[0:m] 

97 for m in range(coll.num_nodes + 1): 

98 QDmat[m, 0:m] += coll.delta_m[0:m] 

99 QDmat /= 2.0 

100 elif qd_type == 'IE': 

101 for m in range(coll.num_nodes + 1): 

102 QDmat[m, 1 : m + 1] = coll.delta_m[0:m] 

103 elif qd_type == 'IEpar': 

104 for m in range(coll.num_nodes + 1): 

105 QDmat[m, m] = np.sum(coll.delta_m[0:m]) 

106 self.parallelizable = True 

107 elif qd_type == 'Qpar': 

108 QDmat = np.diag(np.diag(coll.Qmat)) 

109 self.parallelizable = True 

110 elif qd_type == 'GS': 

111 QDmat = np.tril(coll.Qmat) 

112 elif qd_type == 'PIC': 

113 QDmat = np.zeros(coll.Qmat.shape) 

114 self.parallelizable = True 

115 elif qd_type == 'MIN': 

116 m = QDmat.shape[0] - 1 

117 x0 = 10 * np.ones(m) 

118 d = opt.minimize(rho, x0, method='Nelder-Mead') 

119 QDmat[1:, 1:] = np.linalg.inv(np.diag(d.x)) 

120 self.parallelizable = True 

121 elif qd_type.startswith('MIN-SR-FLEX'): 

122 m = QDmat.shape[0] - 1 

123 try: 

124 k = abs(int(qd_type[11:])) 

125 except ValueError: 

126 k = 1 

127 d = min(k, m) 

128 QDmat[1:, 1:] = np.diag(coll.nodes) / d 

129 self.parallelizable = True 

130 elif qd_type in ['MIN_GT', 'MIN-SR-NS']: 

131 m = QDmat.shape[0] - 1 

132 QDmat[1:, 1:] = np.diag(coll.nodes) / m 

133 self.parallelizable = True 

134 elif qd_type == 'MIN3': 

135 m = QDmat.shape[0] - 1 

136 x = None 

137 # These values have been obtained using Indie Solver, a commercial solver for black-box optimization which 

138 # aggregates several state-of-the-art optimization methods (free academic subscription plan) 

139 # objective function: sum over 17^2 values of lamdt, real and imaginary (WORKS SURPRISINGLY WELL!) 

140 if coll.node_type == 'LEGENDRE' and coll.quad_type == 'LOBATTO': 

141 if m == 9: 

142 # rho = 0.154786693955 

143 x = [ 

144 0.0, 

145 0.14748983547536937, 

146 0.1243753767395874, 

147 0.08797965969063823, 

148 0.03249792877433364, 

149 0.06171633442251176, 

150 0.08995295998705832, 

151 0.1080641868728824, 

152 0.11621787232558443, 

153 ] 

154 elif m == 7: 

155 # rho = 0.0979351256833 

156 x = [ 

157 0.0, 

158 0.18827968699454273, 

159 0.1307213945012976, 

160 0.04545003319140543, 

161 0.08690617895312261, 

162 0.12326429119922168, 

163 0.13815746843252427, 

164 ] 

165 elif m == 5: 

166 # rho = 0.0513543155235 

167 x = [0.0, 0.2994085231050721, 0.07923154575177252, 0.14338847088077, 0.17675509273708057] 

168 elif m == 4: 

169 # rho = 0.0381589713397 

170 x = [0.0, 0.2865524188780046, 0.11264992497015984, 0.2583063168320655] 

171 elif m == 3: 

172 # rho = 0.013592619664 

173 x = [0.0, 0.2113181799416633, 0.3943250920445912] 

174 elif m == 2: 

175 # rho = 0 

176 x = [0.0, 0.5] 

177 else: 

178 NotImplementedError( 

179 'This combination of preconditioner, node type and node number is not ' 'implemented' 

180 ) 

181 elif coll.node_type == 'LEGENDRE' and coll.quad_type == 'RADAU-RIGHT': 

182 if m == 9: 

183 # rho = 0.151784861385 

184 x = [ 

185 0.14208076083211416, 

186 0.1288153963623986, 

187 0.10608601069476883, 

188 0.07509520272252024, 

189 0.027986167728305308, 

190 0.05351160749903067, 

191 0.07911315989747868, 

192 0.09514844658836666, 

193 0.10204992319487571, 

194 ] 

195 elif m == 7: 

196 # rho = 0.116400161888 

197 x = [ 

198 0.15223871397682717, 

199 0.12625448001038536, 

200 0.08210714764924298, 

201 0.03994434742760019, 

202 0.1052662547386142, 

203 0.14075805578834127, 

204 0.15636085758812895, 

205 ] 

206 elif m == 5: 

207 # rho = 0.0783352996958 (iteration 5355) 

208 x = [ 

209 0.2818591930905709, 

210 0.2011358490453793, 

211 0.06274536689514164, 

212 0.11790265267514095, 

213 0.1571629578515223, 

214 ] 

215 elif m == 4: 

216 # rho = 0.057498908343 

217 x = [0.3198786751412953, 0.08887606314792469, 0.1812366328324738, 0.23273925017954] 

218 elif m == 3: 

219 # rho = 0.038744192979 (iteration 11188) 

220 x = [0.3203856825077055, 0.1399680686269595, 0.3716708461097372] 

221 elif m == 2: 

222 # rho = 0.0208560702294 (iteration 6690) 

223 x = [0.2584092406077449, 0.6449261740461826] 

224 else: 

225 raise NotImplementedError( 

226 'This combination of preconditioner, node type and node number is not implemented' 

227 ) 

228 elif coll.node_type == 'EQUID' and coll.quad_type == 'RADAU-RIGHT': 

229 if m == 9: 

230 # rho = 0.251820022583 (iteration 32402) 

231 x = [ 

232 0.04067333763109274, 

233 0.06893408176924318, 

234 0.0944460427779633, 

235 0.11847528720123894, 

236 0.14153236351607695, 

237 0.1638856774260845, 

238 0.18569759470199648, 

239 0.20707543960267513, 

240 0.2280946565716198, 

241 ] 

242 elif m == 7: 

243 # rho = 0.184582997611 (iteration 44871) 

244 x = [ 

245 0.0582690792096515, 

246 0.09937620459067688, 

247 0.13668728443669567, 

248 0.1719458323664216, 

249 0.20585615258818232, 

250 0.2387890485242656, 

251 0.27096908017041393, 

252 ] 

253 elif m == 5: 

254 # rho = 0.118441339197 (iteration 34581) 

255 x = [ 

256 0.0937126798932547, 

257 0.1619131388001843, 

258 0.22442341539247537, 

259 0.28385142992912565, 

260 0.3412523013467262, 

261 ] 

262 elif m == 4: 

263 # rho = 0.0844043254542 (iteration 33099) 

264 x = [0.13194852204686872, 0.2296718892453916, 0.3197255970017318, 0.405619746972393] 

265 elif m == 3: 

266 # rho = 0.0504635143866 (iteration 9783) 

267 x = [0.2046955744931575, 0.3595744268324041, 0.5032243650307717] 

268 elif m == 2: 

269 # rho = 0.0214806480623 (iteration 6109) 

270 x = [0.3749891032632652, 0.6666472946796036] 

271 else: 

272 NotImplementedError( 

273 'This combination of preconditioner, node type and node number is not ' 'implemented' 

274 ) 

275 else: 

276 NotImplementedError( 

277 'This combination of preconditioner, node type and node number is not ' 'implemented' 

278 ) 

279 QDmat[1:, 1:] = np.diag(x) 

280 self.parallelizable = True 


282 elif qd_type == "MIN-SR-S": 

283 M = QDmat.shape[0] - 1 

284 quadType = coll.quad_type 

285 nodeType = coll.node_type 


287 # Main function to compute coefficients 

288 def computeCoeffs(M, a=None, b=None): 

289 """ 

290 Compute diagonal coefficients for a given number of nodes M. 

291 If `a` and `b` are given, then it uses as initial guess: 


293 >>> a * nodes**b / M 


295 If `a` is not given, then do not care about `b` and uses as initial guess: 


297 >>> nodes / M 


299 Parameters 

300 ---------- 

301 M : int 

302 Number of collocation nodes. 

303 a : float, optional 

304 `a` coefficient for the initial guess. 

305 b : float, optional 

306 `b` coefficient for the initial guess. 


308 Returns 

309 ------- 

310 coeffs : array 

311 The diagonal coefficients. 

312 nodes : array 

313 The nodes associated to the current coefficients. 

314 """ 

315 collM = CollBase(num_nodes=M, node_type=nodeType, quad_type=quadType) 


317 QM = collM.Qmat[1:, 1:] 

318 nodesM = collM.nodes 


320 if quadType in ['LOBATTO', 'RADAU-LEFT']: 

321 QM = QM[1:, 1:] 

322 nodesM = nodesM[1:] 

323 nCoeffs = len(nodesM) 


325 if nCoeffs == 1: 

326 coeffs = np.diag(QM) 


328 else: 


330 def nilpotency(coeffs): 

331 """Function verifying the nilpotency from given coefficients""" 

332 coeffs = np.asarray(coeffs) 

333 kMats = [(1 - z) * np.eye(nCoeffs) + z * np.diag(1 / coeffs) @ QM for z in nodesM] 

334 vals = [np.linalg.det(K) - 1 for K in kMats] 

335 return np.array(vals) 


337 if a is None: 

338 coeffs0 = nodesM / M 

339 else: 

340 coeffs0 = a * nodesM**b / M 


342 with warnings.catch_warnings(): 

343 warnings.simplefilter("ignore") 

344 coeffs = sp.optimize.fsolve(nilpotency, coeffs0, xtol=1e-15) 


346 # Handle first node equal to zero 

347 if quadType in ['LOBATTO', 'RADAU-LEFT']: 

348 coeffs = np.asarray([0.0] + list(coeffs)) 

349 nodesM = np.asarray([0.0] + list(nodesM)) 


351 return coeffs, nodesM 


353 def fit(coeffs, nodes): 

354 """Function fitting given coefficients to a power law""" 


356 def lawDiff(ab): 

357 a, b = ab 

358 return np.linalg.norm(a * nodes**b - coeffs) 


360 sol = sp.optimize.minimize(lawDiff, [1.0, 1.0], method="nelder-mead") 

361 return sol.x 


363 # Compute coefficients incrementaly 

364 a, b = None, None 

365 m0 = 2 if quadType in ['LOBATTO', 'RADAU-LEFT'] else 1 

366 for m in range(m0, M + 1): 

367 coeffs, nodes = computeCoeffs(m, a, b) 

368 if m > 1: 

369 a, b = fit(coeffs * m, nodes) 


371 QDmat[1:, 1:] = np.diag(coeffs) 

372 self.parallelizable = True 


374 elif qd_type == "VDHS": 

375 # coefficients from Van der Houwen & Sommeijer, 1991 


377 m = QDmat.shape[0] - 1 


379 if m == 4 and coll.node_type == 'LEGENDRE' and coll.quad_type == "RADAU-RIGHT": 

380 coeffs = [3055 / 9532, 531 / 5956, 1471 / 8094, 1848 / 7919] 

381 else: 

382 raise NotImplementedError('no VDHS diagonal coefficients for this node configuration') 


384 QDmat[1:, 1:] = np.diag(coeffs) 

385 self.parallelizable = True 


387 else: 

388 # see if an explicit preconditioner with this name is available 

389 try: 

390 QDmat = self.get_Qdelta_explicit(coll, qd_type) 

391 self.logger.warning(f'Using explicit preconditioner \"{qd_type}\" on the left hand side!') 

392 except NotImplementedError: 

393 raise NotImplementedError(f'qd_type implicit "{qd_type}" not implemented') 


395 # check if we got not more than a lower triangular matrix 

396 # TODO : this should be a regression test, not run-time ... 

397 np.testing.assert_array_equal( 

398 np.triu(QDmat, k=1), np.zeros(QDmat.shape), err_msg='Lower triangular matrix expected!' 

399 ) 


401 return QDmat 


403 def get_Qdelta_explicit(self, coll, qd_type): 

404 QDmat = np.zeros(coll.Qmat.shape) 

405 if qd_type == 'EE': 

406 for m in range(self.coll.num_nodes + 1): 

407 QDmat[m, 0:m] = self.coll.delta_m[0:m] 

408 elif qd_type == 'GS': 

409 QDmat = np.tril(self.coll.Qmat, k=-1) 

410 elif qd_type == 'PIC': 

411 QDmat = np.zeros(coll.Qmat.shape) 

412 else: 

413 raise NotImplementedError('qd_type explicit not implemented') 


415 # check if we got not more than a lower triangular matrix 

416 np.testing.assert_array_equal( 

417 np.triu(QDmat, k=0), np.zeros(QDmat.shape), err_msg='Strictly lower triangular matrix expected!' 

418 ) 


420 return QDmat 


422 def predict(self): 

423 """ 

424 Predictor to fill values at nodes before first sweep 


426 Default prediction for the sweepers, only copies the values to all collocation nodes 

427 and evaluates the RHS of the ODE there 

428 """ 


430 # get current level and problem description 

431 L = self.level 

432 P = L.prob 


434 # evaluate RHS at left point 

435 L.f[0] = P.eval_f(L.u[0], L.time) 


437 for m in range(1, self.coll.num_nodes + 1): 

438 # copy u[0] to all collocation nodes, evaluate RHS 

439 if self.params.initial_guess == 'spread': 

440 L.u[m] = P.dtype_u(L.u[0]) 

441 L.f[m] = P.eval_f(L.u[m], L.time + L.dt * self.coll.nodes[m - 1]) 

442 # copy u[0] and RHS evaluation to all collocation nodes 

443 elif self.params.initial_guess == 'copy': 

444 L.u[m] = P.dtype_u(L.u[0]) 

445 L.f[m] = P.dtype_f(L.f[0]) 

446 # start with zero everywhere 

447 elif self.params.initial_guess == 'zero': 

448 L.u[m] = P.dtype_u(init=P.init, val=0.0) 

449 L.f[m] = P.dtype_f(init=P.init, val=0.0) 

450 # start with random initial guess 

451 elif self.params.initial_guess == 'random': 

452 L.u[m] = P.dtype_u(init=P.init, val=self.rng.rand(1)[0]) 

453 L.f[m] = P.dtype_f(init=P.init, val=self.rng.rand(1)[0]) 

454 else: 

455 raise ParameterError(f'initial_guess option {self.params.initial_guess} not implemented') 


457 # indicate that this level is now ready for sweeps 

458 L.status.unlocked = True 

459 L.status.updated = True 


461 def compute_residual(self, stage=''): 

462 """ 

463 Computation of the residual using the collocation matrix Q 


465 Args: 

466 stage (str): The current stage of the step the level belongs to 

467 """ 


469 # get current level and problem description 

470 L = self.level 


472 # Check if we want to skip the residual computation to gain performance 

473 # Keep in mind that skipping any residual computation is likely to give incorrect outputs of the residual! 

474 if stage in self.params.skip_residual_computation: 

475 L.status.residual = 0.0 if L.status.residual is None else L.status.residual 

476 return None 


478 # check if there are new values (e.g. from a sweep) 

479 # assert L.status.updated 


481 # compute the residual for each node 


483 # build QF(u) 

484 res_norm = [] 

485 res = self.integrate() 

486 for m in range(self.coll.num_nodes): 

487 res[m] += L.u[0] - L.u[m + 1] 

488 # add tau if associated 

489 if L.tau[m] is not None: 

490 res[m] += L.tau[m] 

491 # use abs function from data type here 

492 res_norm.append(abs(res[m])) 


494 # find maximal residual over the nodes 

495 if L.params.residual_type == 'full_abs': 

496 L.status.residual = max(res_norm) 

497 elif L.params.residual_type == 'last_abs': 

498 L.status.residual = res_norm[-1] 

499 elif L.params.residual_type == 'full_rel': 

500 L.status.residual = max(res_norm) / abs(L.u[0]) 

501 elif L.params.residual_type == 'last_rel': 

502 L.status.residual = res_norm[-1] / abs(L.u[0]) 

503 else: 

504 raise ParameterError( 

505 f'residual_type = {L.params.residual_type} not implemented, choose ' 

506 f'full_abs, last_abs, full_rel or last_rel instead' 

507 ) 


509 # indicate that the residual has seen the new values 

510 L.status.updated = False 


512 return None 


514 def compute_end_point(self): 

515 """ 

516 Abstract interface to end-node computation 

517 """ 

518 raise NotImplementedError('ERROR: sweeper has to implement compute_end_point(self)') 


520 def integrate(self): 

521 """ 

522 Abstract interface to right-hand side integration 

523 """ 

524 raise NotImplementedError('ERROR: sweeper has to implement integrate(self)') 


526 def update_nodes(self): 

527 """ 

528 Abstract interface to node update 

529 """ 

530 raise NotImplementedError('ERROR: sweeper has to implement update_nodes(self)') 


532 @property 

533 def level(self): 

534 """ 

535 Returns the current level 


537 Returns: 

538 pySDC.Level.level: the current level 

539 """ 

540 return self.__level 


542 @level.setter 

543 def level(self, L): 

544 """ 

545 Sets a reference to the current level (done in the initialization of the level) 


547 Args: 

548 L (pySDC.Level.level): current level 

549 """ 

550 assert isinstance(L, level) 

551 self.__level = L 


553 @property 

554 def rank(self): 

555 return 0