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1import numpy as np
2import scipy.sparse as sp
4from pySDC.implementations.problem_classes.boussinesq_helpers.build2DFDMatrix import (
5 get2DMatrix,
6 getBCHorizontal,
7 get2DUpwindMatrix,
11def getBoussinesq2DUpwindMatrix(N, dx, u_adv, order):
12 Dx = get2DUpwindMatrix(N, dx, order)
14 # Note: In the equations it is u_t + u_adv* D_x u = ... so in order to comply with the form u_t = M u,
15 # add a minus sign in front of u_adv
17 Zero = np.zeros((N[0] * N[1], N[0] * N[1]))
18 M1 = sp.hstack((-u_adv * Dx, Zero, Zero, Zero), format="csr")
19 M2 = sp.hstack((Zero, -u_adv * Dx, Zero, Zero), format="csr")
20 M3 = sp.hstack((Zero, Zero, -u_adv * Dx, Zero), format="csr")
21 M4 = sp.hstack((Zero, Zero, Zero, -u_adv * Dx), format="csr")
22 M = sp.vstack((M1, M2, M3, M4), format="csr")
24 return sp.csc_matrix(M)
27def getBoussinesq2DMatrix(N, h, bc_hor, bc_ver, c_s, Nfreq, order):
28 Dx_u, Dz_u = get2DMatrix(N, h, bc_hor[0], bc_ver[0], order)
29 Dx_w, Dz_w = get2DMatrix(N, h, bc_hor[1], bc_ver[1], order)
30 # Dx_b, Dz_b = get2DMatrix(N, h, bc_hor[2], bc_ver[2], order)
31 Dx_p, Dz_p = get2DMatrix(N, h, bc_hor[3], bc_ver[3], order)
33 # Id_N = sp.eye(N[0] * N[1])
35 Zero = np.zeros((N[0] * N[1], N[0] * N[1]))
36 Id_w = sp.eye(N[0] * N[1])
38 # Note: Bring all terms to right hand side, therefore a couple of minus signs
39 # are needed
41 M1 = sp.hstack((Zero, Zero, Zero, -Dx_p), format="csr")
42 M2 = sp.hstack((Zero, Zero, Id_w, -Dz_p), format="csr")
43 M3 = sp.hstack((Zero, -(Nfreq**2) * Id_w, Zero, Zero), format="csr")
44 M4 = sp.hstack((-(c_s**2) * Dx_u, -(c_s**2) * Dz_w, Zero, Zero), format="csr")
45 M = sp.vstack((M1, M2, M3, M4), format="csr")
47 Id = sp.eye(4 * N[0] * N[1])
49 return sp.csc_matrix(Id), sp.csc_matrix(M)
52def getBoussinesqBCHorizontal(value, N, dx, bc_hor):
53 bu_left, bu_right = getBCHorizontal(value[0], N, dx, bc_hor[0])
54 bw_left, bw_right = getBCHorizontal(value[1], N, dx, bc_hor[1])
55 # bb_left, bb_right = getBCHorizontal(value[2], N, dx, bc_hor[2])
56 bp_left, bp_right = getBCHorizontal(value[3], N, dx, bc_hor[3])
58 b_left = np.concatenate((bp_left, bp_left, bu_left + bw_left))
59 b_right = np.concatenate((bp_right, bp_right, bu_right + bw_right))
60 return b_left, b_right
63def getBoussinesqBCVertical():
64 return 0.0