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1# script to run a van der Pol problem 

2import numpy as np 

3import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 


5from pySDC.helpers.stats_helper import get_sorted, get_list_of_types 

6from pySDC.implementations.problem_classes.Van_der_Pol_implicit import vanderpol 

7from pySDC.implementations.controller_classes.controller_nonMPI import controller_nonMPI 

8from pySDC.implementations.convergence_controller_classes.adaptivity import Adaptivity 

9from pySDC.core.Errors import ProblemError, ConvergenceError 

10from pySDC.projects.Resilience.hook import LogData, hook_collection 

11from pySDC.projects.Resilience.strategies import merge_descriptions 

12from pySDC.projects.Resilience.sweepers import generic_implicit_efficient 



15def plot_step_sizes(stats, ax, e_em_key='error_embedded_estimate'): 

16 """ 

17 Plot solution and step sizes to visualize the dynamics in the van der Pol equation. 


19 Args: 

20 stats (pySDC.stats): The stats object of the run 

21 ax: Somewhere to plot 


23 Returns: 

24 None 

25 """ 


27 # convert filtered statistics to list of iterations count, sorted by process 

28 u = np.array([me[1][0] for me in get_sorted(stats, type='u', recomputed=False, sortby='time')]) 

29 p = np.array([me[1][1] for me in get_sorted(stats, type='u', recomputed=False, sortby='time')]) 

30 t = np.array([me[0] for me in get_sorted(stats, type='u', recomputed=False, sortby='time')]) 


32 e_em = np.array(get_sorted(stats, type=e_em_key, recomputed=False, sortby='time'))[:, 1] 

33 dt = np.array(get_sorted(stats, type='dt', recomputed=False, sortby='time')) 

34 restart = np.array(get_sorted(stats, type='restart', recomputed=None, sortby='time')) 


36 ax.plot(t, u, label=r'$u$') 

37 ax.plot(t, p, label=r'$p$') 


39 dt_ax = ax.twinx() 

40 dt_ax.plot(dt[:, 0], dt[:, 1], color='black') 

41 dt_ax.plot(t, e_em, color='magenta') 

42 dt_ax.set_yscale('log') 

43 dt_ax.set_ylim((5e-10, 3e-1)) 


45 ax.plot([None], [None], label=r'$\Delta t$', color='black') 

46 ax.plot([None], [None], label=r'$\epsilon_\mathrm{embedded}$', color='magenta') 

47 ax.plot([None], [None], label='restart', color='grey', ls='-.') 


49 for i in range(len(restart)): 

50 if restart[i, 1] > 0: 

51 ax.axvline(restart[i, 0], color='grey', ls='-.') 

52 ax.legend(frameon=False) 


54 ax.set_xlabel('time') 



57def plot_avoid_restarts(stats, ax, avoid_restarts): 

58 """ 

59 Make a plot that shows how many iterations where required to solve to a point in time in the simulation. 

60 Also restarts are shown as vertical lines. 


62 Args: 

63 stats (pySDC.stats): The stats object of the run 

64 ax: Somewhere to plot 

65 avoid_restarts (bool): Whether the `avoid_restarts` option was set in order to choose a color 


67 Returns: 

68 None 

69 """ 

70 sweeps = get_sorted(stats, type='sweeps', recomputed=None) 

71 restarts = get_sorted(stats, type='restart', recomputed=None) 


73 color = 'blue' if avoid_restarts else 'red' 

74 ls = ':' if not avoid_restarts else '-.' 

75 label = 'with' if avoid_restarts else 'without' 


77 ax.plot([me[0] for me in sweeps], np.cumsum([me[1] for me in sweeps]), color=color, label=f'{label} avoid_restarts') 

78 [ax.axvline(me[0], color=color, ls=ls) for me in restarts if me[1]] 


80 ax.set_xlabel(r'$t$') 

81 ax.set_ylabel(r'$k$') 

82 ax.legend(frameon=False) 



85def run_vdp( 

86 custom_description=None, 

87 num_procs=1, 

88 Tend=10.0, 

89 hook_class=LogData, 

90 fault_stuff=None, 

91 custom_controller_params=None, 

92 use_MPI=False, 

93 **kwargs, 


95 """ 

96 Run a van der Pol problem with default parameters. 


98 Args: 

99 custom_description (dict): Overwrite presets 

100 num_procs (int): Number of steps for MSSDC 

101 Tend (float): Time to integrate to 

102 hook_class (pySDC.Hook): A hook to store data 

103 fault_stuff (dict): A dictionary with information on how to add faults 

104 custom_controller_params (dict): Overwrite presets 

105 use_MPI (bool): Whether or not to use MPI 


107 Returns: 

108 dict: The stats object 

109 controller: The controller 

110 bool: If the code crashed 

111 """ 


113 # initialize level parameters 

114 level_params = {} 

115 level_params['dt'] = 1e-2 


117 # initialize sweeper parameters 

118 sweeper_params = {} 

119 sweeper_params['quad_type'] = 'RADAU-RIGHT' 

120 sweeper_params['num_nodes'] = 3 

121 sweeper_params['QI'] = 'LU' 


123 problem_params = { 

124 'mu': 5.0, 

125 'newton_tol': 1e-9, 

126 'newton_maxiter': 99, 

127 'u0': np.array([2.0, 0.0]), 

128 } 


130 # initialize step parameters 

131 step_params = {} 

132 step_params['maxiter'] = 4 


134 # initialize controller parameters 

135 controller_params = {} 

136 controller_params['logger_level'] = 30 

137 controller_params['hook_class'] = hook_collection + (hook_class if type(hook_class) == list else [hook_class]) 

138 controller_params['mssdc_jac'] = False 


140 if custom_controller_params is not None: 

141 controller_params = {**controller_params, **custom_controller_params} 


143 # fill description dictionary for easy step instantiation 

144 description = {} 

145 description['problem_class'] = vanderpol 

146 description['problem_params'] = problem_params 

147 description['sweeper_class'] = generic_implicit_efficient 

148 description['sweeper_params'] = sweeper_params 

149 description['level_params'] = level_params 

150 description['step_params'] = step_params 


152 if custom_description is not None: 

153 description = merge_descriptions(description, custom_description) 


155 # set time parameters 

156 t0 = 0.0 


158 # instantiate controller 

159 if use_MPI: 

160 from mpi4py import MPI 

161 from pySDC.implementations.controller_classes.controller_MPI import controller_MPI 


163 comm = kwargs.get('comm', MPI.COMM_WORLD) 

164 controller = controller_MPI(controller_params=controller_params, description=description, comm=comm) 


166 # get initial values on finest level 

167 P = controller.S.levels[0].prob 

168 uinit = P.u_exact(t0) 

169 else: 

170 controller = controller_nonMPI( 

171 num_procs=num_procs, controller_params=controller_params, description=description 

172 ) 


174 # get initial values on finest level 

175 P = controller.MS[0].levels[0].prob 

176 uinit = P.u_exact(t0) 


178 # insert faults 

179 if fault_stuff is not None: 

180 from pySDC.projects.Resilience.fault_injection import prepare_controller_for_faults 


182 prepare_controller_for_faults(controller, fault_stuff, {}, {}) 


184 # call main function to get things done... 

185 crash = False 

186 try: 

187 uend, stats =, t0=t0, Tend=Tend) 

188 except (ProblemError, ConvergenceError, ZeroDivisionError) as e: 

189 crash = True 

190 print(f'Warning: Premature termination: {e}') 

191 stats = controller.return_stats() 


193 return stats, controller, crash 



196def fetch_test_data(stats, comm=None, use_MPI=False): 

197 """ 

198 Get data to perform tests on from stats 


200 Args: 

201 stats (pySDC.stats): The stats object of the run 

202 comm (mpi4py.MPI.Comm): MPI communicator, or `None` for the non-MPI version 

203 use_MPI (bool): Whether or not MPI was used when generating stats 


205 Returns: 

206 dict: Key values to perform tests on 

207 """ 

208 types = ['error_embedded_estimate', 'restart', 'dt', 'sweeps', 'residual_post_step'] 

209 data = {} 

210 for type in types: 

211 if type not in get_list_of_types(stats): 

212 raise ValueError(f"Can't read type \"{type}\" from stats, only got", get_list_of_types(stats)) 


214 data[type] = [ 

215 me[1] for me in get_sorted(stats, type=type, recomputed=None, sortby='time', comm=comm if use_MPI else None) 

216 ] 


218 # add time 

219 data['time'] = [ 

220 me[0] for me in get_sorted(stats, type='u', recomputed=None, sortby='time', comm=comm if use_MPI else None) 

221 ] 

222 return data 



225def check_if_tests_match(data_nonMPI, data_MPI): 

226 """ 

227 Check if the data matches between MPI and nonMPI versions 


229 Args: 

230 data_nonMPI (dict): Key values to perform tests on obtained without MPI 

231 data_MPI (dict): Key values to perform tests on obtained with MPI 


233 Returns: 

234 None 

235 """ 

236 ops = [np.mean, np.min, np.max, len, sum] 

237 for type in data_nonMPI.keys(): 

238 for op in ops: 

239 val_nonMPI = op(data_nonMPI[type]) 

240 val_MPI = op(data_MPI[type]) 

241 assert np.isclose(val_nonMPI, val_MPI), ( 

242 f"Mismatch in operation {op.__name__} on type \"{type}\": with {data_MPI['size'][0]} ranks: " 

243 f"nonMPI: {val_nonMPI}, MPI: {val_MPI}" 

244 ) 

245 print(f'Passed with {data_MPI["size"][0]} ranks') 



248def mpi_vs_nonMPI(MPI_ready, comm): 

249 """ 

250 Check if MPI and non-MPI versions give the same output. 


252 Args: 

253 MPI_ready (bool): Whether or not we can use MPI at all 

254 comm (mpi4py.MPI.Comm): MPI communicator 


256 Returns: 

257 None 

258 """ 

259 if MPI_ready: 

260 size = comm.size 

261 rank = comm.rank 

262 use_MPI = [True, False] 

263 else: 

264 size = 1 

265 rank = 0 

266 use_MPI = [False, False] 


268 if rank == 0: 

269 print(f"Running with {size} ranks") 


271 custom_description = {'convergence_controllers': {}} 

272 custom_description['convergence_controllers'][Adaptivity] = {'e_tol': 1e-7, 'avoid_restarts': False} 


274 data = [{}, {}] 


276 for i in range(2): 

277 if use_MPI[i] or rank == 0: 

278 stats, controller, Tend = run_vdp( 

279 custom_description=custom_description, 

280 num_procs=size, 

281 use_MPI=use_MPI[i], 

282 Tend=1.0, 

283 comm=comm, 

284 ) 

285 data[i] = fetch_test_data(stats, comm, use_MPI=use_MPI[i]) 

286 data[i]['size'] = [size] 


288 if rank == 0: 

289 check_if_tests_match(data[1], data[0]) 



292def check_adaptivity_with_avoid_restarts(comm=None, size=1): 

293 """ 

294 Make a test if adaptivity with the option to avoid restarts based on a contraction factor estimate works as 

295 expected. 

296 To this end, we run the same test of the van der Pol equation twice with the only difference being this option 

297 turned off or on. 

298 We recorded how many iterations we expect to avoid by avoiding restarts and check against this value. 

299 Also makes a figure comparing the number of iterations over time. 


301 In principle there is an option to test MSSDC here, but this is only preliminary and needs to be checked further. 


303 Args: 

304 comm (mpi4py.MPI.Comm): MPI communicator, or `None` for the non-MPI version 

305 size (int): Number of steps for MSSDC, is overridden by communicator size if applicable 


307 Returns: 

308 None 

309 """ 

310 fig, ax = plt.subplots() 

311 custom_description = {'convergence_controllers': {}, 'level_params': {'dt': 1.0e-2}} 

312 custom_controller_params = {'all_to_done': False} 

313 results = {'e': {}, 'sweeps': {}, 'restarts': {}} 

314 size = comm.size if comm is not None else size 


316 for avoid_restarts in [True, False]: 

317 custom_description['convergence_controllers'][Adaptivity] = {'e_tol': 1e-7, 'avoid_restarts': avoid_restarts} 

318 stats, controller, Tend = run_vdp( 

319 custom_description=custom_description, 

320 num_procs=size, 

321 use_MPI=comm is not None, 

322 custom_controller_params=custom_controller_params, 

323 Tend=10.0e0, 

324 comm=comm, 

325 ) 

326 plot_avoid_restarts(stats, ax, avoid_restarts) 


328 # check error 

329 u = get_sorted(stats, type='u', recomputed=False)[-1] 

330 if comm is None: 

331 u_exact = controller.MS[0].levels[0].prob.u_exact(t=u[0]) 

332 else: 

333 u_exact = controller.S.levels[0].prob.u_exact(t=u[0]) 

334 results['e'][avoid_restarts] = abs(u[1] - u_exact) 


336 # check iteration counts 

337 results['sweeps'][avoid_restarts] = sum( 

338 [me[1] for me in get_sorted(stats, type='sweeps', recomputed=None, comm=comm)] 

339 ) 

340 results['restarts'][avoid_restarts] = sum([me[1] for me in get_sorted(stats, type='restart', comm=comm)]) 


342 fig.tight_layout() 

343 fig.savefig(f'data/vdp-{size}procs{"-use_MPI" if comm is not None else ""}-avoid_restarts.png') 


345 assert np.isclose(results['e'][True], results['e'][False], rtol=5.0), ( 

346 'Errors don\'t match with avoid_restarts and without, got ' 

347 f'{results["e"][True]:.2e} and {results["e"][False]:.2e}' 

348 ) 

349 if size == 1: 

350 assert results['sweeps'][True] - results['sweeps'][False] == 1301 - 1344, ( 

351 '{Expected to save 43 iterations ' 

352 f"with avoid_restarts, got {results['sweeps'][False] - results['sweeps'][True]}" 

353 ) 

354 assert results['restarts'][True] - results['restarts'][False] == 0 - 10, ( 

355 '{Expected to save 10 restarts ' 

356 f"with avoid_restarts, got {results['restarts'][False] - results['restarts'][True]}" 

357 ) 

358 print('Passed avoid_restarts tests with 1 process') 

359 if size == 4: 

360 assert results['sweeps'][True] - results['sweeps'][False] == 2916 - 3008, ( 

361 '{Expected to save 92 iterations ' 

362 f"with avoid_restarts, got {results['sweeps'][False] - results['sweeps'][True]}" 

363 ) 

364 assert results['restarts'][True] - results['restarts'][False] == 0 - 18, ( 

365 '{Expected to save 18 restarts ' 

366 f"with avoid_restarts, got {results['restarts'][False] - results['restarts'][True]}" 

367 ) 

368 print('Passed avoid_restarts tests with 4 processes') 



371def check_step_size_limiter(size=4, comm=None): 

372 """ 

373 Check the step size limiter convergence controller. 

374 First we run without step size limits and then enforce limits that are slightly above and below what the usual 

375 limits. Then we run again and see if we exceed the limits. 


377 Args: 

378 size (int): Number of steps for MSSDC 

379 comm (mpi4py.MPI.Comm): MPI communicator, or `None` for the non-MPI version 


381 Returns: 

382 None 

383 """ 

384 from pySDC.implementations.convergence_controller_classes.step_size_limiter import StepSizeLimiter 


386 custom_description = {'convergence_controllers': {}, 'level_params': {'dt': 1.0e-2}} 

387 expect = {} 

388 params = {'e_tol': 1e-6} 


390 for limit_step_sizes in [False, True]: 

391 if limit_step_sizes: 

392 params['dt_max'] = expect['dt_max'] * 0.9 

393 params['dt_min'] = np.inf 

394 params['dt_slope_max'] = expect['dt_slope_max'] * 0.9 

395 params['dt_slope_min'] = expect['dt_slope_min'] * 1.1 

396 custom_description['convergence_controllers'][StepSizeLimiter] = {'dt_min': expect['dt_min'] * 1.1} 

397 else: 

398 for k in ['dt_max', 'dt_min', 'dt_slope_max', 'dt_slope_min']: 

399 params.pop(k, None) 

400 custom_description['convergence_controllers'].pop(StepSizeLimiter, None) 


402 custom_description['convergence_controllers'][Adaptivity] = params 

403 stats, controller, Tend = run_vdp( 

404 custom_description=custom_description, 

405 num_procs=size, 

406 use_MPI=comm is not None, 

407 Tend=5.0e0, 

408 comm=comm, 

409 ) 


411 # plot the step sizes 

412 dt = get_sorted(stats, type='dt', recomputed=None, comm=comm) 


414 # make sure that the convergence controllers are only added once 

415 convergence_controller_classes = [type(me) for me in controller.convergence_controllers] 

416 for c in convergence_controller_classes: 

417 assert convergence_controller_classes.count(c) == 1, f'Convergence controller {c} added multiple times' 


419 dt_numpy = np.array([me[1] for me in dt]) 

420 if not limit_step_sizes: 

421 expect['dt_max'] = max(dt_numpy) 

422 expect['dt_min'] = min(dt_numpy) 

423 expect['dt_slope_max'] = max(dt_numpy[:-2] / dt_numpy[1:-1]) 

424 expect['dt_slope_min'] = min(dt_numpy[:-2] / dt_numpy[1:-1]) 

425 else: 

426 dt_max = max(dt_numpy) 

427 dt_min = min(dt_numpy[size:-size]) # The first and last step might fall below the limits 

428 dt_slope_max = max(dt_numpy[:-2] / dt_numpy[1:-1]) 

429 dt_slope_min = min(dt_numpy[:-2] / dt_numpy[1:-1]) 

430 assert ( 

431 dt_max <= expect['dt_max'] 

432 ), f"Exceeded maximum allowed step size! Got {dt_max:.4e}, allowed {params['dt_max']:.4e}." 

433 assert ( 

434 dt_min >= expect['dt_min'] 

435 ), f"Exceeded minimum allowed step size! Got {dt_min:.4e}, allowed {params['dt_min']:.4e}." 

436 assert ( 

437 dt_slope_max <= expect['dt_slope_max'] 

438 ), f"Exceeded maximum allowed step size slope! Got {dt_slope_max:.4e}, allowed {params['dt_slope_max']:.4e}." 

439 assert ( 

440 dt_slope_min >= expect['dt_slope_min'] 

441 ), f"Exceeded minimum allowed step size slope! Got {dt_slope_min:.4e}, allowed {params['dt_slope_min']:.4e}." 


443 assert ( 

444 dt_slope_max <= expect['dt_slope_max'] 

445 ), f"Exceeded maximum allowed step size slope! Got {dt_slope_max:.4e}, allowed {params['dt_slope_max']:.4e}." 

446 assert ( 

447 dt_slope_min >= expect['dt_slope_min'] 

448 ), f"Exceeded minimum allowed step size slope! Got {dt_slope_min:.4e}, allowed {params['dt_slope_min']:.4e}." 


450 if comm is None: 

451 print(f'Passed step size limiter test with {size} ranks in nonMPI implementation') 

452 else: 

453 if comm.rank == 0: 

454 print(f'Passed step size limiter test with {size} ranks in MPI implementation') 



457def interpolation_stuff(): # pragma: no cover 

458 """ 

459 Plot interpolation vdp with interpolation after a restart and compare it to other modes of adaptivity. 

460 """ 

461 from pySDC.implementations.convergence_controller_classes.interpolate_between_restarts import ( 

462 InterpolateBetweenRestarts, 

463 ) 

464 from pySDC.implementations.hooks.log_errors import LogLocalErrorPostStep 

465 from pySDC.implementations.hooks.log_work import LogWork 

466 from pySDC.helpers.plot_helper import figsize_by_journal 


468 fig, axs = plt.subplots(4, 1, figsize=figsize_by_journal('Springer_Numerical_Algorithms', 1.0, 1.0), sharex=True) 

469 restart_ax = axs[2].twinx() 


471 colors = ['black', 'red', 'blue'] 

472 labels = ['interpolate', 'regular', 'keep iterating'] 


474 for i in range(3): 

475 convergence_controllers = { 

476 Adaptivity: {'e_tol': 1e-7, 'dt_max': 9.0e-1}, 

477 } 

478 if i == 0: 

479 convergence_controllers[InterpolateBetweenRestarts] = {} 

480 if i == 2: 

481 convergence_controllers[Adaptivity]['avoid_restarts'] = True 


483 problem_params = { 

484 'mu': 5, 

485 } 


487 sweeper_params = { 

488 'QI': 'LU', 

489 } 


491 custom_description = { 

492 'convergence_controllers': convergence_controllers, 

493 'problem_params': problem_params, 

494 'sweeper_params': sweeper_params, 

495 } 


497 stats, controller, _ = run_vdp( 

498 custom_description=custom_description, 

499 hook_class=[LogLocalErrorPostStep, LogData, LogWork] + hook_collection, 

500 ) 


502 k = get_sorted(stats, type='work_newton') 

503 restarts = get_sorted(stats, type='restart') 

504 u = get_sorted(stats, type='u', recomputed=False) 

505 e_loc = get_sorted(stats, type='e_local_post_step', recomputed=False) 

506 dt = get_sorted(stats, type='dt', recomputed=False) 


508 axs[0].plot([me[0] for me in u], [me[1][1] for me in u], color=colors[i], label=labels[i]) 

509 axs[1].plot([me[0] for me in e_loc], [me[1] for me in e_loc], color=colors[i]) 

510 axs[2].plot([me[0] for me in k], np.cumsum([me[1] for me in k]), color=colors[i]) 

511 restart_ax.plot([me[0] for me in restarts], np.cumsum([me[1] for me in restarts]), color=colors[i], ls='--') 

512 axs[3].plot([me[0] for me in dt], [me[1] for me in dt], color=colors[i]) 


514 for ax in [axs[1], axs[3]]: 

515 ax.set_yscale('log') 

516 axs[0].set_ylabel(r'$u$') 

517 axs[1].set_ylabel(r'$e_\mathrm{local}$') 

518 axs[2].set_ylabel(r'Newton iterations') 

519 restart_ax.set_ylabel(r'restarts (dashed)') 

520 axs[3].set_ylabel(r'$\Delta t$') 

521 axs[3].set_xlabel(r'$t$') 

522 axs[0].legend(frameon=False) 

523 fig.tight_layout() 




527if __name__ == "__main__": 

528 import sys 


530 try: 

531 from mpi4py import MPI 


533 MPI_ready = True 

534 comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD 

535 size = comm.size 

536 except ModuleNotFoundError: 

537 MPI_ready = False 

538 comm = None 

539 size = 1 


541 if len(sys.argv) == 1: 

542 mpi_vs_nonMPI(MPI_ready, comm) 

543 check_step_size_limiter(size, comm) 


545 if size == 1: 

546 check_adaptivity_with_avoid_restarts(comm=None, size=1) 


548 elif 'mpi_vs_nonMPI' in sys.argv: 

549 mpi_vs_nonMPI(MPI_ready, comm) 

550 elif 'check_step_size_limiter' in sys.argv: 

551 check_step_size_limiter(MPI_ready, comm) 

552 elif 'check_adaptivity_with_avoid_restarts' and size == 1: 

553 check_adaptivity_with_avoid_restarts(comm=None, size=1) 

554 else: 

555 raise NotImplementedError('Your test is not implemented!')