Coverage for pySDC/projects/DAE/run/ 100%
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1import numpy as np
2import statistics
3import pickle
5from pySDC.implementations.controller_classes.controller_nonMPI import controller_nonMPI
6from pySDC.projects.DAE.problems.simpleDAE import SimpleDAE
7from pySDC.projects.DAE.sweepers.fullyImplicitDAE import FullyImplicitDAE
8from pySDC.projects.DAE.misc.hooksDAE import LogGlobalErrorPostStepDifferentialVariable
9from pySDC.helpers.stats_helper import get_sorted
10from pySDC.helpers.stats_helper import filter_stats
13def setup():
14 """
15 Routine to initialise iteration test parameters
16 """
18 # initialize level parameters
19 level_params = dict()
20 level_params['restol'] = -1
21 # Used for generating the first set of plots. Chose this because in the convergence plots the three collocation methods investigated had converged. Maybe too big? -> actually looked at results for different step sizes. There was no real difference.
22 # level_params['dt'] = 1e-3
23 level_params['dt'] = 1e-4
25 # This comes as read-in for the sweeper class
26 sweeper_params = dict()
27 sweeper_params['quad_type'] = 'RADAU-RIGHT'
29 # This comes as read-in for the problem class
30 problem_params = dict()
31 # Absolute termination tollerance for implicit solver
32 # Exactly how this is used can be adjusted in update_nodes() in the fully implicit sweeper
33 problem_params['newton_tol'] = 1e-7
35 # This comes as read-in for the step class
36 step_params = dict()
38 # initialize controller parameters
39 controller_params = dict()
40 controller_params['logger_level'] = 30
41 controller_params['hook_class'] = LogGlobalErrorPostStepDifferentialVariable
43 # Fill description dictionary for easy hierarchy creation
44 description = dict()
45 description['problem_class'] = SimpleDAE
46 description['problem_params'] = problem_params
47 description['sweeper_class'] = FullyImplicitDAE
48 description['sweeper_params'] = sweeper_params
49 description['level_params'] = level_params
50 description['step_params'] = step_params
52 # set simulation parameters
53 run_params = dict()
54 run_params['t0'] = 0.0
55 run_params['tend'] = 0.1
56 max_iter_low = 4
57 max_iter_high = 6
58 run_params['max_iter_list'] = list(range(max_iter_low, max_iter_high))
59 run_params['qd_list'] = ['IE', 'LU']
60 run_params['num_nodes_list'] = [3]
62 return description, controller_params, run_params
65def run(description, controller_params, run_params):
66 """
67 Routine to run simulation
68 """
69 conv_data = dict()
71 for qd_type in run_params['qd_list']:
72 description['sweeper_params']['QI'] = qd_type
73 conv_data[qd_type] = dict()
75 for num_nodes in run_params['num_nodes_list']:
76 description['sweeper_params']['num_nodes'] = num_nodes
77 conv_data[qd_type][num_nodes] = dict()
78 conv_data[qd_type][num_nodes]['error'] = np.zeros_like(run_params['max_iter_list'], dtype=float)
79 conv_data[qd_type][num_nodes]['residual'] = np.zeros_like(run_params['max_iter_list'], dtype=float)
80 conv_data[qd_type][num_nodes]['niter'] = np.zeros_like(run_params['max_iter_list'], dtype='int')
81 conv_data[qd_type][num_nodes]['max_iter'] = run_params['max_iter_list']
83 for i, max_iter in enumerate(run_params['max_iter_list']):
84 print('Working on Qdelta=%s -- num. nodes=%i -- max. iter.=%i' % (qd_type, num_nodes, max_iter))
85 description['step_params']['maxiter'] = max_iter
87 # instantiate the controller
88 controller = controller_nonMPI(
89 num_procs=1, controller_params=controller_params, description=description
90 )
91 # get initial values
92 P = controller.MS[0].levels[0].prob
93 uinit = P.u_exact(run_params['t0'])
95 # call main function to get things done...
96 uend, stats =, t0=run_params['t0'], Tend=run_params['tend'])
98 # compute exact solution and compare
99 err = get_sorted(stats, type='e_global_differential_post_step', sortby='time')
100 residual = get_sorted(stats, type='residual_post_step', sortby='time')
101 niter = filter_stats(stats, type='niter')
103 conv_data[qd_type][num_nodes]['error'][i] = np.linalg.norm([err[j][1] for j in range(len(err))], np.inf)
104 conv_data[qd_type][num_nodes]['residual'][i] = np.linalg.norm(
105 [residual[j][1] for j in range(len(residual))], np.inf
106 )
107 conv_data[qd_type][num_nodes]['niter'][i] = round(statistics.mean(niter.values()))
108 print(
109 "Error=",
110 conv_data[qd_type][num_nodes]['error'][i],
111 " Residual=",
112 conv_data[qd_type][num_nodes]['residual'][i],
113 )
115 return conv_data
118if __name__ == "__main__":
119 """
120 Routine to run simple differential-algebraic-equation example with various max iters, preconditioners and collocation node counts
121 In contrast to, in which max iters is set large enough to not be the limiting factor, max iters is varied for a fixed time step and the improvement in the error is measured
122 Error data is stored in a dictionary and then pickled for use with the routine
123 """
125 description, controller_params, run_params = setup()
126 conv_data = run(description, controller_params, run_params)
127 pickle.dump(conv_data, open("data/dae_iter_data.p", 'wb'))
128 print("Done")