Coverage for pySDC/projects/AllenCahn_Bayreuth/ 87%
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1import numpy as np
2from mpi4py import MPI
3from pySDC.core.hooks import Hooks
6class monitor(Hooks):
7 def __init__(self):
8 """
9 Initialization of Allen-Cahn monitoring
10 """
11 super(monitor, self).__init__()
13 self.init_radius = None
14 self.init_vol = None
15 self.ndim = None
16 self.corr_rad = None
17 self.corr_vol = None
19 self.comm = None
21 def pre_run(self, step, level_number):
22 """
23 Overwrite standard pre run hook
25 Args:
26 step (pySDC.Step.step): the current step
27 level_number (int): the current level number
28 """
29 super(monitor, self).pre_run(step, level_number)
30 L = step.levels[0]
32 # get space-communicator and data
33 self.comm = L.prob.comm
35 # get real space values
36 if L.prob.spectral:
37 tmp = L.prob.fft.backward(L.u[0])
38 else:
39 tmp = L.u[0][:]
40 self.ndim = len(tmp.shape)
42 # compute numerical radius and volume
43 # c_local = np.count_nonzero(tmp >= 0.5)
44 c_local = float(tmp[:].sum())
45 if self.comm is not None:
46 c_global = self.comm.allreduce(sendobj=c_local, op=MPI.SUM)
47 else:
48 c_global = c_local
49 if self.ndim == 3:
50 vol = c_global * L.prob.dx**3
51 radius = (vol / (np.pi * 4.0 / 3.0)) ** (1.0 / 3.0)
52 self.init_vol = np.pi * 4.0 / 3.0 * L.prob.radius**3
53 elif self.ndim == 2:
54 vol = c_global * L.prob.dx**2
55 radius = np.sqrt(vol / np.pi)
56 self.init_vol = np.pi * L.prob.radius**2
57 else:
58 raise NotImplementedError('Can use this only for 2 or 3D problems')
60 self.init_radius = L.prob.radius
61 self.corr_rad = self.init_radius / radius
62 self.corr_vol = self.init_vol / vol
63 radius *= self.corr_rad
64 vol *= self.corr_vol
66 # write to stats
67 if L.time == 0.0:
68 self.add_to_stats(
69 process=step.status.slot,
70 time=L.time,
71 level=-1,
72 iter=step.status.iter,
73 sweep=L.status.sweep,
74 type='computed_radius',
75 value=radius,
76 )
77 self.add_to_stats(
78 process=step.status.slot,
79 time=L.time,
80 level=-1,
81 iter=step.status.iter,
82 sweep=L.status.sweep,
83 type='exact_radius',
84 value=self.init_radius,
85 )
86 self.add_to_stats(
87 process=step.status.slot,
88 time=L.time,
89 level=-1,
90 iter=step.status.iter,
91 sweep=L.status.sweep,
92 type='computed_volume',
93 value=vol,
94 )
95 self.add_to_stats(
96 process=step.status.slot,
97 time=L.time,
98 level=-1,
99 iter=step.status.iter,
100 sweep=L.status.sweep,
101 type='exact_volume',
102 value=self.init_vol,
103 )
105 def post_step(self, step, level_number):
106 """
107 Overwrite standard post step hook
109 Args:
110 step (pySDC.Step.step): the current step
111 level_number (int): the current level number
112 """
113 super(monitor, self).post_step(step, level_number)
115 # some abbreviations
116 L = step.levels[0]
118 # get real space values
119 if L.prob.spectral:
120 tmp = L.prob.fft.backward(L.uend)
121 else:
122 tmp = L.uend[:]
124 # compute numerical radius and volume
125 # c_local = np.count_nonzero(tmp >= 0.5)
126 # c_local = float(tmp[tmp > 2 * L.prob.eps].sum())
127 c_local = float(tmp[:].sum())
128 if self.comm is not None:
129 c_global = self.comm.allreduce(sendobj=c_local, op=MPI.SUM)
130 else:
131 c_global = c_local
133 if self.ndim == 3:
134 vol = c_global * L.prob.dx**3
135 radius = (vol / (np.pi * 4.0 / 3.0)) ** (1.0 / 3.0)
136 exact_vol = np.pi * 4.0 / 3.0 * (max(self.init_radius**2 - 4.0 * (L.time + L.dt), 0)) ** (3.0 / 2.0)
137 exact_radius = (exact_vol / (np.pi * 4.0 / 3.0)) ** (1.0 / 3.0)
138 elif self.ndim == 2:
139 vol = c_global * L.prob.dx**2
140 radius = np.sqrt(vol / np.pi)
141 exact_vol = np.pi * max(self.init_radius**2 - 2.0 * (L.time + L.dt), 0)
142 exact_radius = np.sqrt(exact_vol / np.pi)
143 else:
144 raise NotImplementedError('Can use this only for 2 or 3D problems')
146 radius *= self.corr_rad
147 vol *= self.corr_vol
149 # write to stats
150 self.add_to_stats(
151 process=step.status.slot,
152 time=L.time + L.dt,
153 level=-1,
154 iter=step.status.iter,
155 sweep=L.status.sweep,
156 type='computed_radius',
157 value=radius,
158 )
159 self.add_to_stats(
160 process=step.status.slot,
161 time=L.time + L.dt,
162 level=-1,
163 iter=step.status.iter,
164 sweep=L.status.sweep,
165 type='exact_radius',
166 value=exact_radius,
167 )
168 self.add_to_stats(
169 process=step.status.slot,
170 time=L.time + L.dt,
171 level=-1,
172 iter=step.status.iter,
173 sweep=L.status.sweep,
174 type='computed_volume',
175 value=vol,
176 )
177 self.add_to_stats(
178 process=step.status.slot,
179 time=L.time + L.dt,
180 level=-1,
181 iter=step.status.iter,
182 sweep=L.status.sweep,
183 type='exact_volume',
184 value=exact_vol,
185 )