Source code for implementations.datatype_classes.fenics_mesh
import dolfin as df
from pySDC.core.errors import DataError
class fenics_mesh(object):
FEniCS Function data type with arbitrary dimensions
values (np.ndarray): contains the ndarray of the values
def __init__(self, init=None, val=0.0):
Initialization routine
init: can either be a FunctionSpace or another fenics_mesh object
val: initial value (default: 0.0)
DataError: if init is none of the types above
# if init is another fenic_mesh, do a deepcopy (init by copy)
if isinstance(init, type(self)):
self.values = init.values.copy(deepcopy=True)
# if init is FunctionSpace, create mesh object with val as initial value
elif isinstance(init, df.Function):
self.values = init.copy(deepcopy=True)
elif isinstance(init, df.FunctionSpace):
self.values = df.Function(init)
self.values.vector()[:] = val
raise DataError('something went wrong during %s initialization' % type(init))
def __add__(self, other):
Overloading the addition operator for mesh types
other (fenics_mesh): mesh object to be added
DataError: if other is not a mesh object
fenics_mesh: sum of caller and other values (self+other)
if isinstance(other, type(self)):
# always create new mesh, since otherwise c = a + b changes a as well!
me = fenics_mesh(other)
me.values.vector()[:] = self.values.vector()[:] + other.values.vector()[:]
return me
raise DataError("Type error: cannot add %s to %s" % (type(other), type(self)))
def __sub__(self, other):
Overloading the subtraction operator for mesh types
other (fenics_mesh): mesh object to be subtracted
DataError: if other is not a mesh object
fenics_mesh: differences between caller and other values (self-other)
if isinstance(other, type(self)):
# always create new mesh, since otherwise c = a - b changes a as well!
me = fenics_mesh(other)
me.values.vector()[:] = self.values.vector()[:] - other.values.vector()[:]
return me
raise DataError("Type error: cannot subtract %s from %s" % (type(other), type(self)))
def __rmul__(self, other):
Overloading the right multiply by factor operator for mesh types
other (float): factor
DataError: if other is not a float
fenics_mesh: copy of original values scaled by factor
if isinstance(other, float):
# always create new mesh, since otherwise c = f*a changes a as well!
me = fenics_mesh(self)
me.values.vector()[:] = other * self.values.vector()[:]
return me
raise DataError("Type error: cannot multiply %s to %s" % (type(other), type(self)))
def __abs__(self):
Overloading the abs operator for mesh types
float: absolute maximum of all mesh values
# take absolute values of the mesh values
absval = df.norm(self.values, 'L2')
# return maximum
return absval
class rhs_fenics_mesh(object):
RHS data type for fenics_meshes with implicit and explicit components
This data type can be used to have RHS with 2 components (here implicit and explicit)
impl (fenics_mesh): implicit part
expl (fenics_mesh): explicit part
def __init__(self, init, val=0.0):
Initialization routine
init: can either be a tuple (one int per dimension) or a number (if only one dimension is requested)
or another rhs_imex_mesh object
val (float): an initial number (default: 0.0)
DataError: if init is none of the types above
# if init is another rhs_imex_mesh, do a deepcopy (init by copy)
if isinstance(init, type(self)):
self.impl = fenics_mesh(init.impl)
self.expl = fenics_mesh(init.expl)
# if init is a number or a tuple of numbers, create mesh object with None as initial value
elif isinstance(init, df.FunctionSpace):
self.impl = fenics_mesh(init, val=val)
self.expl = fenics_mesh(init, val=val)
# something is wrong, if none of the ones above hit
raise DataError('something went wrong during %s initialization' % type(self))
def __sub__(self, other):
Overloading the subtraction operator for rhs types
other (rhs_fenics_mesh): rhs object to be subtracted
DataError: if other is not a rhs object
rhs_fenics_mesh: differences between caller and other values (self-other)
if isinstance(other, rhs_fenics_mesh):
# always create new rhs_imex_mesh, since otherwise c = a - b changes a as well!
me = rhs_fenics_mesh(self)
me.impl = self.impl - other.impl
me.expl = self.expl - other.expl
return me
raise DataError("Type error: cannot subtract %s from %s" % (type(other), type(self)))
def __add__(self, other):
Overloading the addition operator for rhs types
other (rhs_fenics_mesh): rhs object to be added
DataError: if other is not a rhs object
rhs_fenics_mesh: sum of caller and other values (self-other)
if isinstance(other, rhs_fenics_mesh):
# always create new rhs_imex_mesh, since otherwise c = a + b changes a as well!
me = rhs_fenics_mesh(self)
me.impl = self.impl + other.impl
me.expl = self.expl + other.expl
return me
raise DataError("Type error: cannot add %s to %s" % (type(other), type(self)))
def __rmul__(self, other):
Overloading the right multiply by factor operator for mesh types
other (float): factor
DataError: is other is not a float
rhs_fenics_mesh: copy of original values scaled by factor
if isinstance(other, float):
# always create new mesh, since otherwise c = f*a changes a as well!
me = rhs_fenics_mesh(self)
me.impl = other * self.impl
me.expl = other * self.expl
return me
raise DataError("Type error: cannot multiply %s to %s" % (type(other), type(self)))