Source code for core.step

import logging

from pySDC.core import level as levclass
from pySDC.core.base_transfer import BaseTransfer
from pySDC.core.errors import ParameterError
from pySDC.helpers.pysdc_helper import FrozenClass

# short helper class to add params as attributes
class _Pars(FrozenClass):
    def __init__(self, params):
        self.maxiter = None
        for k, v in params.items():
            setattr(self, k, v)
        # freeze class, no further attributes allowed from this point

# short helper class to bundle all status variables
class _Status(FrozenClass):
    This class carries the status of the step. All variables that the core SDC / PFASST functionality depend on are
    initialized here.

    def __init__(self):
        self.iter = None
        self.stage = None
        self.slot = None
        self.first = None
        self.last = None
        self.pred_cnt = None
        self.done = None
        self.force_done = None
        self.force_continue = False
        self.prev_done = None
        self.time_size = None
        self.diff_old_loc = None
        self.diff_first_loc = None
        # freeze class, no further attributes allowed from this point

[docs] class Step(FrozenClass): """ Step class, referencing most of the structure needed for the time-stepping This class bundles multiple levels and the corresponding transfer operators and is used by the controller (e.g. SDC and MLSDC). Status variables like the current time are hidden via properties and setters methods. Attributes: params (__Pars): parameters given by the user status (__Status): status class for the step logger: custom logger for step-related logging levels (list): list of levels """ def __init__(self, description): """ Initialization routine Args: description (dict): parameters given by the user, will be added as attributes """ # set params and status self.params = _Pars(description.get('step_params', {})) self.status = _Status() # set up logger self.logger = logging.getLogger('step') # empty attributes self.__transfer_dict = {} self.base_transfer = None self.levels = [] self.__prev = None self.__next = None # freeze class, no further attributes allowed from this point self._freeze() # create hierarchy of levels self.__generate_hierarchy(description) def __generate_hierarchy(self, descr): """ Routine to generate the level hierarchy for a single step This makes the explicit generation of levels in the frontend obsolete and hides a few dirty hacks here and there. Args: descr (dict): dictionary containing the description of the levels as list per key """ if 'dtype_u' in descr: raise ParameterError( 'Deprecated parameter dtype_u, please remove from description dictionary and specify ' 'directly in the problem class' ) if 'dtype_f' in descr: raise ParameterError( 'Deprecated parameter dtype_f, please remove from description dictionary and specify ' 'directly in the problem class' ) # assert the existence of all the keys we need to set up at least on level essential_keys = ['problem_class', 'sweeper_class', 'sweeper_params', 'level_params'] for key in essential_keys: if key not in descr: msg = 'need %s to instantiate step, only got %s' % (key, str(descr.keys())) self.logger.error(msg) raise ParameterError(msg) descr['problem_params'] = descr.get('problem_params', {}) # check if base_transfer class is specified descr['base_transfer_class'] = descr.get('base_transfer_class', BaseTransfer) # check if base_transfer parameters are needed descr['base_transfer_params'] = descr.get('base_transfer_params', {}) # check if space_transfer class is specified descr['space_transfer_class'] = descr.get('space_transfer_class', {}) # check if space_transfer parameters are needed descr['space_transfer_params'] = descr.get('space_transfer_params', {}) # convert problem-dependent parameters consisting of dictionary of lists to a list of dictionaries with only a # single entry per key, one dict per level pparams_list = self.__dict_to_list(descr['problem_params']) lparams_list = self.__dict_to_list(descr['level_params']) swparams_list = self.__dict_to_list(descr['sweeper_params']) # put this newly generated list into the description dictionary (copy to avoid changing the original one) descr_new = descr.copy() descr_new['problem_params'] = pparams_list descr_new['level_params'] = lparams_list descr_new['sweeper_params'] = swparams_list # generate list of dictionaries out of the description descr_list = self.__dict_to_list(descr_new) # sanity check: is there a base_transfer class? Is there one even if only a single level is specified? if len(descr_list) > 1 and not descr_new['space_transfer_class']: msg = 'need %s to instantiate step, only got %s' % ('space_transfer_class', str(descr_new.keys())) self.logger.error(msg) raise ParameterError(msg) if len(descr_list) == 1 and ( descr_new['space_transfer_class'] or descr_new['base_transfer_class'] is not BaseTransfer ): self.logger.warning('you have specified transfer classes, but only a single level') # generate levels, register and connect if needed for l in range(len(descr_list)): L = levclass.Level( problem_class=descr_list[l]['problem_class'], problem_params=descr_list[l]['problem_params'], sweeper_class=descr_list[l]['sweeper_class'], sweeper_params=descr_list[l]['sweeper_params'], level_params=descr_list[l]['level_params'], level_index=l, ) self.levels.append(L) if l > 0: self.connect_levels( base_transfer_class=descr_new['base_transfer_class'], base_transfer_params=descr_list[l]['base_transfer_params'], space_transfer_class=descr_list[l]['space_transfer_class'], space_transfer_params=descr_list[l]['space_transfer_params'], fine_level=self.levels[l - 1], coarse_level=self.levels[l], ) @staticmethod def __dict_to_list(in_dict): """ Straightforward helper function to convert dictionary of list to list of dictionaries Args: in_dict (dict): dictionary of lists Returns: list of dictionaries """ max_val = 1 for _, v in in_dict.items(): if type(v) is list: max_val = max(max_val, len(v)) else: pass ld = [{} for _ in range(max_val)] for d in range(len(ld)): for k, v in in_dict.items(): if type(v) is not list: ld[d][k] = v else: ld[d][k] = v[min(d, len(v) - 1)] return ld
[docs] def connect_levels( self, base_transfer_class, base_transfer_params, space_transfer_class, space_transfer_params, fine_level, coarse_level, ): """ Routine to couple levels with base_transfer operators Args: base_transfer_class: the class which can do transfer between the two space-time levels base_transfer_params (dict): parameters for the space_transfer class space_transfer_class: the user-defined class which can do spatial transfer space_transfer_params (dict): parameters for the base_transfer class fine_level (pySDC.Level.level): the fine level coarse_level (pySDC.Level.level): the coarse level """ # create new instance of the specific base_transfer class self.base_transfer = base_transfer_class( fine_level, coarse_level, base_transfer_params, space_transfer_class, space_transfer_params ) # use base_transfer dictionary twice to set restrict and prolong operator self.__transfer_dict[(fine_level, coarse_level)] = self.base_transfer.restrict if self.base_transfer.params.finter: self.__transfer_dict[(coarse_level, fine_level)] = self.base_transfer.prolong_f else: self.__transfer_dict[(coarse_level, fine_level)] = self.base_transfer.prolong
[docs] def transfer(self, source, target): """ Wrapper routine to ease the call of the transfer functions This function can be called in the multilevel stepper (e.g. MLSDC), passing a source and a target level. Using the transfer dictionary, the calling stepper does not need to specify whether to use restrict of prolong. Args: source (pySDC.Level.level): source level target (pySDC.Level.level): target level """ self.__transfer_dict[(source, target)]()
[docs] def reset_step(self): """ Routine so clean-up step structure and the corresp. levels for further uses """ # reset all levels for l in self.levels: l.reset_level()
[docs] def init_step(self, u0): """ Initialization routine for a new step. This routine uses initial values u0 to set up the u[0] values at the finest level Args: u0 (dtype_u): initial values """ assert len(self.levels) >= 1 assert len(self.levels[0].u) >= 1 # pass u0 to u[0] on the finest level 0 P = self.levels[0].prob self.levels[0].u[0] = P.dtype_u(u0)
@property def prev(self): """ Getter for previous step Returns: prev """ return self.__prev @prev.setter def prev(self, p): """ Setter for previous step Args: p: new previous step """ self.__prev = p @property def next(self): """ Getter for next step Returns: prev """ return self.__next @next.setter def next(self, p): """ Setter for next step Args: p: new next step """ self.__next = p @property def dt(self): """ Getter for current time-step size Returns: float: dt of level[0] """ return self.levels[0].dt @property def time(self): """ Getter for current time Returns: float: time of level[0] """ return self.levels[0].time