Source code for core.errors

[docs] class DataError(Exception): """ Error Class handling/indicating problems with data types """ pass
[docs] class ParameterError(Exception): """ Error Class handling/indicating problems with parameters (mostly within dictionaries) """ pass
[docs] class UnlockError(Exception): """ Error class handling/indicating unlocked levels """ pass
[docs] class CollocationError(Exception): """ Error class handling/indicating problems with the collocation """ pass
[docs] class ConvergenceError(Exception): """ Error class handling/indicating problems with convergence """ pass
[docs] class TransferError(Exception): """ Error class handling/indicating problems with the transfer processes """ pass
[docs] class CommunicationError(Exception): """ Error class handling/indicating problems with the communication """ pass
[docs] class ControllerError(Exception): """ Error class handling/indicating problems with the controller """ pass
[docs] class ProblemError(Exception): """ Error class handling/indicating problems with the problem classes """ pass
[docs] class ReadOnlyError(Exception): # pragma: no cover """ Exception thrown when setting a read-only class attribute """ def __init__(self, name): super().__init__(f'cannot set read-only attribute {name}')